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Wood Design Studio

Number: BCT 597F
Credits: 1
Format: In person

Semester: Spring
Meeting Times: not currently offered
Room: Olver Design Building TBD

LMS Link


Peggi Clouston,
Ph.D., M.A.Sc., B.A.Sc., P.Eng.

Professor & Graduate Concentration Coordinator, Building Systems concentration

Office: 316 Olver Design Building
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1884

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Course Description

*Currently Not Offered

Wood Design Studio empowers students to design, build, and physically test their own ideas to solve construction related building problems. The course follows an inquiry-based learning format where students explore questions, develop and research hypotheses, reflect on their own learning and gain a deeper understanding of course concepts to become better critical thinkers.  Course topics include fundamental engineering concepts such as: composite action, moment connections, joist stress, and compression arches. While learning about exciting and new composite materials (like laminated veneer bamboo and Cross Laminated Timber), this course is a great resume builder and a fun introduction to materials research and technical communication. The intent of the course is to develop learners who will become the next generation of innovators.

Learning Goals

  • be familiar with structural failure behavior of wood and wood composites
  • understand fundamental engineering concepts (like composite action and internal beam stress)
  • hone questioning and critical problem-solving skills
  • work productively in teams
  • have a foundation of basic approaches for performing scientific materials research
  • Introduction to wood shop and wood mechanics lab machines


None required

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