Calendar for 1844-1845
Calendar for 1844-1845
A Record of Dramatic Performances at a Leading Victorian Theatre
Formerly the Sans Pareil (1806-1819), later the Adelphi (1819-1900)
  Daily Calendar Daily Calendars
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Joseph Donohue and James Ellis, General Editors





Calendar for 1844-1845

Edited by Franklin & Mary Case

A Publication of

The Adelphi Calendar Project

Alfred L. Nelson and Gilbert B. Cross, General Editors

Theodore J. Seward, Jr., Systems Analyst


Seasonal Digest

Benjamin N. Webster became the lessee for the 1844-1845 Adelphi Theatre season, which opened on 28 September 1844 with performances of Mother and Son, The Belle of the Hotel; or, American Sketches, Norma, and How to Pay the Rent.  The director for this season was Mme. Céline Céleste; Edward Stirling continued as stage manager.

The opening address for The Season was written by Gilbert A. à Beckett and spoken by Mrs. Frederick H. Yates.  The theatre had been entirely redecorated and repainted in the recess by T. Ireland, and the boxes so arranged as to give an unrestricted view of the stage.  Careful attention was paid to ventilation, as the smell of gas was irritating and inescapable at all theatres of the day.  In addition, "a splendid new chandelier in glass has been introduced at considerable expense, executed by Mr. Phillips, also a new curtain and new act drop designed and painted by Mr. C. Marshall" (Theatrical Observer, 24 September 1844).

Two minor pieces received passing note in the Theatrical ObserverMother and Son was dismissed—"Little can be said in its favour as a dramatic piece; it, however, received some applause through the excellent acting of O. Smith, Lambert, Mrs. Yates, and Mme. Céleste" (30 September).  The Fox and the Goose fared better.  "It is an adaptation from the French and was exceedingly well played by Hudson, Paul Bedford, Cowell and Mrs. Fitzwilliam.  It is interspersed with some pretty music composed by Ambrose Thomas, arranged by Mr. T. German Reed" (3 October 1844).

With great flourish, Benjamin Webster made his first appearance on the Adelphi boards in Don Caesar de Bazan.  The golden age of Adelphi dramas was about to begin.  Under the joint management of Webster and Mme. Céleste, the theatre increased its reputation.  A long series of plays by John Baldwin Buckstone added materially to the success of the house.  The Theatrical Observer, (15 October) recorded the historic moment:

There was a simultaneous burst of applause from all parts of the house which lasted some minutes...his acting throughout the drama was excellent, and his well-known talent found ample scope in the character of Don Caesar.  The drama has been dramatised, we believe, by Mr. Bourcicault [sic], and he has displayed much judgment in its construction.  Mme. Céleste was the Maritina; her performance of the Neapolitan girl was truly natural...she danced the Tarantella of Napoli with Miss Woolgar [whose] style of acting did not suit the part of Lazarillo.  It is impossible for her to keep a serious face (15 October 1844).

Nicoll lists the author of The Belle of the Hotel; or, American Sketches as unknown, and says it was the same piece acted at Niblo's Garden, New York (August 1842) "written to display the versatility of Fanny Fitzwilliam who was there on a visit."  The bill, however, clearly gives John B. Buckstone as the author.

Victorine; or, I'll Sleep on It was revived for this season with "new scenery, dresses, properties, and decorations."  However, it played only 12 times.

One of the great successes of the season was The Mysterious Stranger, and from the reviews printed on the bill of 29 October 1844, it is clear that the play had a sensational effect on its audiences.  The plot was as follows.  Count Henry de Beausoleil (Hudson) supposes he has given a bond to Satan for his wealth.  The bond falls due, but His Grand Satanic Majesty grants a respite of twenty-four hours.  All the Count's former friends desert him in his time of need, and he believes himself lost.  He is ultimately discovered sleeping on a sofa by a young woman who has long loved him (Mme. Céleste).  It was she who personated Satan to show the Count the folly of his ways.

The public press was much taken with the piece, and numerous extracts were printed on the bills.  The Times reported that

A scene in a night-cellar, the resort of thieves, in which the banker takes refuge in order to obtain a forged passport to secure his escape, and where the young lady has previously gained admittance in the disguise of a gamin, was particularly effective.  Mme. Céleste, who played 'the Mysterious Stranger,' was admirably 'made-up', in all her disguises, and acted the part with great pointedness, and at the same time with quiet discretion of manner...Selby, as a thoroughly heartless parasite, endowed with a wonderful flow of animal spirits, and Mrs. F. Matthews, who was very funny as a doubt the piece will prove a thorough 'hit.'

The Morning Post agreed.  "That this strange but effective drama will prove the greatest hit of the season we do not entertain a doubt.  It is the very thing for the Adelphi—full of mystery, strong excitement, and delicious improbability."

The Mysterious Stranger's author is listed on the bill as Charles Selby, but it is noted also that the work was "founded on a comedie vaudeville by MM Clairville et Damarin called Satan; ou, Le Diable A Paris."

English authors were adapted with equal vigor.  Mrs. Caudle at Home and Abroad was "adapted from renowned papers in Punch by Douglas Jerrold."  A new Dickens work led to yet another Adelphi dramatization of the great novelist.  Dickens had made an agreement with Madame Céleste to permit Mark Lemon to adapt it.  A new drop-scene painted for the occasion represented the title page of the work.  If the novelist had hoped to forestall other dramatizations, he was unsuccessful—five versions were performed including one by the Adelphi favorite Edward Stirling, which played at the Lyceum.

The Theatrical Observer said, "We have seldom seen actors take so much pain with their parts...O. Smith's Toby Veck was capital, as were Hudson's Will Fern, Selby's Richard, and Miss Fortescue's Meggy Veck.  This young lady's sweet acting gave general satisfaction" (19 December 1844).

The pantomime was Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats.  According to the bill, it was "founded on a categorical and doggerel poem, written by a laureate who invoked the mews in the Middle Ages, called Cat's Castle and how it was besieged and taken by the rats."

The Theatrical Observer, 28 December, gave it a stamp of approval.  "There are numerous good changes in the piece, and the Clown and Pantaloon's practical jokes create incessant laughter.  Harlequin and Columbine dance with much ease and agility, and the scenery, dresses, etc. were appropriate and magnificent.  The pantomime was loudly applauded throughout."

The editors selected an arbitrary date, 30 August, as the season's end because there was no summer break.


Daily Calendar for 1844-1845

Illustration: Webster, Benjamin (1797-1882): Actor, manager, dramatist  [1st Performance Sep 28, 1844]


Title:Webster, Benjamin (1797-1882): Actor, manager, dramatist
Description:Webster, Benjamin (1797-1882): Born in Bath, the son of a dancing master, he began his career at Drury Lane as Harlequin and graduated to the Haymarket where he took care of the comedy character business.  He managed that house from 1837-1853.  He first appeared at the Adelphi in 1835 playing a variety of comic parts interspersed with melodrama.  He was particularly popular as Triplet in Masks and Faces.
1st Performance:Sep 28, 1844
Source:Carte de Visite Woodburytype - Print.  Located on Wikipedia:, Sep 28, 1844

28 September 1844
Saturday  Evening
28 September 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Mother and Son (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: [Unknown]

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Next 30 September 1844

Genre:  (Drama) new drama; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Victor: Mme. [Céline] Céleste (from TR Haymarket, 1st time in six yrs)
Michael Sweeny: O. Smith
Dr. Regimen: Lambert (from TR DL and CG, 1st time here)
Markwell: [William] Cullenford (1st time in 2 seasons)
Vernon: Worrell (from Haymarket, 1st time here)
servant: Butler
Mme. Lagrange: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Adela: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Janet: Mrs. Frank Matthews

2)  The Belle of the Hotel; or, American Sketches (1)

Title Comment:  Nicoll lists author as unknown and says it was the same piece acted at Niblo's Garden, New York (August 1842) "written to display the versatility of Fanny Fitzwilliam who was there on a visit." The bill clearly gives Buckstone as author

Author: [John B.] Buckstone

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Next 30 September 1844

Genre:  (Comic entertainment) new monopolylogue written for Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam; prologue, 5 scenes

First Night Cast:

Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
The Belle: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Protea Snook (Belle of the Hotel, Signora Amoroso, a female dramatic genius eloped to the United States with her Italian singing master): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam (1st time seven yrs)
Jerry Phoenix (Yankee fireman in love with the Belle of the Hotel): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Mrs. Macscribblescrabble (widow making her American notes with a few "sagacious and oreeginal observations"): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Signor Amoroso (singing master): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Shelah Mullins (chambermaid in the hotel with "the Master Kay"): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam



3)  Norma (1)

Title Comment:  listed in Nicoll as Norma Travestie

Author: William H. Oxberry

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Next 30 September 1844

Genre:  (Burlesque) popular burlesque opera

First Night Cast:

Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford (1st time two yrs)
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  How to Pay the Rent (1)

Author: [Tyrone Power]

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Next 30 September 1844

Genre:  (Farce) laughable farce

First Night Cast:

Mr. Miller: [William] Cullenford
Morgan Rattler: [James] Hudson (from TR DL, 1st time here)
Star the Glaze: Lindon
Blowhard: Glennaire
Shooter: Sylvester
Swell Billy: Sanders
Snuffy: Green
porter: Waye
Mrs. Conscience: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Kitty: Miss Brooks
Betty: Miss Reynolds

General, Song

General, Entertainment

General, Entertainment Commentary

General, Scenery Commentary

General, Advertisement

30 September 1844
Monday  Evening
30 September 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Mother and Son (2)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 28 September 1844; Next 1 October 1844


Victor: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Michael Sweeny: O. Smith
Dr. Regimen: Lambert
Markwell: [William] Cullenford
Vernon: Worrell
servant: Butler
Mme. Lagrange: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Adela: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Janet: Mrs. Frank Matthews

2)  The Belle of the Hotel; or, American Sketches (2)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 28 September 1844; Next 1 October 1844


Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
The Belle: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Protea Snook: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Jerry Phoenix: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Mrs. Macscribblescrabble: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Signor Amoroso: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Shelah Mullins: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (2)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 28 September 1844; Next 1 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  How to Pay the Rent (2)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 28 September 1844; Next 1 October 1844


Mr. Miller: [William] Cullenford
Morgan Rattler: [James] Hudson
Star the Glaze: Lindon
Blowhard: Glennaire
Shooter: Sylvester
Swell Billy: Sanders
Snuffy: Green
porter: Waye
Mrs. Conscience: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Kitty: Miss Brooks
Betty: Miss Reynolds

1 October 1844
Tuesday  Evening
30 September 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Mother and Son (3)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 30 September 1844


