Professional Title:
My name is Susanne Westerhoff-Uprety. I am studying and researching from Minnesota currently, but return to the Amherst area regularly. Please email me if you would like to chat via Skype or arrange to meet!
The main questions of my dissertation are ‘How can we create a more just set of social relations around contemporary labor based on managerial software?’, and ‘What role can a refreshed, and newly nuanced, understanding of computing, automation, and the ostensible “objectivity” of those technologies bring to our pursuit of that aim?’ In the project I lay out the ways that we can build a refreshed and nuanced understanding of computing and software automation such as Business Process Automation and Robotic Process Automation, by drawing on and elaborating understandings from the Philosophy of Science, Actor Network Theory, Social Construction of Technology and other perspectives closely associated with Science and Technology Studies. Additional academic interests include International Relations, Gender Studies and Spatial Politics.