The Arts Extension Service offers a wide range of trainings, workshops, research and consulting services. Nearly every state arts agency in the nation has hired the Arts Extension Service to deliver training in a range of topics to their constituents. Our highly acclaimed programs feature presenters who each have over 20 years of experience as both presenters and community arts practitioners.

Our workshops fully engage participants in hands-on learning that is grounded in research and practice, providing participants with practical tools that they can apply immediately when they return to the office. We work within your time constraints to provide the most comprehensive information in the time available. Trainings include supplementary materials and may include workbooks or our book, Fundamentals of Arts Management, 6th Edition.

Contact the Arts Extension Service at 413-545-2360 or @email to discuss your goals and to obtain a quote for your conference, training, or workshop.

If you are a student, artist, or arts organization/business in the Pioneer Valley (Western Massachusetts) interested in professional development training or are looking to participate as mentor or as an internship host site please visit our Arts Entrepreneurship Initiative page.