Astronomy Alumni and PhD Theses
DeNigris, Nat
- "TolTEC: A New Multichroic Imaging Polarimeter for the Large Millimeter Telescope." Chair: G. Wilson
Betti, Sarah K.
- "Probing the Physical Mechanisms Responsible for Brown Dwarf and Giant Planet Formation." Chair: K. Follette
Sokol, Alyssa
- "The Coeval Mass Assembly of the Universe via Supermassive Black Hole Accretion and Star Formation in Galaxies." Chair: M. Yun
McKinney, Jed (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas, Austin, TX)
- "How Do Galaxies Form Their Stars Over Cosmic Time?" Chair: A. Pope
Kamienesky, Patrick
- "Dissecting the Most Extreme Starburst Events in the Universe with Gravitational Lensing." Chair: M. Yun
Huang, Shuiyao
- "A New Galactic Wind Model For Cosmological Simulations." Chair: N. Katz
Ji, Zhiyuan
- "The Physics Of Galaxy Quenching At Cosmic Noon Epoch." Chair: M. Giavalisco
Petersen, Michael (Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
- "The Non-linear Dynamics of Barred Galaxy Evolution in LCDM." Chair M. Weinberg
Butcher, Zhon
"The Bivariate Luminosity HI-Distriubition Function of Galaxies." Chair: S. Schneider
Gatches, Brandt (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cologne)
- "The Impact of Protostellar Feedback on Astrochemistry." Chair: S. Offner
Pokhrel, Riwaj (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toledo)
- "Observational Studies of Fragmentation in Molecular Clouds." Chair: R. Gutermuth
Lim, Seunghwan (CITA Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia)
Tang, Yuping (Postdoctoral Fellow, Chinese Academy of Sciences South America Center for Astronomy)
- "AzTEC Survey of the Central Molecular Zone: Modeling Dust Seds With Heirarchical Bayesian Analysis." Chair: G. Wilson
Grasha, Kathryn (Postdoctoral Fellow, ANU Australia)
"The Clustering of Young Stellar Clusters in Nearby Galaxies." Chair: D. Calzetti
Gim, Hansung (Postdoctoral Fellow, Montana State University)
Battisti, Andrew (Postdoctoral Fellow, ANU Australia)
"Ultraviolet to Infrared Star Formation Rate Tracers: Characterizing Dust Attenuation and Emission." Chair: D. Calzetti
Burchett, Joseph (Tenure Track Faculty, New Mexico State University)
"Environmentally Driven Galaxy Evolution and Quenching: Insights from the Low-redshift Circumgalactic Medium." Chair: T. Tripp
Lee, BoMee
- "Intrinsic characteristics of galaxies in the distant Universe: The correlation between galaxy morphology and star formation activity." Chair: M. Giavalisco
Kirkpatrick, Allison (Faculty, University of Kansas)
"The Effect of a Growing Black Hole on the Infrared Emission of Dusty Galaxies in the Distant Universe." Chair: A. Pope
Cybulski, J. Ryan (CVS Health, Boston, MA)
Lee, BoMee (Postdoctoral Fellow, IPAC/Caltech)
"Intrinsic characteristics of galaxies in the distant Universe: The correlation between galaxy morphology and star formation activity." Chair: M. Giavalisco
Roberts, Shawn (US Census Bureau)
"Astrophysical Accretion and Feedback: The Bayesian Linchpin of Theory and Observation." Chair: Q. D. Wang
Lu, Zhankui (Amazon)
Li, Yiming (Software Engineer, Bloomberg)
- "Measures of Star Formation Rates within Galaxies: the Impact of Diffuse Stellar Populations." Chair: D. Calzetti
Williams, Christina (NSF fellow, University of Arizona)
"On the Formation and Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies." Chair: M. Giavalisco
Alberts, Stacey (Assistant Research Professor, University of Arizona)
"Dusty Star Formation in Extreme Environments: Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters in the Distant Universe." Chair: A. Pope
Johnson, Seth (California State Government)
"Characterizing Distant Galaxies: Spectral Energy Distribution Analysis of X-ray Selected Star Forming Galaxies." Chair: G. Wilson
Guo, Yicheng (Faculty, University of Missouri)
"The Assembly of Galaxies over Cosmic Time." Chair: M. Giavalisco
Yoon, Ilsang (Staff Scientist NAASC/ALMA (VA))
"Baesian Anatomy of Galaxy Structure." Chair: M. Weinberg
Liu, Guilin (Faculty, USTC, Hefei, China)
"Exploring the Scaling Laws of Star Formation." Chair: D. Calzetti
Dong, Hui (postdoctoral fellow, IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain)
"Infrared and X-ray studies of the Galactic Center." Chair: Q. D. Wang
Hong, Sungryong (Researcher, KIAA, Seoul, Korea)
"Constraining Stellar Feedback: Ionized Gas Structures in Local Starburst Galaxies." Chair: D. Calzetti
Chen, Yuxi (IBM)
"Color-magnitude relation and morphology of ULIRGs from z~0 to z~1." Chair: J. Lowenthal
Song, Limin (fellow, Mayo Clinic)
"High-Resolution Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Gas in Galaxy Halos and Large-Scale Structures." Chair: T. Tripp
Borthakur, Sanchayeeta (Tenure-track Faculty, Arizona State University)
"Multiwavelength Study of the Distribution of Neutral Gas in and Around Galaxies and Groups of Galaxies." Chair: T. Tripp.
