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Jobs and Professional Life in BCT

Number: BCT 492A
Credits: 1
Format: In person, Online

Semester: Spring
Meeting Times: Fri, 11:15 - 12:05
Room: Olver Design Building 162

LMS Link


Alexander Schreyer,
M.A.Sc., Dipl.-Ing.

Senior Lecturer and BCT Program Director

Office: Olver Design Building 318
Phone: +1 (413) 545-1976

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Fernando Romero,


Office: Olver Design Building 328
Phone: (413) 545-8863

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Course Description

BCT students approaching graduation learn to prepare for their professional life by editing their resumes, writing cover letters, developing relevant interviewing skills and starting to network effectively with industry leaders. Each week a different business professional meets with students in this class to discuss careers in the industry. Many speakers are also potential employers who are accepting resumes and may conduct interviews.

Can be taken as Junior or Senior in BCT. Co-requisite with BCT 494BI courses (if not taken previously).

Learning Goals

  • Conduct guided editing and writing of resumes and other job-application related documents, including online profiles.
  • Attend guest presentations by professionals and learn about industry, corporate culture, and careers.
  • Understand value of professional networking and learn about techniques.
  • Attain knowledge of various professional opportunities and career paths.
  • Understand importance of professional ethics and appropriate conduct.


HBR Guide to Networking, Harvard Business Review

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