We now have a very capable calendar system on the BCT website. It basically looks like this:

New BCT calendar

Instead of looking at it as a picture, you can also check out the live calendar here:


What makes it even better than sliced bread is that you can subscribe to calendar events (using iCal) with any calendar software you are using, keeping you always up-to-date. To do so, find the “subscribe” button on the bottom of the calendar page. This lets you subscribe to all of the posted events (including the official UMass events). If you would like to filter events (e.g. show only BCT events), then make sure you filter them first before you subscribe to the calendar. To filter, select the relevant categories in the drop-down menu on top:

Filter calendar

With some calendar software, you need to manually enter an iCal URL to subscribe to a calendar. In that case, right-click on the “subscribe” button below the BCT calendar and copy the URL that way.