Lu, Yu (postdoctoral fellow, KIPAC/Stanford)
"A Bayesian Approach to the Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation." Chair: H. Mo.
Li, Yun (analyst, Standard and Poor's)
"Dark matter halos: assembly, clustering and sub-halo accretion." Chair: H. Mo.
Scott, Kimberly (data scientist, University of Virginia Health System)
"Millimeter-galaxy Surveys with the AzTEC Camera." Chair: G. Wilson.
Tang, Shikui (research fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital)
"Galactic Bulge Feedback and Its Impact on Galaxy Evolution." Chair: Q. D. Wang.
Austermann, Jason (NIST)
"The AzTEC Millimeter-Wave Camera: Design, Integration, Performance, and the Characterization of the (Sub-)Millimeter Galaxy Population." Chair: G. Wilson.
Logan, Daniel (faculty, QUEST University Canada)
"A Frequency Selective Bolometer Camera for Measuring Millimeter Spectral Energy Distributions." Chair: G. Wilson.
Li, Zhiyuan (Professor, Nanjing University, China)
"The Role of Stellar Feedback in Galaxy Evolution." Chair: Q. D. Wang.
Goeller, Rob (engineer, General Electric)
"A Wideband Analog Correlating Spectrometer for Millimeter Astronomy." Chair: N. Erickson.
Fischer, William (postdoctoral fellow, NASA/GSFC)
"The One-Micron region as a Diagnostic of Accretion and Outflow in T Tauri Stars.” Co Chair: S. Edwards, Co-Chair: J. Kwan.
Choi, Junhwan (postdoctoral fellow, Univ. of Texas)
"The Dynamics of Satellite and Dark Matter Halo Interactions on Glaxy Formation and Evolution." Chair: Martin D. Weinberg and N. Katz.
Stojimirovic, Irena (faculty, MiraCosta College)
"Multiwavelength Study of Parsec Scale Outflows Associated with Low Mass Young Stellar Objects." Chair: G. Narayanan.
Keres, Dusan (Professor, UC San Diego)
"Growth of Galaxies in SPH Simulations." Chair: N. Katz.
Ji, Li (faculty, Purple Mountain Observatory, China)
"A Spectral Code for Non-Equilibrium Plasma and its Applications." Chair: Q. D. Wang.
Ngeow, Chow Choong (Professor, National Central University, Taiwan)
"Investigating the Breaking in the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation and Its Interpretations." Chair: S. Kanbur.
Iono, Daisuke (ALMA Project Scientist, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
"The Response of Atomic and Molecular Gas to a Disk-Disk Collision." Chair: M. Yun.
Bouche, Nicolas F. (Astronomer, Inst. of Astrophysics & Planetology, France)
"The Clustering of Galaxies around Damped Absorbers." Chair: J. Lowenthal.
De Vries, Christopher (senior developer, Hindsait, Inc.)
"Models and Observations of the Millimeter and Submillimeter Molecular Line Emission of Bright-Rimmed Clouds." Chair: G. Narayanan.
Nikolaev, Sergei
"2MASS View of the LMC: Structure, Populations, Kinematics." Chair: M. Weinberg.
Adams, Joseph D. (research associate, Cornell University)
"Low Mass Stars and the Structure of the Pleiades Cluster." Chair: M. Skrutskie.
Muzerolle, James C. (astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute)
"Emission Line Diagnostics of Magnetospheric Accretion in Young Stellar Objects." Chair: S. Edwards.