Victor: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Michael Sweeny: O. Smith
Dr. Regimen: Lambert
Markwell: [William] Cullenford
Vernon: Worrell
servant: Butler
Mme. Lagrange: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Adela: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Janet: Mrs. Frank Matthews

2)  The Belle of the Hotel; or, American Sketches (3)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 30 September 1844


Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
The Belle: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Protea Snook: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Jerry Phoenix: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Mrs. Macscribblescrabble: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Signor Amoroso: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Shelah Mullins: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (3)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 30 September 1844; Next 2 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  How to Pay the Rent (3)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 30 September 1844


Mr. Miller: [William] Cullenford
Morgan Rattler: [James] Hudson
Star the Glaze: Lindon
Blowhard: Glennaire
Shooter: Sylvester
Swell Billy: Sanders
Snuffy: Green
porter: Waye
Mrs. Conscience: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Kitty: Miss Brooks
Betty: Miss Reynolds

2 October 1844
Wednesday  Evening
2 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  St. Mary's Eve; or, A Story of the Solway (1)

Author: William B. Bernard

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Next 3 October 1844

Genre:  (Melodrama) popular domestic drama; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Major Wentworth (a proscribed Jacobite): James Vining (1st time here)
Robert Vaughan (a farmer): Worrell
Lieut. Manley (of the Coast Guard): Waye
Tom Baggs (Carlisle postman): [Edward R.] Wright
Chalk (an innkeeper): [James P.] Wilkinson (his original character, 1st time in three years)
Barty Sharpe (a discharged trooper): O. Smith (his original character)
Grayling (fisherman): [William] Cullenford
Ralph: Butler
William: Sylvester
Dame Mayfield: Miss Brooks
Mary: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Dame Ferns: Mrs. Thomas
Madeline (the Jacobite's sister): Mme. [Céline] Céleste (her original character)

Cast Commentary


2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: [Benjamin N. Webster]; Author: [Dion L. Boucicault]; Composer: [C.] Ambroise Thomas; Composer: Thomas G. Reed

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Next 3 October 1844

Genre:  (Comic operetta) new comic operetta; 1 act

First Night Cast:

O'Donoughue (Hussar in the French service): [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique (landlady of the Fox and the Goose): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (4)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 1 October 1844; Next 3 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Binks the Bagman (1)

Title Comment:  "instead of How to Pay the Rent" (bill)

Author: [Joseph S. Coyne]

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Next 3 October 1844

Genre:  (Farce)

First Night Cast:

Binks (the bagman): [Edward R.] Wright
Kit Crimmins: [James P.] Wilkinson
Jack Robinson: Paul J. Bedford
Thomas: Sanders
Boots: Butler
Mrs. Crimmins: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mrs. Robinson: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary: Miss Brooks
The Bear: [William] Mitchenson

3 October 1844
Thursday  Evening
2 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  St. Mary's Eve; or, A Story of the Solway (2)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 2 October 1844; Next 4 October 1844


Major Wentworth: James Vining
Robert Vaughan: Worrell
Lieut. Manley: Waye
Tom Baggs: [Edward R.] Wright
Chalk: [James P.] Wilkinson
Barty Sharpe: O. Smith
Grayling: [William] Cullenford
Ralph: Butler
William: Sylvester
Dame Mayfield: Miss Brooks
Mary: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Dame Ferns: Mrs. Thomas
Madeline: Mme. [Céline] Céleste

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (2)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 2 October 1844; Next 4 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (5)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 2 October 1844; Next 4 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Binks the Bagman (2)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 2 October 1844; Next 4 October 1844


Binks: [Edward R.] Wright
Kit Crimmins: [James P.] Wilkinson
Jack Robinson: Paul J. Bedford
Thomas: Sanders
Boots: Butler
Mrs. Crimmins: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mrs. Robinson: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary: Miss Brooks
The Bear: [William] Mitchenson

4 October 1844
Friday  Evening
2 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  St. Mary's Eve; or, A Story of the Solway (3)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 3 October 1844; Next 5 October 1844


Major Wentworth: James Vining
Robert Vaughan: Worrell
Lieut. Manley: Waye
Tom Baggs: [Edward R.] Wright
Chalk: [James P.] Wilkinson
Barty Sharpe: O. Smith
Grayling: [William] Cullenford
Ralph: Butler
William: Sylvester
Dame Mayfield: Miss Brooks
Mary: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Dame Ferns: Mrs. Thomas
Madeline: Mme. [Céline] Céleste

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (3)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 3 October 1844; Next 5 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (6)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 3 October 1844; Next 5 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Binks the Bagman (3)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 3 October 1844; Next 5 October 1844


Binks: [Edward R.] Wright
Kit Crimmins: [James P.] Wilkinson
Jack Robinson: Paul J. Bedford
Thomas: Sanders
Boots: Butler
Mrs. Crimmins: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mrs. Robinson: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary: Miss Brooks
The Bear: [William] Mitchenson

5 October 1844
Saturday  Evening
2 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  St. Mary's Eve; or, A Story of the Solway (4)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 4 October 1844; Next 20 August 1845


Major Wentworth: James Vining
Robert Vaughan: Worrell
Lieut. Manley: Waye
Tom Baggs: [Edward R.] Wright
Chalk: [James P.] Wilkinson
Barty Sharpe: O. Smith
Grayling: [William] Cullenford
Ralph: Butler
William: Sylvester
Dame Mayfield: Miss Brooks
Mary: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Dame Ferns: Mrs. Thomas
Madeline: Mme. [Céline] Céleste

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (4)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 4 October 1844; Next 7 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (7)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 4 October 1844; Next 7 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Binks the Bagman (4)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 4 October 1844; Next 8 May 1845


Binks: [Edward R.] Wright
Kit Crimmins: [James P.] Wilkinson
Jack Robinson: Paul J. Bedford
Thomas: Sanders
Boots: Butler
Mrs. Crimmins: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mrs. Robinson: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary: Miss Brooks
The Bear: [William] Mitchenson

7 October 1844
Monday  Evening
7 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (1)

Title Comment:  1st time here

Author: [Benjamin N.] Webster

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Next 8 October 1844

Genre:  (Farce) celebrated comedy

First Night Cast:

Count St. Louis (attache of the French embassy, aged sixteen): Mme. [Céline] Céleste (her original character)
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley (Maid of Honour to the Queen): Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. F[rank] Matthews
Lady Bell (her daughter): Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates (1st time)

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (5)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 5 October 1844; Next 8 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (8)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 5 October 1844; Next 8 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Deeds of Dreadful Note! (1)

Author: [Mons. [Alfred] Dubois]

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Next 8 October 1844

Genre:  (Burletta) comic burletta

First Night Cast:

Stuff'em (showman): Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Fright (traveller): [James P.] Wilkinson
Mr. Timid: [Edward R.] Wright
Grab'em (inspector): Freeborn
Mrs. Fright: Mrs. F[rank] Matthews

8 October 1844
Tuesday  Evening
7 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (2)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 7 October 1844; Next 9 October 1844


Count St. Louis: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Lady Bell: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (6)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 7 October 1844; Next 9 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (9)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 7 October 1844; Next 9 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Deeds of Dreadful Note! (2)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 7 October 1844; Next 9 October 1844


Stuff'em: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Fright: [James P.] Wilkinson
Mr. Timid: [Edward R.] Wright
Grab'em: Freeborn
Mrs. Fright: Mrs. Frank Matthews

9 October 1844
Wednesday  Evening
7 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (3)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 8 October 1844; Next 10 October 1844


Count St. Louis: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Lady Bell: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (7)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 8 October 1844; Next 10 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (10)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 8 October 1844; Next 10 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Deeds of Dreadful Note! (3)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 8 October 1844; Next 10 October 1844


Stuff'em: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Fright: [James P.] Wilkinson
Mr. Timid: [Edward R.] Wright
Grab'em: Freeborn
Mrs. Fright: Mrs. Frank Matthews

10 October 1844
Thursday  Evening
7 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (4)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 9 October 1844; Next 11 October 1844


Count St. Louis: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Lady Bell: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (8)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 9 October 1844; Next 11 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (11)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 9 October 1844; Next 11 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Deeds of Dreadful Note! (4)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 9 October 1844; Next 11 October 1844


Stuff'em: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Fright: [James P.] Wilkinson
Mr. Timid: [Edward R.] Wright
Grab'em: Freeborn
Mrs. Fright: Mrs. Frank Matthews

11 October 1844
Friday  Evening
7 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (5)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 10 October 1844; Next 12 October 1844


Count St. Louis: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Lady Bell: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (9)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 10 October 1844; Next 12 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (12)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 10 October 1844; Next 12 October 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Deeds of Dreadful Note! (5)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 10 October 1844; Next 12 October 1844


Stuff'em: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Fright: [James P.] Wilkinson
Mr. Timid: [Edward R.] Wright
Grab'em: Freeborn
Mrs. Fright: Mrs. Frank Matthews

12 October 1844
Saturday  Evening
7 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (6)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 11 October 1844; Next 14 October 1844


Count St. Louis: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Lady Bell: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (10)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 11 October 1844; Next 14 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Norma (13)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 11 October 1844; Next 2 December 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4)  Deeds of Dreadful Note! (6)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 11 October 1844


Stuff'em: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Fright: [James P.] Wilkinson
Mr. Timid: [Edward R.] Wright
Grab'em: Freeborn
Mrs. Fright: Mrs. Frank Matthews

14 October 1844
Monday  Evening
14 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; listed by Nicoll as Don Caesar de Bazan

Author: [Dion L. Boucicault]; Author: [Benjamin N. Webster]; Composer: Thomas G. Reed

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Next 15 October 1844

Genre:  (Drama) entire new drama; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Charles the Second (King of Spain): [Henry H.] Howe (1st time here)
Don Caesar de Bazan (count of Garofa): [Benjamin N.] Webster (1st time here)
Don Jorome de Santarem (King's favourite): Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas (formerly Don Carasco Jacquez y Balsamo della Rotunda): [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo (brother of Maritana, and apprenticed to the King's armourer): Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana (a Neapolitan girl): Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Wiltshire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

Cast Commentary



Scenery Description

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (11)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 12 October 1844; Next 15 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Foreign Affairs; or, The Court of Queen Anne (7)

Performances:  First 7 October 1844; Previous 12 October 1844


Count St. Louis: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Baron Fitzstoutz: [Edward R.] Wright
Sir James Courtall: [James] Hudson
Pierre: Worrell
Lady Grace Dudley: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Marchioness of Dumbarton: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Lady Bell: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baroness Fitzstoutz: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates

