Application Security & Access

Human Resources, Finance, BuyWays, Summit and UM Plan 

Admininistrative Systems administers the security for the Human Resources, Finance, BuyWays, Summit and UM Plan applications as well as the BuyWays workflow.  In order to access any of these systems, you must have a record in the Human Resource system and have enrolled in multifactor authentication.  

Users who request Finance Inquiry access are automatically granted access to Summit.  Principle Investigators who would like access to Summit for their grants only can email .  If access to additional department ids or funds by the PI  is needed, a finance access request form is required.

Please note that we accept the finance access request forms for new users or requests for addtional access for existing users via email as long as the email is sent by the Department Head or Signature Delegate of the Department Head.   BuyWays workflow signature delegation forms can be found at the Controller's Office website and must be submitted per the instructions on the form. Non Sponsored Delegation or Sponsored Delegation

Human Resource access forms must be sent with original signatures to Human Resources.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY FORMS DIRECTLY FROM DOCUSIGN as the attachment does not come through and the text does not give enough information to know to who is submitting the form.  Once a form is done in Docusign, download and send in the signed pdf to  


To add/change/remove any roles, BuyWays workflow or questions about security:

As of June 12, 2024 all bankcard and expense reports are processed through Concur




Related Resources

Security Forms