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Jennifer Allen-Atkinson headshot

I have spent the last 15 years at the Harvard Art Museums in a variety of positions from curatorial to project management and finally as Director of Collections Management in 2010. I thoroughly enjoy my work and find it incredibly rewarding to be immersed in the art world on a daily basis. The time I spent as an undergraduate in the Art History program at UMass gave me a solid foundation in art history that I use every day.

Jennifer Allen-Atkinson headshot
Julia Bailey headshot

As a Cornell undergraduate, I had never taken an art-history course, in the belief that any instruction delivered in a dark room was just an invitation to doze. But after hearing Walter Denny lecture about oriental carpets, I decided that studying Islamic art history might keep me awake after all, and maybe, down the road, lead to something more mentally challenging than the rug dealing by which my husband and I were then making ends meet.

Julia Bailey headshot
Julia Bender headshot

Interests: Islamic and Medieval art, specifically portraiture and manuscripts

Julia Bender headshot
Yarra Berger holding a dog

Yarra Berger (she/her) is a second-year M.A. student. Her academic interest is in 19th century American art and visual culture, with a focus on organized labor, decolonial movements, and carceral politics.

Yarra Berger holding a dog
Linda Best headshot

How does a French major who has never visited an art museum end up spending 40 years as a caretaker for our cultural heritage? Take Professor Walter Denny’s survey course-and then all of the other courses he offers. Add Professor Iris Cheny’s Italian art courses, Martha Hoppin’s American art courses and throw in Professor Norton’s architecture course – a whole new world opened up and my path was set. Without any artistic talent of my own, it was the pure appreciation of the talent and beauty of works of fine art along with the social and cultural understanding gleaned from a myriad of

Linda Best headshot
Matthew Blanchard headshot

Major: Ancient
Minor: 19th Century European

Matthew Blanchard headshot

Department Administrator

Regina Bortone de Sá
Regina Bortone de Sá
andy nicole bowers - headshot

Major: Baroque/Renaissance
Minor: Latin American

andy nicole bowers - headshot

Venice: Art, History & Environment Teaching Assistant

Georgia Brabec

Georgia (she/her) is a first-year M.A. student. Her interests include European art with an emphasis on the Italian Renaissance and Early Modern printmaking.

Georgia Brabec

Associate Professor | Nineteenth-Century European Art


Gülru Çakmak is an Associate Professor specializing in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French, English, and Ottoman art. She received her PhD at Johns Hopkins University in 2010 under the supervision of Professor Michael Fried with her dissertation entitled Jean-Léon Gérôme: The Innovative Years (1851-1859), for which she was awarded a Distinction. Prior to her doctorate, she received an MPhil degree at the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (Thesis: “Subversive Ambiguities: Disruptions, Self-Representation, and the Role of the Beholder in Paul Cézanne’s Les Grandes Baigneuses (V.721)”)



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