Please note this event occurred in the past.
October 05, 2024 4:00 pm - October 28, 2024 4:00 pm ET
43 MAIN STREET EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 ECA Gallery Hours: Tuesday 12-5 pm; Thursday 12-5 pm.

Easthampton City Arts presents In Each Other We Trust, a solo exhibition by esteemed artist Jeff Kasper for the annual ECA Gallery Invitational, and a Panel Conversation by local arts organizers on models of collaboration towards sustainability.

In each other we trust emerged from urgent calls for rethinking and planning in Easthampton around the value of arts, how artists are supported and arts communities maintained, and centers artist-led organizing towards sustaining them. It is the framework for this year’s ECA Gallery Invitational and also of a panel conversation that constellates those ideas with local arts leaders. The ECA Gallery Invitational is an annual opportunity to highlight local artists addressing the spirit of the moment.

Jeff Kasper’s work asks driving questions around how we relate to one another, what responsibilities we have in those relationships, and how they're formed and codified. For his solo exhibition from October 5 - 28 for the ECA Gallery Invitational, Kasper presents a selection of new flags from his prototypes for white flags series, some smaller text-based scores, and projected video. Kasper’s installation underscores relationships of mutuality as an aspiration and necessity. Attendees are invited to engage with select works where prompted.

A panel conversation follows on Mon, Oct 28 to continue exploring the ideas of In each other we trust—relationships, organizing, and sustainability in the arts. We seek to constellate these topics through a panel of local artists and organizations who are creating new ways of collaborating and presenting the work of artists in Easthampton.