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Graduates of the M.A. Program have gone on to careers in many fields.  Some have completed advanced degrees in art conservation or the doctorate in art history before working in museums or teaching at the university level. A great number work in a variety of positions in museums in this country and abroad. Others have undertaken secondary and college teaching. Our graduates also have become art editors, art librarians, image collection curators, art dealers, and advocates of government programs.


Job opportunities are posted regularly, and members of the faculty make a special effort to inform students about appropriate positions and give them suitable recommendations.  Our Newsletter, published annually, gives a good idea of the jobs and careers in which our graduate alumni have excelled over the years. The Department sponsors lectures by alumni and other scholars and professionals, who are happy to talk with current students about their career experiences.


Funding from departmental funds and the Graduate School is also available for various forms of professional development, such as attending conferences, traveling abroad, and studying additional foreign languages.


The department offers currently enrolled graduate students up to $500 a year to attend a conference related to their research or professional interests. Interested students should submit a budget itemizing the specific request for funds to the Graduate Program Director.


The department offers currently enrolled graduate students and students who have graduated from the MA program (up to one year after graduation) financial aid to cover the cost of a total of four application fees for applications to PhD programs. Interested students should submit a budget itemizing the specific request for funds to the Graduate Program Director.