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Readings in Sustainable Building Systems

Number: ECO 692S
Credits: 3
Format: In person, Online, UWW (CPE)

Semester: Fall
Meeting Times: Mon, 1:25 - 2:15
Room: Olver Design Building 162 / Online

LMS Link


Alexander Schreyer,
M.A.Sc., Dipl.-Ing.

Senior Lecturer and BCT Program Director

Office: Olver Design Building 318
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1976

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Benjamin Weil,
Ph.D., M.A., B.A.

Extension Assistant Professor, Extension Program in Building Energy

Office: Olver Design Building 321
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1820

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Peggi Clouston,
Ph.D., M.A.Sc., B.A.Sc., P.Eng.

Professor & Graduate Concentration Coordinator, Building Systems concentration

Office: 316 Olver Design Building
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1884

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Ho-Sung Kim,

Senior Lecturer & Chief Undergraduate Advisor

Office: Olver Design Building 320
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1970

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

L. Carl Fiocchi,
Ph.D., M.Arch., B.A.

SR. Lecturer & Chief Professional Masters Advisor

Office: Olver Design Building 337
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1866

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Fernando Romero,


Office: Olver Design Building 328
Phone: (413) 545-8863

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn



Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Course Description

Students in this course will read and discuss current publications that span the entire field of our graduate program. Regularly scheduled discussions will be led by each member of our graduate faculty. This course provides an overview of the breadth and an introduction to the depth of research in our field and serves as a primer for all our graduate students.

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Learning Goals

  • To gain a broad understanding relating sustainability to buildings, construction, and technology in the built environment.
  • To explore the roles that planning, design, construction and operation of the built environment can have in achieving sustainability goals.
  • To be exposed to the range of areas of research and specialization within the fields of building science, structural and materials engineering, sustainable design, construction management, and digital design and fabrication.
  • To enhance and sharpen skill in close reading and synthesis of professional and scientific literature in the fields related to building systems and sustainability.
  • To enhance analysis skills and use a variety of forms of evidence to make arguments and critically assess those presented by others.
  • To enhance skills and tools for communicating about buildings, sustainability, construction, and technology in the built environment.


  • See Moodle, no textbook required.

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