Rosenberg, Jessica L. (Professor, George Mason University)
"Filling the Gap in the Extragalactic Census: A Study at 21 cm and in the Near Infrared." Chair: S. Schneider.
Beristain(-Kendall), Georgina (Adjunct faculty, Alfred University)
"Permitted Helium and Iron Emission Lines in Classical T Tauri Stars." Chairs: John Kwan and S. Edwards.
Millan-gabet, Rafael (scientist, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute; PHYSICS PhD)
"Investigation of Herbig Ae/Be Stars in the Near-Infrared with a Long Baseline Interferometer." Chair: F. P. Schloerb.
Brunt, Christopher M. (Lecturer, Univ. of Exeter, UK)
"Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium." Chair: M. Heyer.
Dickens, James (faculty, Montgomery Bell Academy)
"Probing Chemical Evolution in Molecular Clouds with Millimeter-Wave Observations." Chair: W. Irvine.
Lovell, Amy (Professor, Agnes Scott College)
"Millimeter-Wave Molecular Mapping of Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp." Chair: F. P. Schloerb.
Hiriart, David (senior staff, UNAM, Mexico)
"Circumstellar Gas and Dust Emission and Mass Loss from Evolved Stars." Chair: J. Kwan.
Allen, Lori E. (scientist, Director of Kitt Peak National Observatory)
"Star formation in Lynds 1641." Chair: K. Strom.
Meyer, Michael R. (Professor, ETH, Switzerland)
"Stellar Populations in Deeply Embedded Young Clusters: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Emergent Mass Distributions." Chair: S. Strom.
Murali, Chigurupati (analyst, A.R.T. Advisors)
"The Evolution of Globular Clusters: Analysis of External Effects and Determination of Progenitor Populations." Chair: M. Weinberg.
Spitzak, John G. (Computational astrophysics consultant, US Naval Observatory)
"Viewing the 21 CM Sky: A Slice of the Neutral Hydrogen Universe." Chair: S. Schneider.
Hillenbrand, Lynne A. (Professor, Caltech)
"Herbig Ae/Be Stars : An Investigation of Molecular Environments and Associated Stellar Populations." Chair: S. Strom.
Bergin, Edward A. (Professor, Univ. of Michigan)
"The Chemical and Physical Structure of Giant Molecular Cloud Cores." Co-Chair: R. Snell, Co-Chair: P. Goldsmith.
McGonagle, Douglas (Pastor, Easthampton, MA)
"Nitrogen Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium." Chair: W. Irvine.
Dutkevitich, Diane (Professor, Yavapai College)
"The Evolution of Dust in the Terrestrial Planet Region of Circumstellar Disks Around Young Stars." Chair: M. Skrutskie.
Buckley, David (Professor of Physics, East Stroudsbury University)
"The Masses and Distances of Planetary Nebulae." Chair: S. Schneider.
Carpenter, John M. (Scientist, ALMA Observatory)
"Anatomy of the GEM OB1 Molecular Cloud Complex." Chair: R. Snell.
Knezek, Patricia M. (Deputy Director of Astronomical Science Division, NSF)
"The Stellar and Gaseous Content of Massive Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies." Chair: S. Schneider
Ge, Weiguo
"Cometary Molecules." Chair: F. P. Schloerb
Xie, Shuding
"CO Observations in External Galaxies and Gas Mass Determination." Chair: J. Young.
Lee, Youngung (scientist, Korea Astronomy Observatory)
"Structure and Star Forming Activities of the Cold, Massive, Molecular Cloud G216-2.5." Chair: R. Snell.
Xie, Taoling (CEO, HierStar Ltd., China)
"Shells, Outflows, and Star Formation in the Giant Molecular Cloud Monoceros R2." Chair: P. Goldsmith.
Jarrett, Thomas H. (astronomer, Univ. of Cape Town)
"An Optical Study of the Faint End of the Stellar Luminosity Function." Chair: R. Dickman.
Welty, Alan (scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute)
"A Spectroscopic Study of Three FU Orionis Objects: Accretion Disks and Wind Signatures." Chair: S. Strom
Madden, Suzanne C. (scientist, CEA Saclay, France)
"A Multi-Transition Study of the Cyclic Molecule Cyclopropenylidene (C3H2) in the Galaxy." Chair: W. Irvine.
Minh, Young Chol (scientist, Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, President of Korean Astronomical Society)
"Radio Observations of Several Interstellar Molecules." Chair: W. Irvine.
Morgan, James A. (software engineer, Novii Design)
"Molecular Outflows in the L1641 Region of Orion." Chair: F. P. Schloerb.
