Audition Information
The UMass Twirlers are chosen yearly by audition.
More info plus auditions can be set up through twirling coach Kristi Ochs at (@email).
Tricks to include: multiple spins, toss illusions, toss cartwheel or walkover, field tricks, 2 baton, 3 baton.
Meet the Twirlers!

Taylor Durant, Section Leader
Year: Senior
Major: Business Management, minor in Forestry
Hometown: Freetown, MA
Service to Band: Twirlers Section Leader; Audio/Visual Staff
Signature Twirls: Dance/flexibility trick

Allison Conners
Year: Senior
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Middleboro, MA
Service to Band: Twirlers Social Media Manager
Signature Twirls: Two-baton

Mia Bennett
Year: Senior
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Hometown: Middleboro, MA
Service to Band: History Staff
Signature Twirls: Variety catche

Lilly Barnett
Year: Junior
Major: Journalism and Political Science
Hometown: Fort Worth, TX
Service to Band: Travel Manager; Member of Tau Beta Sigma
Signature Twirls: Back neck rolls

Lea Mitchell
Year: Junior
Major: Public Health Sciences
Hometown: Chelmsford, MA
Service to Band: Twirlers Field Staff
Signature Twirls: Three-baton