15 October 1844
Tuesday  Evening
15 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (2)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 14 October 1844; Next 16 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: Joseph S. Coyne; Arranger: Alfred Mellon

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Next 16 October 1844

Genre:  (Burlesque) new and original eccentric, mythological and musical burlesque

First Night Cast:

Telemachus (representative of 'Young Ithaca' and author of The Complete Navigator): Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso (sovereign of an undiscovered island and goddess in her own right, but left by Ulysses): [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor (the travelling tutor and Tor-Mentor of Telemachus): Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis (nymph in Calypso's establishment for young ladies—who has a strong desire to translate Telemaque into the matrimonial tongue): Miss Emma Harding
(other nymphs in Calypso's train)
      Lycoris: Miss Brooks
      Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid (modernised—conductor of a buss from Bow to (H)arrow): Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha (a female nigger minstrel): S[amuel H.] Cowell
(other minstrels)
      Rose: Sanders
      Lucy: Horton
      Julia: Glennaire
(members of the Olympian Club)
      Jupiter: Waye
      Neptune: Freeborn
      Mercury: Butler
      Pluto: Lawler
      Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]




Scenery Description

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (12)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 14 October 1844; Next 16 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

Title: General Commentary

16 October 1844
Wednesday  Evening
15 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (3)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 15 October 1844; Next 17 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (2)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 15 October 1844; Next 17 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (13)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 15 October 1844; Next 17 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

17 October 1844
Thursday  Evening
15 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (4)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 16 October 1844; Next 18 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (3)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 16 October 1844; Next 18 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (14)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 16 October 1844; Next 18 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

18 October 1844
Friday  Evening
15 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (5)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 17 October 1844; Next 19 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (4)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 17 October 1844; Next 19 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (15)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 17 October 1844; Next 19 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

19 October 1844
Saturday  Evening
15 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (6)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 18 October 1844; Next 21 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (5)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 18 October 1844; Next 21 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (16)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 18 October 1844; Next 21 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

21 October 1844
Monday  Evening
21 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (7)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 19 October 1844; Next 22 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (6)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 19 October 1844; Next 22 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (17)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 19 October 1844; Next 22 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

22 October 1844
Tuesday  Evening
21 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (8)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 21 October 1844; Next 23 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (7)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 21 October 1844; Next 23 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (18)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 21 October 1844; Next 23 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

23 October 1844
Wednesday  Evening
21 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (9)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 22 October 1844; Next 24 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (8)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 22 October 1844; Next 24 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (19)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 22 October 1844; Next 24 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

24 October 1844
Thursday  Evening
21 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (10)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 23 October 1844; Next 25 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (9)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 23 October 1844; Next 25 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (20)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 23 October 1844; Next 25 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

25 October 1844
Friday  Evening
21 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (11)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 24 October 1844; Next 26 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (10)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 24 October 1844; Next 26 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (21)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 24 October 1844; Next 26 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

26 October 1844
Saturday  Evening
21 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (12)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 25 October 1844; Next 28 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (11)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 25 October 1844; Next 28 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (22)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 25 October 1844; Next 28 October 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

28 October 1844
Monday  Evening
28 October 1844
London Theatre Museum

1)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (13)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 26 October 1844; Next 29 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (12)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 26 October 1844; Next 29 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

3)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (23)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 26 October 1844; Next 26 December 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

Illustration: The Mysterious Stranger; founded upon Satan; ou, Le Diable à Paris  [1st Performance Oct 29, 1844]


Title:The Mysterious Stranger; founded upon Satan; ou, Le Diable à Paris
Description:The Mysterious Stranger, founded upon Satan; ou, Le Diable à Paris.  Written by Charles Selby.  Mme. Céleste played the Mysterious Stranger.  James Hudson played the Count.  Mlle. de Nantelle was Miss Emma Harding.
1st Performance:Oct 29, 1844
Source:The Illustrated London News, Nov 9, 1844, p. 300
Review:The Illustrated London News, Nov 9, 1844, p. 300



The accompanying sketch embodies one of the most effective scenes of this spirited piece.  The Satanic tormenter of the puzzled Count Beausoleil (Mr. Hudson) has fully performed all his predictions.  The Count has lost his fortune, and with his fortune his friends and his mistress.  On a rumour, however, that his runaway banker has been arrested, his mistress returns, for there is then a chance of the fortune being recovered, explains away her desertion, and renews her vows of fidelity.  At this nick of time his mysterious persecutor enters, declares all the lady has said to be false, and proves it by putting the Count into a closet, declaring that the banker has escaped beyond the possibility of arrest, that the fortune is lost, and that he himself, being rich beyond calculation, will marry the lady himself; and she consents, to the great horror of the Count, who rushes forward maddened, seizes the pistols from the case his visitor has brought, with an offer of being his second in the duel that must inevitably take place with his dearest friend, for whom his mistress has deserted him, and fires!  As the weapons had probably been prepared for such a catastrophe, by the agent who brought them, he stands in the doorway harmless, thus again turning a natural cause into a proof of his supernatural power; the cleverness with which this is done throughout is the great merit of the piece.

29 October 1844
Tuesday  Evening
29 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; Nicoll gives 30/10/1844 as 1st perf; "Founded on a comedie vaudeville by Messrs. Clarville et Damarin called Satan; ou, Le Diable a Paris" (bill)

Author: Charles Selby; Composer: Doche; Composer: Alfred Mellon

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Next 30 October 1844

Genre:  (Drama) drama of peculiar interest; 2 acts

First Night Cast:

Count Henry de Beausoleil (French gentleman): [James] Hudson
(Beausoleil's friends)
      Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby (1st app)
      Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet (banker): [William] Cullenford
Crequet (valet to Count de Beausoleil): [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
(artistes of society)
      Chechore: O. Smith
      Loupy: Sanders
      La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle (betrothed to Count de Beausoleil): Miss Emma Harding
(ladies of fashion)
      Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
      Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. F[rank] Matthews
      Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline (femme de chambre, de Mademoiselle de Nantelle, betrothed to Crequet): Miss E[llen] Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Schmidt
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Wiltshire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

Cast Commentary


Dance Commentary

Scenery Description

Title: General Commentary

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (14)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 28 October 1844; Next 30 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (13)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 28 October 1844; Next 30 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

Title: General Commentary

30 October 1844
Wednesday  Evening
29 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (2)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 29 October 1844; Next 31 October 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (15)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 29 October 1844; Next 31 October 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (14)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 29 October 1844; Next 31 October 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

31 October 1844
Thursday  Evening
29 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (3)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 30 October 1844; Next 1 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (16)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 30 October 1844; Next 1 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (15)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 30 October 1844; Next 1 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

1 November 1844
Friday  Evening
29 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (4)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 31 October 1844; Next 2 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (17)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 31 October 1844; Next 2 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (16)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 31 October 1844; Next 2 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

2 November 1844
Saturday  Evening
29 October 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (5)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 1 November 1844; Next 4 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (18)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 1 November 1844; Next 4 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Miss Brooks
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss F[anny] Cawse
      Miss Wiltshire

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (17)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 1 November 1844; Next 4 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

4 November 1844
Monday  Evening
4 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (6)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 2 November 1844; Next 5 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

Cast Changes:

OMITS  ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves: Miss F[anny] Cawse
  ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves: Miss Wiltshire

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (19)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 2 November 1844; Next 5 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

Cast Changes:

BUT  Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws (replaces Miss Brooks)
OMITS  bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles: Miss F[anny] Cawse
  bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles: Miss Wiltshire

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (18)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 2 November 1844; Next 5 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

5 November 1844
Tuesday  Evening
4 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (7)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 4 November 1844; Next 6 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (20)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 4 November 1844; Next 6 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (19)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 4 November 1844; Next 6 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

6 November 1844
Wednesday  Evening
4 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (8)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 5 November 1844; Next 7 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (21)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 5 November 1844; Next 7 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (20)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 5 November 1844; Next 7 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

7 November 1844
Thursday  Evening
4 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (9)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 6 November 1844; Next 8 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (22)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 6 November 1844; Next 8 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (21)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 6 November 1844; Next 8 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

8 November 1844
Friday  Evening
4 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (10)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 7 November 1844; Next 9 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (23)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 7 November 1844; Next 9 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (22)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 7 November 1844; Next 9 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

9 November 1844
Saturday  Evening
4 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (11)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 8 November 1844; Next 11 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (24)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 8 November 1844; Next 11 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (23)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 8 November 1844; Next 11 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

11 November 1844
Monday  Evening
11 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (12)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 9 November 1844; Next 12 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (25)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 9 November 1844; Next 12 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (24)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 9 November 1844; Next 12 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

12 November 1844
Tuesday  Evening
11 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (13)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 11 November 1844; Next 13 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (26)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 11 November 1844; Next 13 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (25)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 11 November 1844; Next 13 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

13 November 1844
Wednesday  Evening
11 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (14)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 12 November 1844; Next 14 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (27)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 12 November 1844; Next 14 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (26)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 12 November 1844; Next 14 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

14 November 1844
Thursday  Evening
11 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (15)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 13 November 1844; Next 15 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (28)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 13 November 1844; Next 15 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (27)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 13 November 1844; Next 15 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

15 November 1844
Friday  Evening
11 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (16)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 14 November 1844; Next 16 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (29)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 14 November 1844; Next 16 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (28)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 14 November 1844; Next 16 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

16 November 1844
Saturday  Evening
11 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (17)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 15 November 1844; Next 18 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Caesar de Bazan; or, Love and Honor (30)

Performances:  First 14 October 1844; Previous 15 November 1844


Charles the Second: [Henry H.] Howe
Don Caesar de Bazan: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Don Jorome de Santarem: Worrell
Marquis de Montipompas: [James P.] Wilkinson
Lazarillo: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Captain of the Guard: Freeborn
Lieutenant of Arquebusiers: Sanders
Gomez: Thomas
Perez: Butler
Maritana: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Marchioness de Montipompas: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
bolero dancers, arquebusiers, peasants, nobles:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Miss Schmidt
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (29)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 15 November 1844; Next 18 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

18 November 1844
Monday  Evening
18 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (18)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 16 November 1844; Next 19 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

Title: General Commentary

2)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (1)

Title Comment:  "revived, with new scenery, dresses, properties, and decorations" (bill)

Author: [John B. Buckstone]

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Next 19 November 1844

Genre:  (Drama) domestic and highly popular drama; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Alexandre (roue): [James] Hudson
Michael (journeyman upholsterer): [Charles] Selby
Victorine (embroideress): Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates (her original character)
Elise (a sempstress): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam (her original character)
Justine (femme de chambre to Mme. St. Victor): Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus (a jeweller): Paul J. Bedford
Blaise (Bonassus' man): [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire (a friend to Alexandre): Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope (Alexandre's companion, an old soldier of the Imperial army): O. Smith (his original character)
Bernard (a silversmith): Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

