Our interdisciplinary, collaborative department embraces spirited, socially progressive, and environmentally responsive design.
As New England’s first public architecture program, the faculty and students engage the region for integrated teaching, research, and outreach.
The department is part of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. The department is responsible for an undergraduate pre-professional degree (Bachelor of Science in Architecture), a graduate professional degree (Master of Architecture), and graduate post-professional degrees (Master of Design, Master of Design in Historic Preservation, Master of Design in Public Art and Engagement).
We also offer two dual degree options that can be earned within three years of full-time study:
A Welcome Message from the Department Chair
I am honored to welcome you to the Department of Architecture at UMass Amherst.
Founded as a design program in the Department of Art in 1971, the Department of Architecture has emerged as an innovative interdisciplinary program that draws faculty and coursework from several other departments at UMass and from the Five Colleges.

Testimonial from UMass Architecture Alum
“I was attracted to UMass primarily because of the friendliness, openness, and flexibility I saw in the program. I had the sense the faculty would be supportive of both my academic goals and my personal well-being, which turned out to be true. I was also drawn by the location and the idea that we would be happy living in the area.”
—Garth Schwellenbach, M.Arch. ’13, partner, Coldham & Hartman Architects