FPS student group wins award

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada -   The University of Massachusetts Forest Products Society Student Chapter has received an Outstanding Student Performance Award that was presented at the 59th International Convention – Quebec, Canada at the Official Luncheon held on Monday, June 20th. Dave Damery, faculty liaison, accepted the award, commemorated by a handsome plaque (wood of course!).  Section officers named on the plaque are  Michael Breor, Walter Pawlowski, Don Smith and Jean Augustin.  The student chapter was one of just 4 chapters nationwide to receive an award. Performance criteria for the award included: membership, meetings, educational meetings, and additional activities including public service. The BMATWT student chapter built and now maintains the much-used benches and planters at the entrance to Holdsworth.  They participated in several recruiting activities for the department including the NRE College Day, Undeclared Majors Fair, and others....
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BCT Students Model UMass for Google Earth

Students: Various from BMATWT 497C plus students from Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (LARP) as well as Architecture+Design (A+D) Faculty Sponsor: Alexander Schreyer Project Type: Class & extracurricular Year: 2007-2010 A group of students from the UMass programs of Building Materials and Wood Technology (BMATWT), Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (LARP) as well as Architecture+Design (A+D) under the supervision of Alexander Schreyer, Faculty member in Building Materials and Wood Technology and Architecture+Design, have created a 3-dimensional model of almost all buildings on the Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts. In total, approximately 100 buildings were modeled in Google SketchUp, a freely available 3-dimensional CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software and then exported to Google Earth, a free GIS-based (Geographic Information System) terrain-viewer. The campus buildings will be available in Google Earth through the “3D Buildings” layer later this summer. This 3D-model can be used for visualization of new campus planning, visitor orientation, “dorm previews” for incoming students and much more.The process of creating the digital models involved first the drawing of...
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Learn More About our New Masters Option in Green Building

Starting soon, we will be offering a professional Master's option in Green Building. At this point, this program is currently pending approval by the university senate. It will not be offered until approval is granted. In the meantime, feel free to inquire with us so that we can let you know when you can enroll. Description: Sustainable living is a vital issue on many people’s minds today. Mainstream public and politicians alike have resolved to reduce pollution and waste and reverse global warming. This is particularly true for those in the building industry, whose daily decisions have a critical impact on the health and well-being of the community and the environment. Building accounts for approximately 40% of U.S. primary energy consumption (USDOE 2004) Green Building is a world-wide movement to create cleaner and more energy efficient buildings. From energy and water sustainability to recycling of dumpster debris, the potential...
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