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Construction Project Management

Number: BCT 353
Credits: 3
Format: Amherst

Semester: Fall
Meeting Times: Mon, Wed, 2:30-3:45
Room: Olver Design Building 162

LMS Link


Fernando Romero,


Office: Olver Design Building 328
Phone: (413) 545-8863

Office Hours | Faculty Page | LinkedIn

Course Description

This course introduces advanced business concepts relevant for managing design and construction projects. Topics covered are: Organization and participants in construction projects, delivery methods, bidding and procurement, construction processes, concurrency of project costs and schedules, project control and risk management, as well as legal, contractual, and ethical aspects of construction. Life-cycle costs, time value of money, and managerial and leadership topics will be discussed, as well as interpersonal communication and professional conduct. Sustainability impacts on construction and decision making will be discussed.

Learning Goals

The Construction Management and Senior Assignment class covers project management techniques related to construction business organization, project delivery methods, cost control, time management, quality control, labor, bidding and procurement, contracts, ethics, and risk management.  BCT students complete their Senior Assignment Project during this course. 

The goals of the Construction Project Management course are to:

  1. Successfully apply business and management skills in positions within the construction industry.
  2. Apply technical skills and knowledge in mathematics, science, construction, and technology in support of planning, analyzing, and solving construction problems. 
  3. Use industry resources including associations and organizations, professional publications, and governmental data to analyze, evaluate, and apply current trends within the industry. 
  4. Practice informed decision-making in personal and professional endeavors. 
  5. Manage a quality construction project from start to completion while maintaining a budget, schedule, and safety requirements. 
  6. Analyze, evaluate, and select computer applications for the purpose of efficient and effective project management.
  7. Apply professional and ethical standards of behavior in dealing with all stakeholders in the construction process.

Course Schedule - (Subject to change)

Construction Industry Overview / Example Firms

Project Participants

Organization and Leading the Construction Project

Project Delivery Methods

Project Chronology/Life-cycle

Construction Services During Design

Bidding and Procurement

Construction and Closeout

Estimating Project Costs

Project Planning and Scheduling

Controlling Project Cost, Time and Quality

Project Administration

Project Risk Management         


Senior Project Presentations


Construction Project Management, 4th Edition, Gould, F.E., and Joyce, N.E. (2014) Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-2787724-4

Newman, D.G., Eschenbach, T.G., and Lavelle, J.P., 2012, Engineering Economic Analysis, 12th Ed., Oxford University Press

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