Two students studying

In BCT we are first and foremost committed to our students’ academic success. Once you join the major, you get presented with a clear path through our curriculum and towards graduation and a successful future in the various building industries that we serve.

If you are a student in our BCT major or interested in joining the major, follow the steps below to get the information you need to succeed.

Step 1: Got a General Question? Check our Chatbot First

Let our chatbot point you in the right direction if you are trying to find general information or if you want to look something up. Look for this icon at the bottom of your screen.

Step 2: Read About the Major & Our Requirements

You can learn more about our program on these pages:

BCT Major Description – Provides general information about the BCT major.

Interested in joining? Check out this link.

Program Requirements – A handy checklist of our program requirements.

 Sample Schedules – A set of sample 4-year schedules that can guide your course selection.

 Curriculum Plan – A guide for creating your own curriculum plan (e.g. for the mandatory BCT 192A class).

 How to Read Your ARR – Confused by the Academic Requirements Report on Spire? Use this guide.

 BCT Courses Offered – A list of our courses.

 Internships and Co-Ops – Interested in doing an internship? Here are the details.

 Advising FAQs – You can find a lot of answers to common advising questions here.

Step 3: Got a Specific Question? Drop Us a Line

Use the handy contact form below if you have a question where you need our feedback. Just select the respective academic program from the dropdown.

Step 4: Need to Talk to an Advisor?

You can always reach our Chief Undergraduate Advisor and our faculty advisors and make 1:1 appointments on our BCT faculty page. Just look for the “Make Appointment” buttons there.

Advisors will at the least want to check in with their advisees mid-semester to review courses and plan for the upcoming semester(s). But you can make an appointment anytime you have a specific issue that you want to discuss.

P.S. Who is my Advisor?

You can find out who your primary academic advisor is by going to the Student Center on Spire. Their name and contact info is shown on the right side of the screen.