AFROAM 691C. Historiographical Methods in Afro-American Studies
AFROAM 691C. Historiographical Methods in Afro-American Studies URIT Fora Nezam4 credits
Professor Kerth
Thursdays 1:00-3:30 p.m., NAH 302
This course will introduce you to some of the basics of what it means to read, think, and write as an historian. We will explore what historians do and why as well as the "objectivity question," the development of African American history as an academic discipline, and one or two current controversies. We also will learn how to locate and use the resources of the Du Bois Library such as microforms, government documents, the papers of W.E.B. Du Bois, on-line indices and collections, as well as those of such important national repositories such as the Library of Congress, the MoorlandSpingarn Collection at Howard University and the Schomburg Center of the N.Y. Public Library.