Scenery Description

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (30)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 16 November 1844; Next 19 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

19 November 1844
Tuesday  Evening
18 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (19)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 18 November 1844; Next 20 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (2)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 18 November 1844; Next 20 November 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (31)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 18 November 1844; Next 20 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

20 November 1844
Wednesday  Evening
18 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (20)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 19 November 1844; Next 21 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (3)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 19 November 1844; Next 21 November 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (32)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 19 November 1844; Next 21 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

21 November 1844
Thursday  Evening
18 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (21)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 20 November 1844; Next 22 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (4)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 20 November 1844; Next 22 November 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (33)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 20 November 1844; Next 22 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

22 November 1844
Friday  Evening
18 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (22)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 21 November 1844; Next 23 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (5)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 21 November 1844; Next 23 November 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (34)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 21 November 1844; Next 23 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

23 November 1844
Saturday  Evening
18 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (23)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 22 November 1844; Next 25 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (6)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 22 November 1844; Next 11 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

3)  Telemachus; or, The Island of Calypso (35)

Performances:  First 15 October 1844; Previous 22 November 1844


Telemachus: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Calypso: [Edward R.] Wright
Mentor: Paul J. Bedford
Eucharis: Miss Emma Harding
Lycoris: Miss Brooks
Leona: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Naxia: Miss Vernon
Cupid: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Dinaha: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Rose: Sanders
Lucy: Horton
Julia: Glennaire
Jupiter: Waye
Neptune: Freeborn
Mercury: Butler
Pluto: Lawler
Venus: Miss Lonsdale
nymphs, slaves, Russian Bear ballet dancers, female equestrians, attendants: [Unlisted]

25 November 1844
Monday  Evening
25 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (24)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 23 November 1844; Next 26 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  The Wreck Ashore; or, A Bridegroom from the Sea (1)

Title Comment:  revived by desire

Author: [John B.] Buckstone

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Next 26 November 1844

Genre:  (Drama) original domestic drama; 2 acts

First Night Cast:

Miles Bertram (Squire of Moatley): [James] Hudson (1st time)
Walter Bernard (a young farmer): Worrell
Grampus (a smuggler): O. Smith (his original character)
Marmaduke Magog (parish constable): [Edward R.] Wright
Jemmy Starling (farmer's boy): [James H.] Munyard (from the Theatre Royal, Brighton, 1st time in London)
William: Lindon
Andrew Phipps: Sanders
Thomas: Giffin
Harry: Henry
Hiram Taylor: Butler
Lieutenant of Pressgang: Freeborn
pressgang, labourers: [Unlisted]
Alice: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates (her original character)
Bella (Bella's sister): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam (her original character)
Dame Bernard: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Blackadder (pirate): Lawler
      Avory: Glennaire
      Culverdine: Sterling
      Bardelot: Waye
Walter (sailor): Worrell
Gaffer Fallowfield: Thomas
villagers, revenue officers: [Unlisted]
Lucy: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Starling: Miss Berenger

Cast Commentary

Scenery Description

3)  Cupid (1)

Author: [John G. Millingen]

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Next 26 November 1844

Genre:  (Burlesque) revived legitimate drama, not a burlesque burletta, but a burletta burlesqued

First Night Cast:

Mr. Vulcan Smith: O. Smith
Master Smith, alias Cupid: [Edward R.] Wright (1st time)
Corporal Marsden: Paul J. Bedford (1st time)
Mrs. Vulcan Smith, alias Venus: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mr. Slykey: Sanders
Slykey, or Psyche: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar (1st time)
three Miss Graces (old maids):
      Miss Brooks
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Reynolds

Cast Commentary

26 November 1844
Tuesday  Evening
25 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (25)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 25 November 1844; Next 27 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  The Wreck Ashore; or, A Bridegroom from the Sea (2)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 25 November 1844; Next 27 November 1844


Miles Bertram: [James] Hudson
Walter Bernard: Worrell
Grampus: O. Smith
Marmaduke Magog: [Edward R.] Wright
Jemmy Starling: [James H.] Munyard
William: Lindon
Andrew Phipps: Sanders
Thomas: Giffin
Harry: Henry
Hiram Taylor: Butler
Lieutenant of Pressgang: Freeborn
pressgang, labourers: [Unlisted]
Alice: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Bella: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Dame Bernard: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Blackadder: Lawler
Avory: Glennaire
Culverdine: Sterling
Bardelot: Waye
Walter: Worrell
Gaffer Fallowfield: Thomas
villagers, revenue officers: [Unlisted]
Lucy: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Starling: Miss Berenger

3)  Cupid (2)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 25 November 1844; Next 27 November 1844


Mr. Vulcan Smith: O. Smith
Master Smith, alias Cupid: [Edward R.] Wright
Corporal Marsden: Paul J. Bedford
Mrs. Vulcan Smith, alias Venus: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mr. Slykey: Sanders
Slykey, or Psyche: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
three Miss Graces:
      Miss Brooks
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Reynolds

27 November 1844
Wednesday  Evening
25 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (26)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 26 November 1844; Next 28 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  The Wreck Ashore; or, A Bridegroom from the Sea (3)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 26 November 1844; Next 28 November 1844


Miles Bertram: [James] Hudson
Walter Bernard: Worrell
Grampus: O. Smith
Marmaduke Magog: [Edward R.] Wright
Jemmy Starling: [James H.] Munyard
William: Lindon
Andrew Phipps: Sanders
Thomas: Giffin
Harry: Henry
Hiram Taylor: Butler
Lieutenant of Pressgang: Freeborn
pressgang, labourers: [Unlisted]
Alice: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Bella: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Dame Bernard: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Blackadder: Lawler
Avory: Glennaire
Culverdine: Sterling
Bardelot: Waye
Walter: Worrell
Gaffer Fallowfield: Thomas
villagers, revenue officers: [Unlisted]
Lucy: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Starling: Miss Berenger

3)  Cupid (3)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 26 November 1844; Next 28 November 1844


Mr. Vulcan Smith: O. Smith
Master Smith, alias Cupid: [Edward R.] Wright
Corporal Marsden: Paul J. Bedford
Mrs. Vulcan Smith, alias Venus: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mr. Slykey: Sanders
Slykey, or Psyche: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
three Miss Graces:
      Miss Brooks
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Reynolds

28 November 1844
Thursday  Evening
25 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (27)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 27 November 1844; Next 29 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  The Wreck Ashore; or, A Bridegroom from the Sea (4)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 27 November 1844; Next 29 November 1844


Miles Bertram: [James] Hudson
Walter Bernard: Worrell
Grampus: O. Smith
Marmaduke Magog: [Edward R.] Wright
Jemmy Starling: [James H.] Munyard
William: Lindon
Andrew Phipps: Sanders
Thomas: Giffin
Harry: Henry
Hiram Taylor: Butler
Lieutenant of Pressgang: Freeborn
pressgang, labourers: [Unlisted]
Alice: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Bella: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Dame Bernard: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Blackadder: Lawler
Avory: Glennaire
Culverdine: Sterling
Bardelot: Waye
Walter: Worrell
Gaffer Fallowfield: Thomas
villagers, revenue officers: [Unlisted]
Lucy: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Starling: Miss Berenger

3)  Cupid (4)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 27 November 1844; Next 29 November 1844


Mr. Vulcan Smith: O. Smith
Master Smith, alias Cupid: [Edward R.] Wright
Corporal Marsden: Paul J. Bedford
Mrs. Vulcan Smith, alias Venus: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mr. Slykey: Sanders
Slykey, or Psyche: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
three Miss Graces:
      Miss Brooks
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Reynolds

29 November 1844
Friday  Evening
25 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (28)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 28 November 1844; Next 30 November 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  The Wreck Ashore; or, A Bridegroom from the Sea (5)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 28 November 1844; Next 30 November 1844


Miles Bertram: [James] Hudson
Walter Bernard: Worrell
Grampus: O. Smith
Marmaduke Magog: [Edward R.] Wright
Jemmy Starling: [James H.] Munyard
William: Lindon
Andrew Phipps: Sanders
Thomas: Giffin
Harry: Henry
Hiram Taylor: Butler
Lieutenant of Pressgang: Freeborn
pressgang, labourers: [Unlisted]
Alice: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Bella: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Dame Bernard: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Blackadder: Lawler
Avory: Glennaire
Culverdine: Sterling
Bardelot: Waye
Walter: Worrell
Gaffer Fallowfield: Thomas
villagers, revenue officers: [Unlisted]
Lucy: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Starling: Miss Berenger

3)  Cupid (5)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 28 November 1844; Next 30 November 1844


Mr. Vulcan Smith: O. Smith
Master Smith, alias Cupid: [Edward R.] Wright
Corporal Marsden: Paul J. Bedford
Mrs. Vulcan Smith, alias Venus: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mr. Slykey: Sanders
Slykey, or Psyche: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
three Miss Graces:
      Miss Brooks
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Reynolds

30 November 1844
Saturday  Evening
25 November 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (29)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 29 November 1844; Next 2 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

2)  The Wreck Ashore; or, A Bridegroom from the Sea (6)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 29 November 1844


Miles Bertram: [James] Hudson
Walter Bernard: Worrell
Grampus: O. Smith
Marmaduke Magog: [Edward R.] Wright
Jemmy Starling: [James H.] Munyard
William: Lindon
Andrew Phipps: Sanders
Thomas: Giffin
Harry: Henry
Hiram Taylor: Butler
Lieutenant of Pressgang: Freeborn
pressgang, labourers: [Unlisted]
Alice: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Bella: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Dame Bernard: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Blackadder: Lawler
Avory: Glennaire
Culverdine: Sterling
Bardelot: Waye
Walter: Worrell
Gaffer Fallowfield: Thomas
villagers, revenue officers: [Unlisted]
Lucy: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Starling: Miss Berenger

3)  Cupid (6)

Performances:  First 25 November 1844; Previous 29 November 1844


Mr. Vulcan Smith: O. Smith
Master Smith, alias Cupid: [Edward R.] Wright
Corporal Marsden: Paul J. Bedford
Mrs. Vulcan Smith, alias Venus: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mr. Slykey: Sanders
Slykey, or Psyche: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
three Miss Graces:
      Miss Brooks
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Reynolds

2 December 1844
Monday  Evening
2 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Sidonia di Molina; or, Ruse de Guerre (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: [Unknown]

