Use the form below to contact BCT regarding academics, extension questions and more. If you have a job offer for our students (for permanent, internship, or temporary employment), send it to us on our new Submit a Job page.
Fields marked with a * are mandatory. We respect your privacy and will not share your personal information with anyone.
Alternatively you can also contact our main office (Toby Barnes) or the BCT Program Director directly:
Toby Barnes
Departmental Assistant
O: 210B Olver Design Building
T: +1 (413) 545-0100
Alexander Schreyer
BCT Program Director
R: 318 Design Building
T: +1 (413) 545-1976
BCT Mailing Address
Building and Construction Technology Program
University of Massachusetts
210 Design Building
551 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-2901