Recent publications by faculty and graduate students:

  • Lynnette Leidy Sievert, Sofiya Shreyer, Sarah Witkowski, Daniel E. Brown, , 2024, "Brown Adipose Tissue Activity and Childhood Exposure to Cold are Associated with Hot Flashes at Menopause:. In  the American Journal of Human Biology. Volume: 0 Issue 0 (2024) ISSN: 1042-0533 Online ISSN: 1520-6300
  • Living Together Across Borders: Communicative Care in Transnational Salvadoran Families, Lynnette Arnold, (Oxford Academic, 2024).
  • Krause, Elizabeth L. 2020 "Cut and Sew": Migration, Crisis, and Belonging in an Italian Fast-Fashion Zone. In Digesting Difference: Migrant Incorporation and Mutual Belonging in Europe, 149-166. Edited by Kelly McKowen and John Borneman. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave/Macmillan.
  • The Anthropology of Dragons, Jean Forward, Rachel M. Keefe, Virginia McLaurin, (Sentia Publishing, 2019).
  • Rituals of Care: Karmic Politics in an Aging Thailand, Felicity Aulino, (Cornell University Press, 2019).
  • W.E.B. Du Bois's Data portraits Visualizing Black America, Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, (Princeton Architectural Press, 2018).
  • Essentials of Photovoice in Participatory Visual Research, Krista Harper, (Routledge, 2019).
  • Krause, Elizabeth and Aline Gubrium, 2019, "Scribble Scrabble": Migration, Young Parenting Latinas, and Digital Storytelling as Narrative Shock. In Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 420-438, Vol. 33, Issue 3.
  • Tight Knit: Global Families and the Social Life of Fast Fashion, Elizabeth Krause, (University of Chicago Press, 2018).