A&F IT Staff Directory
The A&F Systems staff is happy to serve you. When possible please contact the main offices listed below rather than individuals so that your call can be routed effectively in the event that an individual staff person is not available.
Alexander, Holly Associate Director of A&F IT Operations |
(413) 545-1956 | hollya@umass.edu |
Babcock, Patrick Junior IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-1956 | pbabcock@umass.edu |
Gosselin, Jean (Jay) User Support Manager |
(413) 577-1727 | jjgossel@umass.edu |
Greenholt, Michael Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | mgreenholt@umass.edu |
Gyamfi, Stanley Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | sgyamfi@umass.edu |
Hamill, Colin Lead Field Technician |
(413) 545-1956 | chamill@umass.edu |
Leone, Frank Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | fleone@umass.edu |
Mileski, Tom Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | tmileski@umass.edu |
Nadeau, Jennifer User Support Manager |
(413) 545-1956 | jlnadeau@umass.edu |
O'Neill, Steven Junior IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-1956 | stevenoneill@umass.edu |
Parker, Nathaniel Junior IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-1956 | nparker@umass.edu |
Petticoffer, Jenna Lead Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | jcasale@umass.edu |
Quackenbush, Dan Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | daniel.quackenbush@umass.edu |
Roy, Travis Server Operations Manager |
(413) 545-0735 | tcroy@umass.edu |
Sears-Walter, Theresa Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | tsearswalter@umass.edu |
Serra, Andrew Lead Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | aserra@umass.edu |
Simmons, Sean Junior IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-1956 | ssimmons@umass.edu |
Sonier, Mark IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-1956 | msonier@umass.edu |
Summer, Saoirse Sr. IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-4720 | saoirse.summer@umass.edu |
Tatro, Matt Lead Systems Engineer |
(413) 545-2126 | mtatro@umass.edu |
Wallace, Owen Desktop Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | owallace@umass.edu |
Wangdu, Phurbu IT Compliance Field Technician |
(413) 545-6507 | pwangdu@umass.edu |
Wenczel, Stephen Director, IT Infrastructure |
(413) 545-6274 | swenczel@admin.umass.edu |
Application Security Support |
(413) 545-1956 | afsecurity@umass.edu |
Non Residential Door Access For an emergency, contact Facilities Service Center at (413) 545-6401 |
dooraccess@admin.umass.edu | |
Technology Assistance Center |
(413) 545-1956 | afit@umass.edu |
Bak, Tom Applications Analyst |
(413) 577-1599 | tbak@umass.edu |
Bell, Vicki Technical Assistant |
413-577-5370 | vab@umass.edu |
Faut, Amy Database Administrator |
(413) 545-1661 | afaut@oit.umass.edu |
Folliard, John Applications Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | folliard@umass.edu |
Fox, Amber Programmer / Data Analyst |
(413) 545-0234 | amber.fox@umass.edu |
Grabowski, Steven Applications Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | sgrabowski@umass.edu |
Harrison, Mark IT Applications Analyst |
(413) 545-6450 | mharrison@facil.umass.edu |
Hession, Joseph Asst. Dir. Business & Reporting Systems |
(413) 545-4470 | jhession@admin.umass.edu |
Jenkins, Zachary IT Applications Architect |
(413) 577-6152 | zjenkins@umass.edu |
Krause, Jessica Business Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-1937 | jtkrause@umass.edu |
Lopez, Jairo Applications Analyst |
(413) 545-1956 | jairo.lopez@umass.edu |
Moretti, Matthew Sr. IT Systems Analyst |
(413) 545-0056 | moretti@admin.umass.edu |
Newton-Gaines, Duncan Security Administrator |
(413) 545-1956 | duncan.newton-gaines@umass.edu |
Patalano, Joanne Web Developer |
(413) 545-0395 | patalano@umass.edu |
Rodriguez, Steven Applications Support Specialist |
(413) 545-1956 | stevenr@umass.edu |
Roper, Patricia Senior Director, A&F Information Technology |
(413) 577-3045 | roper@admin.umass.edu |
Sherson, Adam Web Programming & Transportation IT Manager |
(413) 545-0056 | adam@umass.edu |
Siano, John Information Technology Administrator |
(413) 577-1122 | johnsiano@umass.edu |
Stepanov, Alexander GIS Architect |
(413) 577-1789 | astepano@cp.umass.edu |
Troie, Darrell Director of IT Applications & Compliance |
(413) 577-5727 | dtroie@umass.edu |
Yavuz, Metin Parking IT Manager |
(413) 577-7275 | yavuz@umass.edu |
Zajac, Zac EDP Systems Analyst |
413-577-3355 | zzajac@umass.edu |