Welcome to Band Day!
Each fall, dozens of high school bands join the University of Massachusetts Minuteman Marching Band, the Power and Class of New England, for a day of rehearsal and a thrilling halftime performance. Not only is this great fun for all participants, it offers high school musicians a glimpse of what it is like performing in front of a college audience.
This year, Band Day will be held on October 26th, 2024! Registration for band day is available, and the deadline to register is October 5th. Here is more information on this year's band day!
Band Day Schedule:
Band Directors' Meeting
Lunch Break
Re-enter Stadium
UMMB Postgame Performance
Information for Directors
- You register your band using the registration form above.
- You receive an email with the password for our Band Director Page, where you can find the music for your band.
- If you have trouble accessing the directors' page, please email @email
Buy tickets to the game to see the performance!
Color Guard and Twirlers
Color guard and twirler routines will be taught on Band Day during the morning rehearsal. Routines will be flashy and fun while being simple and repetitive to accommodate all skill levels. Dancers are also welcome and encouraged to participate.