You can download your own BCT Curriculum Plan template here.

Use this document to schedule all your required and elective courses during your UMass career. The goal is to reach 120 credits with all University & BCT requirements satisfied.

Step One: Open both the Curriculum Plan and your Academic Requirement Plan (ARR in Spire) [Guidance on reading the ARR can be found here.]

Step Two: Fill in the courses you have already taken on the left, semester by semester, then color gray the requirements these course satisfy on the Course List to the right. (If you are a transfer student, simply list the total number of credits that have transferred, not each course course name by semester.) Your ARR will tell you which requirements have been satisfied and which are still needed.

Step Three: Fill in course you plan to take, making sure to add ALL the University  & BCT Requirements. Use an ‘o’ for “on plan” to keep track of these courses.

Step Four: Revise each year and share updates with you Advisor.