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Sustainable Building & LEED Certification

Number: BCT 414
Credits: 3
Format: In person, Online, UWW (CPE), Amherst

Semester: Winter, Spring, Summer 2
Meeting Times: Mon, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm, online (winter & summer)
Room: Olver Design Building 162

LMS Link


Ho-Sung Kim,

Senior Lecturer & Chief Undergraduate Advisor

Office: Olver Design Building 320
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1970

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Course Description

Combined section with ECO 614

The LEED Professional Credentials indicate professional excellence and a strong depth of knowledge as well as practical understanding of the LEED Rating Systems and how they apply to the high-performance design and construction of the built environment. Preparing to take the LEED Green Associate and AP exams requires more than taking one course; it is a process that involves the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge and understanding of complex building and environmental systems. This course introduces the core concepts of the USGBC LEED Rating Systems and assists students in study and preparation for the LEED Green Associate exam.

Learning Goals

  • Investigate LEED rating system requirements for the construction, operation, maintenance, and life cycle of sustainable buildings.
  • Critically assess the requirements for the construction, operation, maintenance, and life cycle of sustainable buildings.
  • Compare and contrast LEED certified versus conventional construction and its impact on people and the environment.


LEED core concepts guide: an introduction to LEED and green building, 3rd Edition (2014). U.S. Green Building Council, Washington, DC. ISBN 978-1932444322.

LEED reference guide for building design and construction (2013). U.S. Green Building Council, Washington, DC. ISBN 978-1932444186.

McCombs, H. (2014). LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation Guide, LEED v4 Edition. American Technical Publishers, Orland Park, IL. ISBN 978-0826912947.

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