Olson, Kevin (Research Professor, Drexel University)
"Gas Dynamics in Interacting and Merging Galaxies." Chair: J. Kwan.
Salas-Casales, Luis (Scientist, Institute of Astronomy, UNAM, Mexico)
"High Spatial Resolution Observations Of Circumstellar Disks." Chair: S. Strom.
Tauber, Jan A. (scientist, ESA/ESTeC, Netherlands, Project Scientist for PLANCK)
"CO Line Emission from Clumpy Molecular Clouds: The Case of Orion." Chair: P. Goldsmith.
Waller, William H. (faculty, Rockport High School, MA)
"Recent Starbirth and Starburst Activity in Nearby Galaxies." Chair: S. Strom.
Alonso, Jose L. (staff, Arecibo Observatory)
"Formation of Hydrogen Line and Continuum Emission in Young Stellar Objects." Chair: J. Kwan.
Kinzel, Wayne M. (astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute)
"Radio Outbursts in Extragalactic Sources." Chair: W. Dent.
Taylor, David K. (astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute)
"Carbon Monoxide Isotopes and Clumping in Giant Molecular Clouds." Chair: R. Dickman.
Lis, Dariusz C. (scientist, Caltech)
"The Sagittarius B2 Molecular Cloud an Extreme Case of a Galactic Center Giant Molecular Cloud." Chair: P. Goldsmith.
Tacconi-Garman, Lowell E. (astronomer, European Southern Observatory, Germany)
"Kinematic Models of Cometary Comae." Chair: F. P. Schloerb.
Smith, Beverly J. (faculty, East Tennessee State University)
"Optical Imaging of IRAS Galaxies: The Evolution of Infrared-Bright Galaxies." Chair: S. Kleinmann.
Tacconi-Garman, Linda J. (scientist, Max Planck Institute, Germany)
"The Distribution of the Interstellar Medium in the SCD Galaxy NGC 6946 and in a Sample of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies." Chair: J. Young.
Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald H. (astronomer, National Research Council of Canada)
"High Resolution Observations of the L1551, B335 and L723 Bipolar Molecular Outflows Using Maximum Entropy Image Reconstruction." Chair: R. Snell.
Lord, Steven D. (astronomer, IPAC/Caltech)
"The Role of Molecular Clouds in the Star Formation Process as Observed in Two Grand Design Spiral Galaxies." Chair: S. Strom.
Swade, Daryl A. (astronomer, Space Telescope Science Institute)
"The Physics and Chemistry of Dark Molecular Clouds: A Detailed Study of L134N." Chair: F. P. Schloerb.
Kenney, Jeffrey D. (Professor, Yale University)
"Molecular Gas in Virgo Cluster Spiral Galaxies." Chair: J. Young.
McIntosh, Gordon C. (Professor, University of Minnosota Morris; Physics PhD)
"Polarization Properties of SiO Masers." Chair: R. Predmore.
Hemeon-Heyer, Mark H. (Research Professor, Univ. of Massachusetts)
"The Magnetic and Turblulent Evolution of the Taurus Molecular Cloud." Chair: R. Snell.
Argon, Alice L. (staff, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
"The Acceleration and Dissolution of Stars Moving Through the Blackbody Radiation of A Collapsing Unvierse." Chair: E. Harrison.
Clemens, Dan P. (Professor, Boston University; Physics PhD)
"The Massachusetts Stony-Brook Galactic Plane CO Survey: Observations, Galactic Structure, and Cloud Identification." Chair: N. Scoville.
Kleiner, Steven C. (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
"Correlation Analysis of the Molecular Cloud Complex." Chair: R. Dickman.
Arquilla, Richard (Northrop Grumman)
"The Structure and Angular Momentum Content of Dark Clouds." Chair: P. Goldsmith.
O'Dea, Christopher P. (Professor, University of Manitoba)
"Morphology and Energetics at Narrow Angle Tail Radio Sources." Chair: W. Dent.
Clifford, Stephen M.
"A Model for the Climatic Behavior of Water on Mars." Chair: R. Huguenin.
Hartke, Gregory J. (engineer, Northrop Grumman)
"Transport Properties of the Outer Crust of Magnetic Neutron Stars." Chair: G. Greenstein.
Barvainis, Richard E. (program manager, National Science Foundation)
"Linear Polarization and Total Flux Density of Silicon Monoxide Masers and Active Extragalactic Objects at Millimeter Wavelengths." Chair: W. Dent.
