Lisa Barnwell Williams
Lisa Barnwell Williams helps nonprofit organizations to define and achieve their visions. She entered fundraising in the pre-internet 1980s as one of the pioneers in online prospect research and later led development efforts for several organizations of national stature, including Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Cincinnati Ballet, and the Agnes Irwin School. After serving as Vice President of a major international consulting firm, Lisa co-founded Chanticleer Consulting to serve nonprofits in a more flexible, creative, and client-focused way. She is a graduate of Williams College and holds graduate degrees from New York University and Columbia University and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Management from the University of Chicago. Co-author of Building Strong Nonprofits: New Strategies for Growth and Sustainability, she has given seminars and workshops to countless audiences around the country on various aspects of organizational development, fund development, and communications.
Courses Recently Taught
Board Development, Strategic Planning, and Arts Fundraising