The Building and Construction Technology program continues to grow and provide well-educated professional graduates who are tomorrow’s leaders in the field of sustainable design and construction of the built environment.
Our program relies for support partially on state-funding, but significantly on student tuition and fees, research grants, and development funds from alumni and industry. Donation support is critical in meeting the operating needs of the program’s faculty and student’s alike.

As an example, your funding supports student and faculty attendance at conferences and trade shows, which enables them to maintain close connections with industry and the latest developments in the field. It also helps acquire equipment for our teaching laboratories by providing updated testing and analysis systems, which allows our students to learn using the latest in technology. Our BCT alumni have also established a scholarship fund to which you can contribute and whose scholarships directly benefit our current students.
Click the button below to go to the UMassGives webpage where you can make your secure online donation. Give as little as $50 or as much as $5,000. Your tax-deductible contribution is always greatly appreciated!