November 28, 2023

 "Fishbowl Colonialism: The White Colonial Gaze on the Sound of Black America in Education." was published in New York University's Voices in Urban Education (VUE) journal (Spring/Summer 2022). Maya Cunningham states: "The article explains the backlash and the resistance to Black sound culture in US classrooms by exploring the colonial gaze on the Black auditory body. I call this phenomenon 'fishbowl colonialism,' which describes how Black American music and language are exploited for entertainment but historically have not been considered worthy of serious study or inclusion in formal education. My aim was to historicize the stigmatization and subalternity of Black sound culture and to analyze how this stigma hinders efforts to provide culturally responsive education for African American students."  Maya is a doctoral candidate in the Afro-American Studies Department.

Congratulations Maya!