From now to October 28th, 2017, UMass students, faculty, and the general public are invited to visit the UMass Design Building Gallery during opening hours (9am – 4pm on weekdays) to view BCT’s latest exhibition on all things related to “False Color” visualizations. Showcasing work by our faculty and graduate students, this exhibition visually (and interactively) explores the various technologies of our research: stress analysis, energy analysis, thermography, laser scanning, and more…

BCT would like to especially thank Trimble Inc. for their support through our Trimble Technology Lab. We are also tremendously grateful to Peter Chrzanowski, Sharon Mehrman, and Alexander Okscin for their invaluable hands-on help in putting this exhibition together.

The following synopsis explains our thoughts on this exhibition:

As engineers, scientists and designers we are often faced with data that is not immediately comprehensible in its raw form, consisting solely of numeric values and ranges. Either the volume of such data is too large to lend itself to easy evaluation or it is too limited to understand it in its context.

As a remedy, we can use color to visualize such data. Using False Color images that map entire color palettes relative to the spread of given data points, we are able to see through walls, evaluate temperatures and examine gradations of stress and strain deep inside a structural member. This mapping of quantifiable characteristics onto the surfaces and structures that make up the built environment then leads to the visual symphony of color presented here.

False Color showcases various research and teaching projects from faculty and students in Building and Construction Technology as well as the Building Systems graduate concentration in Environmental Conservation.

Below are some impressions of the exhibition space:

How did we put this exhibit together? In case you want to know, here is the time lapse of our day of hanging pictures and grid shells,…