Carroll, Timothy J. (deceased)
Good, John (astronomer, IPAC/Caltech)
"MM Wavelength Measurements of CO in the Atmosphere of Mars and SO 2 in the Atmopshere of Venus." Chair: F. P. Schloerb.
Damashek, Marc (scientist, NSA)
"A Search for Radio Pulsars in the Northern Sky: Discovery of a Pulsar in a Unique Binary System." Chair: J. Taylor.
Robinson, Steven E. (staff scientist, MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
"The Excitation of SiO in Circumstellar Envelopes." Chair: D. Van Blerkom.
Balonek, Thomas J. (Professor, Colgate University)
"Multi-Frequency Radio Observations of Compact Extragalactic Sources: Time Variability and Correlation with Optical Variations." Chair: W. Dent.
Lane, Adair P. (retired, astronomer, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
"Observations of SIO Masers in the Circumstellar Envelopes of Late Type Stars." Chair: J. Taylor.
Thompson, William T. (scientist, NASA/GSFC)
"The "Swarm" Model for the Azimuthal Brightness Variations in Saturn's Ring A." Chair: D. Van Blerkom.
Backus, Peter R. (astronomer, SETI Institute)
"A Study of Pulsar Evolution Through Timing and Single Pulse Observation." Chair: J. Taylor.
Bally, John (Professor, Univ. of Colorado)
"The Interaction of HII Regions with Molecular Clouds." Chair: N. Scoville.
Hansen II, Stanley S.
"Very Long Baseline Interferometry Observation of the Masers Towards Orion A." Chair: G. R. Huguenin.
Sloan, John S.
"Surface Photometry of the Coma Cluster of Galaxies." Chair: T. Dennis.
Lockman, Felix J. (scientist, NRAO)
"On the Structure of HII Regions and Their Distribution in the Galaxy." Chair: G. R. Huguenin.
Fowler, Lee A. (deceased)
"A Study of the Pulsar in A Binary System." Chair: J. Taylor.
Harding, Alice K. (scientist, NASA Goddard)
"Propagation in Pulsar Magnetospheres: Effects of A Shearing Plasma." Chair: E. Tademaru.
Esposito, Larry W. (Professor, Univ. of Colorado)
"Light Scattering from Saturn's Rings Calculated by a Markov Chain Formalism." Chair: W. Irvine.
Cardiasmenos, Apostle G. (deceased, President, ESSCO/L-3 Communications)
"Prototype Maser Amplifiers for Three Millimeter Wavelength." Chair: K. S. Yngvesson.
Helfand, David (Professor, Columbia University)
"The Secular Behavior of Pulsar Integrated Properties." Chair: J. Taylor,.
Harding, David S. (Physics PhD)
"Neutron Star Crust-Neutron Superfluid Frictional Forces." Chair: G. Greenstein.
Oegerle, William R. (Director, NASA Astrophysics Science Division)
"The Nature of the Circumstellar Envelopes of MR 119 and P Cygni." Chair: D. Van Blerkom.
Guthrie, Paul D. (novelist; Physics PhD)
"On White Dwarf Models of Variable Compact X-Ray Sources." Chair: E. Tademaru.
Kapitzky, John E. (software consultant)
"2.7 GHz Polarization and Flux Density Measurements of Variable Radio Sources." Chair: W. Dent.
Smartt, Raymond (deceased, astronomer, National Solar Observatory)
"Observations of the Near-Infrared Solar Corona and a New Interferometric Test." Chair: J. Strong.
Bechis, Kenneth P. (NASA astronaut, Chief Technology Officer, Northrup Grumman)
"Microwave Spectral-Line Radiation from Young and Evolved Stellar Objects." Chair: G. Huguenin.
Hulse, Russell A. (Professor, Univ. of Texas Dallas, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1993; Physics PhD)
"A High Sensitivity Pulsar Search." Chair: J. Taylor, Jr.
Walstad, Allan M. (Professor, Univ. of Pittsburgh at Johnstown)
"A Local Approach to Cosmology." Chair: E. Harrison.
Heaton, Harold I. (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
"The Equivalent Width of Blended Molecular Absorption Lines." Chair: J. Strong.
Kawata, Yoshijuki (Professor, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan)
"Models of Saturn's Rings Which Satisfy the Optical and Infrared Observations." Chair: W. Irvine.
Peterson, Floyd William
"Physical Models of Radio Outbursts in Extragalactic Radio Sources." Chair: W. Dent.