The start of a new semester brings with it a new series of public lectures. We are happy to announce the four speakers mentioned below, who will present on various current topics in the built environment as part of our Spring BCT Lecture Series.

All lectures are open to the public and are held on Mondays from 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm in the Olver Design Building Room 170. Attendees can get continuing education credits (AIA/USGBC). Zoom options will be available, too.

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Lecture series poster


Introduction to Lean Project Delivery
Kate Simons, Senior Preconstruction Manager, DOC
02.12.24 | 4:00-5:15pm | Olver Design Building Room 170

Becoming a Realtor as a Construction Professional
Tanya Vital-Basile and Kevin Moore, Executive Real Estate
03.11.24 | 4:00-5:15pm | Olver Design Building Room 170

Evolution of Carbon Accounting Tools Over a Decade
Diana Andrea Brito Picciotto, Ph.D. Candidate in Sustainable Building Systems
04.08.24 | 4:00-5:15pm | Olver Design Building Room 170

Don’t Do Stupid Things
Joseph Lstiburek, Founding Principal of Building Science Corporation & ASHRAE Fellow
05.06.24 | 4:00-5:15pm | Olver Design Building Room 170

Free and Open to All

You can find the calendar entries for these here: