Through the power of collaboration UMass ADVANCE provides knowledge driven research and solutions for faculty equity. ADVANCE cultivates faculty equity, inclusion and success by providing the resources, recognition and relationship building that are critical for equitable and successful collaboration in the 21st century academy.

UMass ADVANCE is funded by a five-year (2018-2023) $3.1 million National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation grant to advance gender equity for UMass Amherst faculty. The grant is titled Collaboration and Equity: The Resources, Relationships, and Recognition (R3) Model for Advancing Women and Underrepresented Faculty in Science and Engineering. National Science Foundation #1824090 & #2136150.

Program Goals 

  • Retain faculty who are diverse by gender, race/ethnicity, nationality, and other measures.

  • Ensure that faculty feel satisfied, included, and respected, and can effectively pursue their career goals.

  • Provide clear pathways to advancement to promotion, tenure, and leadership roles for all faculty members.

  • Help faculty members identify collaborators, effectively engage in collaborative research, and receive recognition for collaborative research.

  • Create opportunities for faculty members to build relationships and inclusive communities.

  • Guarantee that all faculty members receive support and mentoring in their career development.

  • Develop best practices models for shared decision-making and leadership development.

Learn About the Grant

UMass ADVANCE by the Numbers, Fall 2018 through April 2023

ADVANCE by the Numbers