Performances:  First 2 December 1844; Next 3 December 1844

Genre:  (Drama) entirely new drama; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Duke de Saavedra: [James] Hudson
Baron de Madly: [Charles] Selby
Nunoz (Duke's steward): [Edward R.] Wright
Ratalto: Worrell
La Rose (French Dragoon): Paul J. Bedford
Alcade: Freeborn
officer: Lawler
officers, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Sidonia de Molina: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Maraquita: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Angelica: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Fidelia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Jones
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Fleming

Cast Commentary

Scenery Description

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (30)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 30 November 1844; Next 3 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

3)  Norma (14)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 12 October 1844; Next 3 December 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3 December 1844
Tuesday  Evening
2 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Sidonia di Molina; or, Ruse de Guerre (2)

Performances:  First 2 December 1844; Previous 2 December 1844; Next 4 December 1844


Duke de Saavedra: [James] Hudson
Baron de Madly: [Charles] Selby
Nunoz: [Edward R.] Wright
Ratalto: Worrell
La Rose: Paul J. Bedford
Alcade: Freeborn
officer: Lawler
officers, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Sidonia de Molina: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Maraquita: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Angelica: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Fidelia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Jones
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Fleming

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (31)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 2 December 1844; Next 4 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

3)  Norma (15)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 2 December 1844; Next 4 December 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

4 December 1844
Wednesday  Evening
2 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Sidonia di Molina; or, Ruse de Guerre (3)

Performances:  First 2 December 1844; Previous 3 December 1844; Next 5 December 1844


Duke de Saavedra: [James] Hudson
Baron de Madly: [Charles] Selby
Nunoz: [Edward R.] Wright
Ratalto: Worrell
La Rose: Paul J. Bedford
Alcade: Freeborn
officer: Lawler
officers, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Sidonia de Molina: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Maraquita: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Angelica: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Fidelia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Jones
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Fleming

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (32)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 3 December 1844; Next 5 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

3)  Norma (16)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 3 December 1844; Next 9 December 1844


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

5 December 1844
Thursday  Evening
2 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Sidonia di Molina; or, Ruse de Guerre (4)

Performances:  First 2 December 1844; Previous 4 December 1844; Next 6 December 1844


Duke de Saavedra: [James] Hudson
Baron de Madly: [Charles] Selby
Nunoz: [Edward R.] Wright
Ratalto: Worrell
La Rose: Paul J. Bedford
Alcade: Freeborn
officer: Lawler
officers, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Sidonia de Molina: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Maraquita: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Angelica: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Fidelia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Jones
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Fleming

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (33)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 4 December 1844; Next 6 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (1)

Author: [Charles Selby]

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Next 6 December 1844

Genre:  (Farce) farce

First Night Cast:

Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

Cast Commentary

6 December 1844
Friday  Evening
2 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Sidonia di Molina; or, Ruse de Guerre (5)

Performances:  First 2 December 1844; Previous 5 December 1844; Next 7 December 1844


Duke de Saavedra: [James] Hudson
Baron de Madly: [Charles] Selby
Nunoz: [Edward R.] Wright
Ratalto: Worrell
La Rose: Paul J. Bedford
Alcade: Freeborn
officer: Lawler
officers, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Sidonia de Molina: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Maraquita: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Angelica: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Fidelia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Jones
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Fleming

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (34)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 5 December 1844; Next 7 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (2)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 5 December 1844; Next 7 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

7 December 1844
Saturday  Evening
2 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Sidonia di Molina; or, Ruse de Guerre (6)

Performances:  First 2 December 1844; Previous 6 December 1844


Duke de Saavedra: [James] Hudson
Baron de Madly: [Charles] Selby
Nunoz: [Edward R.] Wright
Ratalto: Worrell
La Rose: Paul J. Bedford
Alcade: Freeborn
officer: Lawler
officers, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Sidonia de Molina: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Maraquita: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Angelica: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Fidelia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Jones
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Fleming

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (35)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 6 December 1844; Next 9 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith
      Miss Schmidt

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (3)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 6 December 1844; Next 11 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

9 December 1844
Monday  Evening
9 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

Benefit: Mrs. Moss

Preliminaries Commentary

1)  The Mysterious Stranger (36)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 7 December 1844; Next 11 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

Cast Changes:

OMITS  ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves: Miss Schmidt

2)  Norma (17)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 4 December 1844; Next 6 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Fayre Rosamonde (1)

Author: Albert R. Smith; Composer: John O. Parry

Performances:  First 9 December 1844

Genre:  (Musical monologue) historical romance

First Night Cast:

performer: John O. Parry

Cast Commentary

4)  The Snapping Turtles [; or, Matrimonial Masquerading] (1)

Author: [John B.] Buckstone

Performances:  First 9 December 1844; Next 13 March 1845

Genre:  (Farce) new and popular duo-drama

First Night Cast:

Mr. Timothy Tims: [John B.] Buckstone
Mrs. Matilda Tims: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
(assumed characters)
      Mr. Fipkins Yaw-Yaw (an exquisite): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
      Miss Arabella Die-away: [John B.] Buckstone
      Mrs. O'Blarney (an Irish fox hunting lady): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
      Sober Sam: [John B.] Buckstone


5)  The Trumpeter's Daughter; or, Love and the Polka (1)

Author: Joseph S. Coyne

Performances:  First 9 December 1844; Next 13 March 1845

Genre:  (Farce) comic interlude

First Night Cast:

Philipot (young artist, nephew to Muller): [Benjamin N.] Webster
Michael Angelo Muller (an old artist): Lambert
Robin (his servant): [James H.] Munyard
Achille Laplomb (trumpeter of the 11th Regiment): Sanders
Madelon (a vivandiere): Mme. [Céline] Céleste


10 December 1844
Tuesday  Evening

Dark: Funeral of Princess Sophia Matilda

11 December 1844
Wednesday  Evening
11 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (7)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 23 November 1844; Next 12 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (37)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 9 December 1844; Next 12 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (4)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 7 December 1844; Next 12 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

12 December 1844
Thursday  Evening
11 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (8)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 11 December 1844; Next 13 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (38)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 11 December 1844; Next 13 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (5)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 11 December 1844; Next 13 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

13 December 1844
Friday  Evening
11 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (9)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 12 December 1844; Next 14 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (39)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 12 December 1844; Next 14 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (6)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 12 December 1844; Next 14 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

14 December 1844
Saturday  Evening
11 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (10)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 13 December 1844; Next 16 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (40)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 13 December 1844; Next 16 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (7)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 13 December 1844; Next 16 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

16 December 1844
Monday  Evening
16 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (11)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 14 December 1844; Next 17 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (41)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 14 December 1844; Next 17 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (8)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 14 December 1844; Next 17 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

17 December 1844
Tuesday  Evening
16 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Victorine; or, "I'll Sleep on It" (12)

Performances:  First 18 November 1844; Previous 16 December 1844


Alexandre: [James] Hudson
Michael: [Charles] Selby
Victorine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Elise: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Justine: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Mr. Bonassus: Paul J. Bedford
Blaise: [Edward R.] Wright
Macaire: Worrell
Mrs. Bonassus: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Caesar Chantelope: O. Smith
Bernard: Waye
Sophie: Miss Brooks

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (42)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 16 December 1844; Next 18 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (9)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 16 December 1844; Next 18 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

Illustration: The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In  [1st Performance Dec 18, 1844]


Title:The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In
Description:The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (based on Dickens' novel) by Mark Lemon and Gilbert A. à Beckett.  Toby (Trotty) Veck was played by W. O. Smith.  Meggy by Julia H. Fortescue, Will Fern, James Hudson and Lilian, the Orphan, Emily M. Turtle.
1st Performance:Dec 18, 1844
Source:The Illustrated London News, Jan 4, 1845, p. 16
Review:The Illustrated London News, Jan 4, 1845, p. 16



Our illustration is from the Second Quarter of this impressive drama--the scene that in which Trotty Veck having brought home Will Fern and Lilian, the orphan, joins his daughter Meg, in setting before them the hospitality of their humble home.  We cannot do better than quote the original story, of which, indeed, the drama is a reflex:--

    Trotty, in a breathless state, set the child down before his daughter in the middle of the floor.  The little visitor looked once at Meg; and doubting nothing in that face, but trusting everything she saw there, ran into her arms.
    "Here we are and here we go!" cried Trotty, running round the room and choking audibly.  "Here!  Uncle Will!  Here's a fire you know!  Why don't you come to the fire?  Oh here we are and here we go!  Meg, my precious darling, where's the kettle?  Here it is and here it goes, and it'll bile in no time!"
    Trotty really had picked up the kettle somewhere or other in the course of his wild career and now put it on the fire: while Meg, seating the child in a warm corner, knelt down on the ground before her, and pulled off her shoes, and dried her wet feet on a cloth.  Aye, and she laughed at Trotty too--so pleasantly, so cheerfully, that Trotty could have blessed her where she kneeled: for he had seen that, when they entered, she was sitting by the fire in tears.
    "Why father!" said Meg, "You're crazy to-night, I think.  I don't know what the Bells would say to that.  Poor little feet.  How cold they are!"
    "Oh they're warmer now!" exclaimed the child.  "‘They're quite warm now!"
    "No, no, no," said Meg.  "We haven't rubbed ‘em half enough.  We're so busy.  So busy!  And when they're done, we'll brush out the damp hair; and when that's done, we'll bring some colour to the poor pale face with fresh water; and when that's done we'll be so gay, arid brisk, and happy--!"
    The child, in a burst of sobbing, clasped her round the neck; caressed her fair cheek with its hand; and said, "Oh Meg!  Oh dear Meg!"
    Toby's blessing could have done no more.  Who could do more?
    "Why father!" cried Meg, after a pause.
    "Here I am, and here I go, my dear," said Trotty.
    "Good Gracious me!" cried Meg.  "He's crazy!  He's put the dear child's bonnet on the kettle, and hung the lid behind the door!"
    "I didn't go to do it, my love," said Trotty, hastily repairing this mistake.
    "Meg, my dear?"
    Meg looked towards him and saw that he had elaborately stationed himself behind the chair of their male visitor, where with many mysterious gestures he was holding up the sixpence he had earned.
    "I see, my dear," said Trotty, "as I was coming in, half an ounce of tea lying somewhere on the stairs; and I'm pretty sure there was a bit of bacon too.  As I don't remember where it was, exactly; I'll go myself and try to find ‘em."
    With this "inscrutable artifice," Trotty withdraws to purchase the viands; the meal is prepared, and little party--
    Trotty's occupation was to see Will Fern and Lilian eat and drink; and so was Meg's.  And never did spectators at a city dinner or court banquet find such high delight in seeing others feast: although it were a monarch or a pope: as those two did, in looking on that night.  Meg smiled at Trotty, Trotty laughed at Meg.  Meg shook her head and made belief to clap her hands, applauding Totty; Trotty conveyed, in dumb-show, unintelligible narratives of how and when and where he had found their visitors, to Meg; and they were happy.  Very happy.

This is one of the most effective scenes in the homely drama: it has so many touches of domestic pathos--so much of everyday life-- and is cleverly but naturally acted throughout.  W. O. Smith, as Trotty, is an artistical portrait; Mr. Hudson, as Will Fern, is judiciously emphatic; and Miss Fortescue, as Meg, plays with a tenderness that gains upon the feelings of the audience.

18 December 1844
Wednesday  Evening
18 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; based on novel by Charles Dickens

Author: Mark Lemon; Author: Gilbert A. à Beckett; Composer: J[ames] H. Tully

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Next 19 December 1844

Genre:  (Drama) entirely new drama; 4 quarters

First Night Cast:

Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck (alias Trotty Veck, a ticket porter): O. Smith
Alderman Cute (practical philosopher): [Edward R.] Wright
Filer (political economist): Lambert
Choker (very red in the face, cold at the heart): [William] Cullenford
Richard (blacksmith, Meggy Veck's lover): [Charles] Selby
Jabez (street musician): [James H.] Munyard
John (footman to Cute): Sanders
Meggy Veck (Trotty's daughter): Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue (from TR DL, 1st time several seasons)
Mrs. Chickenstalker (Trotty's friend, later Mrs. Tugby): Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby (hall porter with voice a long way off): [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart. (the poor man's friend): Paul J. Bedford
Lint (the parish doctor): [Samuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish (Bowley's secretary): C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern (English laborer): [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley (calculating philanthropist): Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern (Will's niece, nine yrs. old): Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle

Scenery Commentary

Scenery Description

Title: General Commentary

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (43)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 17 December 1844; Next 19 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (10)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 17 December 1844; Next 19 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

19 December 1844
Thursday  Evening
18 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (2)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 18 December 1844; Next 20 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (44)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 18 December 1844; Next 20 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (11)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 18 December 1844; Next 20 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

20 December 1844
Friday  Evening
18 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (3)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 19 December 1844; Next 21 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (45)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 19 December 1844; Next 21 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (12)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 19 December 1844; Next 21 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

21 December 1844
Saturday  Evening
18 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (4)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 20 December 1844; Next 23 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (46)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 20 December 1844; Next 23 December 1844


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (13)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 20 December 1844; Next 23 December 1844


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

23 December 1844
Monday  Evening
23 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (5)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 21 December 1844; Next 26 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

Cast Changes:

ADDS  Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (47)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 21 December 1844; Next 19 May 1845


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (14)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 21 December 1844; Next 17 February 1845


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

24 December 1844
Tuesday  Evening

Dark: Christmas Eve

25 December 1844
Wednesday  Evening

Dark: Christmas Day

Illustration: Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats  [1st Performance Dec 26, 1844]


Title:Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats
Description:Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats, author William B. Buckstone, composer Alfred L. Mellon.  Whiskers was Christopher J. Smith and Killcat, John Sanders (later they become Clown and Pantaloon).
1st Performance:Dec 26, 1844
Source:The Illustrated London News, Dec 28, 1844, p. 409
Review:The Illustrated London News, Dec 28, 1844, p. 409



The Pantomime at this house is from the pen of Mr. Buckstone, and is called "Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats," and purports to be "founded upon a categorical and doggrel poem, written by a Laureate, who invoked the Mews of the Middle Ages."  We can well remember an old lottery print upon the same subject, which was published by Messrs.  Bowles and Carver, who formerly kept such an endless repository of entertaining pictures in St. Paul's Churchyard.  The whole of the opening of this piece is taken up by the warlike preparations and battles of the contending parties.  We find Whiskers, King of the Rats (Mr. C. J. Smith), and the Princess Molrow (Miss Lonsdale); there is also Prince Tortoiseshell Torn (Mr. T. Ireland), and Kill Cat, Generalissimo of the Rat Army (Mr. Sanders); while amongst the officers are such names, in the feline army, as Marshal Pantiler, Colonel Purwell, and Major Fitz-spit.  The siege and blowing up of Cat's Castle is the signal for the appearance of the Fairy Honeysuckle, in a radiant star, who transforms Tortoiseshell and Molrow to Harlequin and Columbine, and Whiskers and Kill Cat to Clown and Pantaloon.  A number of allusions to passing events are introduced in the Pantomime, as well as the topics of the past year: Hungerford Suspension Bridge and the Invisible Shell; the Running Rein Fraud and the Insolvent Debtors' Court; the Washhouses for the Million; General Tom Thumb--all leading up to a succession of dioramic tableaux associated with events retrospective of the year 1844, painted by Mr. Charles Marshall.

The business after the transformations proved somewhat dull, and even making allowance for a first representation, the machinery was very much at fault.  The tricks were old, and scarcely brought a laugh; and the audience appeared as dull as if witnessing a tragedy.  The feats of the Infant Lauri Family drew down considerable applause, and were really clever; one or two things here and there were pretty good, as the "Box of American stores," changing to Tom Thumb's carriage, from which a capital likeness of the "General" alighted, and bowed to the audience.  There was, also, a cleverly painted scene of Dioramic Tableaux of the most attractive events of the past year.

26 December 1844
Thursday  Evening
26 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (6)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 23 December 1844; Next 27 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (24)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 28 October 1844; Next 27 December 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; "Founded on a categorical and doggerel poem, written by a laureate who invoked the mews in the Middle Ages, called Cat's Castle and how it was besieged and taken by the rats" (bill)

Author: [Unknown]; Composer: Alfred Mellon

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Next 27 December 1844

Genre:  (Pantomime) new grand military and comic Christmas pantomime; 16 scenes

First Night Cast:

Greenmantle (Demon of the Ditch): Lawler
Killcat (Generalissimo of the Rat Army): Sanders
Whiskers (King of the Rats): C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse (afterwards Fairy Honeysuckle): Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib (a complete pusseyite): [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger (Chief of the Cats): Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family (aged six, eight, and ten years): [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

Cast Commentary


Scenery Description

27 December 1844
Friday  Evening
26 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (7)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 26 December 1844; Next 28 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (25)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 26 December 1844; Next 28 December 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (2)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 26 December 1844; Next 28 December 1844


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

28 December 1844
Saturday  Evening
26 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (8)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 27 December 1844; Next 30 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (26)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 27 December 1844; Next 30 December 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (3)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 27 December 1844; Next 30 December 1844


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

30 December 1844
Monday  Evening
30 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (9)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 28 December 1844; Next 31 December 1844


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (27)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 28 December 1844; Next 31 December 1844


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (4)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 28 December 1844; Next 31 December 1844


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

Title: General Commentary

31 December 1844
Tuesday  Evening
30 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (10)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 30 December 1844; Next 1 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (28)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 30 December 1844; Next 1 January 1845


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (5)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 30 December 1844; Next 1 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

1 January 1845
Wednesday  Evening
30 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (11)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 31 December 1844; Next 2 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (29)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 31 December 1844; Next 2 January 1845


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (6)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 31 December 1844; Next 2 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

2 January 1845
Thursday  Evening
30 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (12)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 1 January 1845; Next 3 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (30)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 1 January 1845; Next 3 January 1845


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (7)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 1 January 1845; Next 3 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

3 January 1845
Friday  Evening
30 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (13)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 2 January 1845; Next 4 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (31)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 2 January 1845; Next 4 January 1845


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (8)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 2 January 1845; Next 4 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

4 January 1845
Saturday  Evening
30 December 1844
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (14)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 3 January 1845; Next 6 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Fox and the Goose; or, The Widow's Husband (32)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 3 January 1845


O'Donoughue: [James] Hudson
Robichon: Paul J. Bedford
Michel: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Francois: Thomas
serjeant: Glennaire
Angelique: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (9)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 3 January 1845; Next 6 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

6 January 1845
Monday  Evening
6 January 1845
London Theatre Museum

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (15)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 4 January 1845; Next 7 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (18)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 9 December 1844; Next 7 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (10)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 4 January 1845; Next 7 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

7 January 1845
Tuesday  Evening
6 January 1845
London Theatre Museum

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (16)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 6 January 1845; Next 8 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (19)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 6 January 1845; Next 8 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (11)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 6 January 1845; Next 8 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

8 January 1845
Wednesday  Evening
6 January 1845
London Theatre Museum

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (17)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 7 January 1845; Next 9 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (20)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 7 January 1845; Next 9 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (12)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 7 January 1845; Next 9 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

9 January 1845
Thursday  Evening
6 January 1845
London Theatre Museum

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (18)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 8 January 1845; Next 10 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (21)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 8 January 1845; Next 10 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (13)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 8 January 1845; Next 10 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

10 January 1845
Friday  Evening
6 January 1845
London Theatre Museum

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (19)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 9 January 1845; Next 11 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (22)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 9 January 1845; Next 11 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (14)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 9 January 1845; Next 11 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

11 January 1845
Saturday  Evening
6 January 1845
London Theatre Museum

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (20)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 10 January 1845; Next 13 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (23)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 10 January 1845; Next 13 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (15)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 10 January 1845; Next 13 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

13 January 1845
Monday  Evening
13 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (21)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 11 January 1845; Next 14 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (24)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 11 January 1845; Next 14 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (16)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 11 January 1845; Next 14 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

14 January 1845
Tuesday  Evening
13 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (22)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 13 January 1845; Next 15 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (25)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 13 January 1845; Next 15 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (17)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 13 January 1845; Next 15 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

15 January 1845
Wednesday  Evening
13 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (23)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 14 January 1845; Next 16 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (26)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 14 January 1845; Next 16 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (18)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 14 January 1845; Next 16 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

16 January 1845
Thursday  Evening
13 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (24)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 15 January 1845; Next 17 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (27)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 15 January 1845; Next 17 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (19)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 15 January 1845; Next 17 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

17 January 1845
Friday  Evening
13 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (25)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 16 January 1845; Next 18 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (28)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 16 January 1845; Next 18 January 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (20)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 16 January 1845; Next 18 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

18 January 1845
Saturday  Evening
13 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (26)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 17 January 1845; Next 20 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  Norma (29)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 17 January 1845; Next 10 March 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (21)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 17 January 1845; Next 20 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

20 January 1845
Monday  Evening
20 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (27)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 18 January 1845; Next 21 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; licensed as C. W.; or, A Kiss From the Bride

Author: [John M. Morton]

Author Commentary:  "by author of Double-bedded Room" (bill)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Next 21 January 1845

Genre:  (Farce) entirely new farce

First Night Cast:

Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (22)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 18 January 1845; Next 21 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

21 January 1845
Tuesday  Evening
20 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (28)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 20 January 1845; Next 22 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (2)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 20 January 1845; Next 22 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (23)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 20 January 1845; Next 22 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

22 January 1845
Wednesday  Evening
20 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (29)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 21 January 1845; Next 23 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (3)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 21 January 1845; Next 23 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (24)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 21 January 1845; Next 23 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

23 January 1845
Thursday  Evening
20 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (30)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 22 January 1845; Next 24 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (4)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 22 January 1845; Next 24 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (25)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 22 January 1845; Next 24 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

24 January 1845
Friday  Evening
20 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (31)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 23 January 1845; Next 25 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (5)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 23 January 1845; Next 25 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (26)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 23 January 1845; Next 25 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

25 January 1845
Saturday  Evening
20 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (32)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 24 January 1845; Next 27 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (6)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 24 January 1845; Next 27 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  Cat's Castle; or, Harlequin and the King of the Rats (27)

Performances:  First 26 December 1844; Previous 24 January 1845


Greenmantle: Lawler
Killcat: Sanders
Whiskers: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Princess Molrow: Miss Lonsdale
Field Mouse: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Tib: [William] Mitchenson
Black Tiger: Master Gallot
Prince Tortoiseshell Tom: T[homas] Ireland
Marshall Pantiler: "Sneaker"
Colonel Purwell: "A Rat Spy"
Major Fitzspit: "Master Longtail"
Harlequin: T[homas] Ireland
Columbine: Miss Lonsdale
Clown: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Pantaloon: Sanders
fishmonger: "Cocksalmon"
gentleman going to Gravesend: "Cockney"
gentleman's wife: "Mrs. Cockney"
gentleman's child: "Master Cockney"
black servant: "Teapot"
sporting characters:
the infant Lauri family: [Unlisted]
      E[dmund] Laws
      "Jeremy Diddler"

Illustration: Céleste, Mme. Céline (c1810/11–1882): Dancer, actress, manager as Miami  [1st Performance Jan 27, 1845]


Title:Céleste, Mme. Céline (c1810/11–1882): Dancer, actress, manager as Miami
Description:Céleste, Mme. Céline, (c1810/11–1882): John Baldwin Buckstone, wrote several plays specifically for her.  After a falling out with Webster (with whom she eventually reconciled), she became lessee of the Lyceum and Olympic.  Mme. Céleste retired after twelve final appearances as Miami (November 1873).  She died of cancer in 1882.
1st Performance:Jan 27, 1845
Source:The Illustrated London News, Feb 1, 1845, p. 73
Review:The Illustrated London News, Feb 1, 1845, pp. 73-74



The new drama of "The Green Bushes, or a Hundred Years Ago" produced this week at the Adelphi has quite brought about a revival of its glories and adds another to the list of masterly productions for which this theatre is indebted to the talent of Mr. Buckstone.  It possesses in an eminent degree all the qualities for which that dramatist is so distinguished--a naturally sustained interest, working through a series of the most dramatic incidents with the utmost lucidity and neatness of construction, abounding in coups de théâtres, which, whilst they are of a striking description, bear a freshness about them which saves them from mere conventionality.  The interest is spread over a period of three years, beginning from 1745, and the scene is chiefly in Ireland, although in the second act we are transported to the wilds of America.

The first act commences with an Irish fair, all the peasants being discovered before a whiskey booth, and amongst them we find Wild Murtogh (Mr. O. Smith), a gentleman desirous of bettering himself and not particular about the means.  He is at this moment the proprietor of a lucky bag and invites the peasants to take a dip.  The first candidate for the prize is Nelly O'Neil (Mrs. Fitzwilliam), a smart little wench courted by all the lads, and telling long stories to Master George (Mr. Hudson), the Squire Conner O'Kennedy's brother, about losing Connor's child, and finding it again through singing the old song of "The Green Bushes." She draws a prize, and all the rest, who draw blanks, vent their disappointment on Wild Murtogh, terminating the scene in a general row.  We are then introduced into the house of Connor O'Kennedy (Mr. Selby), and find his wife Geraldine, (Mrs. Yates,) pressing him not to mix himself further in the rebellion.  Here, Nelly, who is Geraldine's foster-sister, comes in with a placard which she has torn off from a wall, offering a reward for Connor's head.  No time is to be lost, and instant flight is determined on.  We then witness an altercation between George Kennedy and Wild Murtogh, who have been in league together against Connor--one to obtain the price of his capture, the other his estate but are now at odds, as George would prefer assisting his brother's flight.  The last scene of the act is a barn, where the peasants are assembled for a dance, Wild Murtogh officiating as piper.  The jigging is interrupted by the appearance of Connor and his wife, who have come to bid them farewell.  The barn door is opened, and a boat appears on the water, into which Connor steps.  At that moment a trap door springs open, and a party of soldiers concealed there by Murtogh's information, rush upon the rebel.  His wife interposes her body before them, striking up the muskets levelled at him, and the boat moves off, a tableau being formed of the peasantry overpowering the soldiers.

In the second act, the curtain rises on a hut near the borders of the Mississippi.  It is inhabited by a strange couple: Miami, Madame Celeste, the wild huntress of the Mississippi, the orphan daughter of a French officer who married an Indian squaw--an extraordinary being, who has found a mate in the escaped rebel Connor, to whom she is passionately devoted.  Connor is no less fascinated by this strange creature, half savage and half civilized; but is occasionally tormented with the bitter remembrance of the wife and the child he has left at home.  At last, as he is left alone, remorsefully pondering, for the hundredth time, over a letter from his wife, a figure, pale and faltering, appears on the bridge that crosses to the entrance of his hut.  It is Geraldine, who has, crossed the Atlantic after her husband, and wandered in search of him.  Connor is overwhelmed at the meeting; joy at seeing his wife again, and dread for the consequences of her appearance distract him.  Suddenly, whilst she is in his arms, Miami appears on the bridge, starts at the sight, and then stands fixed, her eyes riveted on the couple like a tigress watching her prey.  They move, Connor leading his wife to a place of concealment, and Miami follows in the track bursting with fierce jealousy.  At last, overpowered by it, she levels her rifle at Connor, and as he is embracing his wife the bullet pierces his breast.  A shriek follows, and Geraldine rushes to the spot where Miami is, and, ignorant that she did the deed, entreats her to Connor's assistance.  Miami is thus dragged to witness the dying agonies of her faithless companion, and when he has breathed his last, she mounts a rock and throws herself into the stream--the scene being on the banks of the Mississippi, which is illuminated by the ruddy glare of the setting sun.  Just after her plunge, a raft, bearing a party of French officers to their homeward-bound ship, appears, and they are seen to raise the body of Miami from the water, the curtain descending on the tableau.

The third act brings us back again to Ireland, where George Kennedy is endeavouring, by proof of his brother's death, to take possession of the estate; having, by the assistance of Murtogh, got rid of his little child, Eveleen, left to the care of Nelly, who, on her side, is nearly driven distracted by the loss, and, remembering how she found the child by the same means, is wandering about the country, singing "The Green Bushes." Miami has been to France and inherited an estate.  She appears now in Ireland, in civilized habits, having vowed to make all reparation for her deed of vengeance.  By good fortune, she discovers Connor's child in the care of a blacksmith and immediately takes it under her protection.  Geraldine, too, has returned to Ireland and meets with her sister as she is pursuing her, search for the lost child.

At last all meet--Nelly's plan succeeds, and it leads her to Miami's presence.  George Kennedy repents his misdeeds, and Miami gives up all her property to the little child, after which she dies broken hearted.  We have omitted to refer to the comic portion of the drama, which was entrusted to Messrs. Wright and Bedford.  The former is the master of a show, travelling in America in search of natural curiosities, and the other a Jack Tar who assists the views of his friend by enticing the affections of a real squaw with whom they make their departure, not without a fearful encounter with some Indians.

The piece from beginning to end was admirably put upon the stage and as admirably acted: there was not a part but was done the fullest justice to.  Were we to detail the merits of each, we should exceed all limits: let us mention one only, as having more than usually distinguished himself--Mr. Selby, who, in the part of Connor, was impressive without effort, and quiet, yet conveying the full effect of every situation.  The music was also very effective.  A duet, delightfully sung by Mrs. Fitzwilliam and Hudson, was encored the first night.  Great praise is also due to Mr. Mellon for his melodramatic music; it is of a far higher order than such occasions usually call forth and did much to enhance the poetry of many of the effects.  "The Green Bushes" is, in short, a thorough hit, and will run, and what is more, draw, for many nights.

Our illustration represents the closing scene of this deservedly successful drama.

Illustration: Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago  [1st Performance Jan 27, 1845]


Title:Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago
Description:Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago, author John B. Buckstone.  Miami, later Mme. St. Aubert, was played by Céline Céleste, Evelleen (a child) Miss Robins, Geraldine Mrs. Frederick Yates and George Kennedy by James Hudson.
1st Performance:Jan 27, 1845
Source:The Illustrated London News, Feb 1, 1845, p. 73
Review:The Illustrated London News, Feb 1, 1845, pp. 73-74



The new drama of "The Green Bushes, or a Hundred Years Ago" produced this week at the Adelphi has quite brought about a revival of its glories and adds another to the list of masterly productions for which this theatre is indebted to the talent of Mr. Buckstone.  It possesses in an eminent degree all the qualities for which that dramatist is so distinguished--a naturally sustained interest, working through a series of the most dramatic incidents with the utmost lucidity and neatness of construction, abounding in coups de théâtres, which, whilst they are of a striking description, bear a freshness about them which saves them from mere conventionality.  The interest is spread over a period of three years, beginning from 1745, and the scene is chiefly in Ireland, although in the second act we are transported to the wilds of America.

The first act commences with an Irish fair, all the peasants being discovered before a whiskey booth, and amongst them we find Wild Murtogh (Mr. O. Smith), a gentleman desirous of bettering himself and not particular about the means.  He is at this moment the proprietor of a lucky bag and invites the peasants to take a dip.  The first candidate for the prize is Nelly O'Neil (Mrs. Fitzwilliam), a smart little wench courted by all the lads, and telling long stories to Master George (Mr. Hudson), the Squire Conner O'Kennedy's brother, about losing Connor's child, and finding it again through singing the old song of "The Green Bushes." She draws a prize, and all the rest, who draw blanks, vent their disappointment on Wild Murtogh, terminating the scene in a general row.  We are then introduced into the house of Connor O'Kennedy (Mr. Selby), and find his wife Geraldine, (Mrs. Yates,) pressing him not to mix himself further in the rebellion.  Here, Nelly, who is Geraldine's foster-sister, comes in with a placard which she has torn off from a wall, offering a reward for Connor's head.  No time is to be lost, and instant flight is determined on.  We then witness an altercation between George Kennedy and Wild Murtogh, who have been in league together against Connor--one to obtain the price of his capture, the other his estate but are now at odds, as George would prefer assisting his brother's flight.  The last scene of the act is a barn, where the peasants are assembled for a dance, Wild Murtogh officiating as piper.  The jigging is interrupted by the appearance of Connor and his wife, who have come to bid them farewell.  The barn door is opened, and a boat appears on the water, into which Connor steps.  At that moment a trap door springs open, and a party of soldiers concealed there by Murtogh's information, rush upon the rebel.  His wife interposes her body before them, striking up the muskets levelled at him, and the boat moves off, a tableau being formed of the peasantry overpowering the soldiers.

