Department Chair and Associate Professor
American and European Architecture

Timothy M. Rohan is an architectural historian whose research focuses on modernism, especially of the post-World War II era. Professor Rohan also considers in his research and teaching the architecture, urbanism, landscape, and design of Europe, North America and beyond from 1750 to the present. Professor Rohan has a BA from Yale University and a PhD from Harvard University (2001). He gained museum experience while working at the Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum.

Professor and Graduate Program Director
Modern & Contemporary Art

Karen Kurczynski studied art history as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and continued for an MA and PhD at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She completed her PhD in 2005 on the Danish artist and Situationist Asger Jorn. She teaches courses on Modern Art, Contemporary Art, Postwar European Art, Identity Politics, Methodology, and the Global 1950s. 

Ancient Art and Archaeology, Art History and Cybertechnology

Educated at Harvard-Radcliffe (B.A., Classics) and Princeton University (MA, PhD, Art and Archaeology, 1986), Dr. La Follette specializes in the physical culture of the ancient Mediterranean.