Sam Cutler
Research / Teaching Assistant
Department of Astronomy
LGRT 623
710 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9305
B.S. in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Connecticut in 2019
Research Interests
I am interested in galaxy formation and evolution using both spectroscopic and photometric data from large space-based surveys, primarily the history of star formation in galaxies and what causes them to quench star formation. In the past, I have worked with the COSMOS-DASH and 3D-DASH surveys to measure galaxy size and morphology using GALFIT and validate the effectiveness of the Drift And SHift (DASH) technique. I have also studied the semi-resolved star-formation histories of main-sequence galaxies around Cosmic Noon using Prospector. Currently I am working with the JWST PRIMER and UNCOVER programs on creating high-quality photometric catalogs for public use. Using these catalogs, I am also measuring the sizes of low-mass quenched galaxies detected in both surveys in order to study possible drivers for quenching at low stellar masses.