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Graduating Senior Survey

Graduating Senior Survey Logo

The Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) is administered annually and designed to collect feedback from seniors poised to graduate about their academic experiences in their major and at UMass Amherst more broadly.

The 2024 survey included questions related to:

  • Satisfaction in Major and at UMass Overall
  • Climate in Major
  • Participation in High Impact Practices (HIPs)
  • University Learning Objectives
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Resources for Well-being
  • Student Success Goals

Survey Administration

ASER administered the 2024 survey online to UMass seniors who graduated in February, or who were expected to graduate in May or September (based on student records information available on April 3). Seniors were invited to complete the survey in an email from Chancellor Reyes and in subsequent reminder emails from ASER. In addition, IT installed LMS notifications to encourage response. The survey was available from April 23-May 21. We matched the survey population with degree records to identify seniors who received a degree in February, May, or September of 2024. The total number of graduated seniors who were included in our survey population was 5,898. Of these, 2,336 seniors took the survey for a participation rate of 40%. 

2024 Graduating Senior Survey Instrument (University sign-in required) 

ASER Analytics Dashboards

Tableau Interactive Dashboards that provide Senior Survey results for select users at the department and college/school level can be found on the ASER Analytics platform. For more information or to request access, email @email.


Of graduating seniors were satisfied with the ACCESSIBILITY OF FACULTY in their major
Of graduating seniors were satisfied with the QUALITY OF TEACHING in their major
Of graduating seniors were satisfied with HANDS-ON EXPERIENCES AND PRACTICAL TRAINING in their major
Of graduating seniors were satisfied with their OVERALL EXPERIENCE at UMass