Use your creative talents and develop new skills to meet the rising demand for arts management professionals and creative entrepreneurs. The AES Core Certificate program integrates real-life case-study experiences to increase your know-how in the innovative field of arts management.

If you already have a degree but want to expand your skills or update your resume, the Core Certificate is for you. The Core Certificate requires successful completion of four classes (earning a grade of C or better).  There’s no application required, just sign up and get started!

Earn the Core Certificate in Arts Management by successfully completing four (4) of our online courses. 

  • Introduction to Arts Management may be a required course depending on your level of experience. 
  • Select three additional courses from any of our other courses.

If new to the field, we recommend you take Introduction to Arts Management, Arts Fundraising, Arts Marketing, and Financial Management in the Arts - but you should feel free to tailor your certificate to meet your needs, experience, and areas of interest. 

Let us help you find the right class schedule for you.  We can assist you in designing your program of study. Contact us at @email or 413-545-2360 to make an appointment to meet with the Director or one of our advisors. 

When you have completed the requirements for the Core or Professional Certificate, request your certificate using the form below and return it to us at @email.