The following are research topics we are currently working on or have been in the past. Follow the links to read our research spotlights or relevant papers.
Wood Structures and Bio-Based Building Materials
- Research Spotlight: Massive cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels from low-value northeastern woods (Clouston)
- Research Spotlight: Wood-Concrete Composite Systems (Clouston, Schreyer)
- Performance of a nailplate-based Wood-Concrete Composite system (Clouston, Schreyer)
- Shear strength analysis of a glued Wood Concrete Composite System (Clouston, Schreyer)
- Long-term testing of a wood-concrete bridge in situ in New England (Clouston, Schreyer)
- Computer modeling of Structural Composite Lumber strength properties (Clouston)
Bamboo in Structures
- A Low-technology approach toward development of laminated bamboo lumber (Mahdavi, Clouston and Arwade)
- Development of Laminated Bamboo Lumber: a review of processing, performance and economical considerations (Mahdavi, Clouston and Arwade)
- Bio-mimicry of natural materials for structural applications (Clouston)
Energy Diagnostics
- Research Spotlight: Interactive 3D Visualization of Building Envelope Systems Using Infrared Thermography and SketchUp (Schreyer, Hoque)
- Evaluation of retrofit measures (Weil)
Energy Performance and Green Building
- Research Spotlight: Energy analysis of historically significant buildings from the Modernist period (Hoque, Fiocchi, Page)
- Performance measures for residential energy analysis (Hoque, Weil, Wood)
- Evaluation of energy simulation tools (Hoque)
- Computer modeling of building energy use (Hoque)
- Towards zero energy aquaculture facilities (Damery, Danylchuk, Hoque, Hollingsworth)
Architectural/Engineering/Construction (AEC) Digital Planning and Visualization
- Research Spotlight: Digital design tools for CAD and BIM (Schreyer)
- Interactive 3D visualization of buildings and built environments (Schreyer)
- Crowdsourcing of geo-referenced information for decision support (Schreyer)
Building Materials and Natural Resources Economics and Marketing
- Sustainable use of woody biomass as a renewable alternative to gasoline (Damery, Catanzaro, Blanchard)
- Economic Viability of Land Ownership in the Deerfield Watershed of western Massachusetts (Damery, Catanzaro)
- Economic Impact Analysis of Regional Bioenergy Development (Damery)