In this concentration, students study human experiences through material culture and learn to identify, hypothesize about, and protect archaeological sites and heritage. Emphasizing community-based approaches and social justice, students gain practical fieldwork experience and explore topics like GIS, public archaeology, heritage tourism, and the impacts of race, class, and gender on past cultures.
*Please note, courses are offered on varied schedules. Please speak to the advisor if you wish to take a particular course.
Core courses include:
220 Intro to Native American Studies
230 Race & the American Museum
242 W.E.B. DuBois: In Our Time
269 North American Archaeology
292V Violence in American Culture
215/Lab Forensics: Myth and Reality
297M Disease, Famine, & Warfare
297N Violence & Conflict in Pre-Hispanic Americas
325 Analysis of Material Culture
326 Historical Archaeology
357 Afterlives of Slavery
367 Archaeological Survey Methods and Practices
375 South American Archaeology
396C Archaeological Lab Research
397DD Bioarchaeology of Violence
398 Archaeological Lab Internship (ARM)
494CI Comics, Cartoons, and Communication Anthropology
494AD Archaeology of the African Diaspora
497DG Indigenous Archaeology
497/697 Critical Indigenous Theory & Method