In the second act, the curtain rises on a hut near the borders of the Mississippi.  It is inhabited by a strange couple: Miami, Madame Celeste, the wild huntress of the Mississippi, the orphan daughter of a French officer who married an Indian squaw--an extraordinary being, who has found a mate in the escaped rebel Connor, to whom she is passionately devoted.  Connor is no less fascinated by this strange creature, half savage and half civilized; but is occasionally tormented with the bitter remembrance of the wife and the child he has left at home.  At last, as he is left alone, remorsefully pondering, for the hundredth time, over a letter from his wife, a figure, pale and faltering, appears on the bridge that crosses to the entrance of his hut.  It is Geraldine, who has, crossed the Atlantic after her husband, and wandered in search of him.  Connor is overwhelmed at the meeting; joy at seeing his wife again, and dread for the consequences of her appearance distract him.  Suddenly, whilst she is in his arms, Miami appears on the bridge, starts at the sight, and then stands fixed, her eyes riveted on the couple like a tigress watching her prey.  They move, Connor leading his wife to a place of concealment, and Miami follows in the track bursting with fierce jealousy.  At last, overpowered by it, she levels her rifle at Connor, and as he is embracing his wife the bullet pierces his breast.  A shriek follows, and Geraldine rushes to the spot where Miami is, and, ignorant that she did the deed, entreats her to Connor's assistance.  Miami is thus dragged to witness the dying agonies of her faithless companion, and when he has breathed his last, she mounts a rock and throws herself into the stream--the scene being on the banks of the Mississippi, which is illuminated by the ruddy glare of the setting sun.  Just after her plunge, a raft, bearing a party of French officers to their homeward-bound ship, appears, and they are seen to raise the body of Miami from the water, the curtain descending on the tableau.

The third act brings us back again to Ireland, where George Kennedy is endeavouring, by proof of his brother's death, to take possession of the estate; having, by the assistance of Murtogh, got rid of his little child, Eveleen, left to the care of Nelly, who, on her side, is nearly driven distracted by the loss, and, remembering how she found the child by the same means, is wandering about the country, singing "The Green Bushes." Miami has been to France and inherited an estate.  She appears now in Ireland, in civilized habits, having vowed to make all reparation for her deed of vengeance.  By good fortune, she discovers Connor's child in the care of a blacksmith and immediately takes it under her protection.  Geraldine, too, has returned to Ireland and meets with her sister as she is pursuing her, search for the lost child.

At last all meet--Nelly's plan succeeds, and it leads her to Miami's presence.  George Kennedy repents his misdeeds, and Miami gives up all her property to the little child, after which she dies broken hearted.  We have omitted to refer to the comic portion of the drama, which was entrusted to Messrs. Wright and Bedford.  The former is the master of a show, travelling in America in search of natural curiosities, and the other a Jack Tar who assists the views of his friend by enticing the affections of a real squaw with whom they make their departure, not without a fearful encounter with some Indians.

The piece from beginning to end was admirably put upon the stage and as admirably acted: there was not a part but was done the fullest justice to.  Were we to detail the merits of each, we should exceed all limits: let us mention one only, as having more than usually distinguished himself--Mr. Selby, who, in the part of Connor, was impressive without effort, and quiet, yet conveying the full effect of every situation.  The music was also very effective.  A duet, delightfully sung by Mrs. Fitzwilliam and Hudson, was encored the first night.  Great praise is also due to Mr. Mellon for his melodramatic music; it is of a far higher order than such occasions usually call forth and did much to enhance the poetry of many of the effects.  "The Green Bushes" is, in short, a thorough hit, and will run, and what is more, draw, for many nights.

Our illustration represents the closing scene of this deservedly successful drama.

27 January 1845
Monday  Evening
27 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: [John B. Buckstone]; Composer: Alfred Mellon; Composer: Edward F. Fitzwilliam

Author Commentary:  Edward Francis Fitzwilliam was the son of Edward

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Next 28 January 1845

Genre:  (Melodrama) an entirely new and original drama; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George (Connor's younger brother): [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh (horse-jobber, piper, and general dealer): O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
(Irish boys)
      Ned Keogh: Lindon
      Darby Donovan: Thomas
      Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine (wife to Connor O'Kennedy): Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil (Geraldine's foster sister): Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois (a French officer): Worrell
Muster Grinnidge (proprietor of a travelling caravan): [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong (Grinnidge's man): Paul J. Bedford
      Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
      Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami (Huntress of the Mississippi): Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail (a squaw): Mrs. Worrell
Dennis (a blacksmith): [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams (a sailor): Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen (a child of seven years): Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

Cast Commentary

Scenery Description

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (7)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 25 January 1845; Next 28 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

Cast Changes:

BUT  Captain Downey: Freeborn (replaces C[hristopher] J. Smith)

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (33)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 25 January 1845; Next 28 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

28 January 1845
Tuesday  Evening
27 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (2)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 27 January 1845; Next 29 January 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (8)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 27 January 1845; Next 29 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (34)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 27 January 1845; Next 29 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

29 January 1845
Wednesday  Evening
27 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (3)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 28 January 1845; Next 30 January 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (9)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 28 January 1845; Next 30 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (35)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 28 January 1845; Next 30 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

30 January 1845
Thursday  Evening
27 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (4)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 29 January 1845; Next 31 January 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (10)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 29 January 1845; Next 31 January 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (36)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 29 January 1845; Next 31 January 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

31 January 1845
Friday  Evening
27 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (5)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 30 January 1845; Next 1 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (11)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 30 January 1845; Next 1 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (37)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 30 January 1845; Next 1 February 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

1 February 1845
Saturday  Evening
27 January 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (6)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 31 January 1845; Next 3 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (12)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 31 January 1845; Next 3 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (38)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 31 January 1845; Next 3 February 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

3 February 1845
Monday  Evening
3 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (7)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 1 February 1845; Next 4 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (13)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 1 February 1845; Next 4 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (39)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 1 February 1845; Next 4 February 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

General, Financial Information

4 February 1845
Tuesday  Evening
3 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (8)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 3 February 1845; Next 6 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (14)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 3 February 1845; Next 6 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3)  The Chimes, a Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In (40)

Performances:  First 18 December 1844; Previous 3 February 1845


Spirit of the Chimes: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Toby Veck: O. Smith
Alderman Cute: [Edward R.] Wright
Filer: Lambert
Choker: [William] Cullenford
Richard: [Charles] Selby
Jabez: [James H.] Munyard
John: Sanders
Meggy Veck: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue
Mrs. Chickenstalker: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Tugby: [James P.] Wilkinson
Sir Joseph Bowley, Bart.: Paul J. Bedford
Lint: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Mr. Fish: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Will Fern: [James] Hudson
Lady Bowley: Miss Emma Harding
Lilian Fern: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Goblin of the Bell: Worrell
Spirit of the Bell: Miss [Emily M.] Turtle
Lilian, aged eighteen: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor

5 February 1845
Wednesday  Evening

Dark: Ash Wednesday

6 February 1845
Thursday  Evening
6 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (9)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 4 February 1845; Next 7 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: [Dion L. Boucicault]

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Next 7 February 1845

Genre:  (Comedietta) new dramatic anecdote; 2 acts

First Night Cast:

Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: [Samuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

Scenery Description

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (15)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 4 February 1845; Next 7 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

7 February 1845
Friday  Evening
6 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (10)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 6 February 1845; Next 8 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (2)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 6 February 1845; Next 8 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (16)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 6 February 1845; Next 8 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

8 February 1845
Saturday  Evening
6 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (11)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 7 February 1845; Next 10 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (3)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 7 February 1845; Next 10 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (17)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 7 February 1845; Next 10 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

10 February 1845
Monday  Evening
10 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (12)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 8 February 1845; Next 11 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (4)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 8 February 1845; Next 11 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (18)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 8 February 1845; Next 11 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

11 February 1845
Tuesday  Evening
10 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (13)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 10 February 1845; Next 12 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (5)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 10 February 1845; Next 12 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (19)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 10 February 1845; Next 12 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

12 February 1845
Wednesday  Evening
10 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (14)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 11 February 1845; Next 13 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (6)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 11 February 1845; Next 13 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (20)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 11 February 1845; Next 13 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

13 February 1845
Thursday  Evening
10 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (15)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 12 February 1845; Next 14 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (7)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 12 February 1845; Next 14 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (21)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 12 February 1845; Next 14 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

14 February 1845
Friday  Evening
10 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (16)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 13 February 1845; Next 15 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (8)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 13 February 1845; Next 15 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (22)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 13 February 1845; Next 15 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

15 February 1845
Saturday  Evening
10 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (17)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 14 February 1845; Next 17 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (9)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 14 February 1845; Next 17 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (23)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 14 February 1845; Next 18 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

17 February 1845
Monday  Evening
17 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (18)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 15 February 1845; Next 18 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (10)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 15 February 1845; Next 18 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (15)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 23 December 1844; Next 19 February 1845


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

Title: General Commentary

18 February 1845
Tuesday  Evening
17 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (19)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 17 February 1845; Next 19 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (11)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 17 February 1845; Next 19 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (24)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 15 February 1845; Next 20 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

19 February 1845
Wednesday  Evening
17 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (20)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 18 February 1845; Next 20 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (12)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 18 February 1845; Next 20 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (16)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 17 February 1845; Next 21 February 1845


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

20 February 1845
Thursday  Evening
17 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (21)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 19 February 1845; Next 21 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (13)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 19 February 1845; Next 21 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (25)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 18 February 1845; Next 22 February 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

21 February 1845
Friday  Evening
17 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (22)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 20 February 1845; Next 22 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (14)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 20 February 1845; Next 22 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Unfinished Gentleman (17)

Performances:  First 5 December 1844; Previous 19 February 1845


Lord Tottedly: [Charles] Selby
Hon. Frisk Flammer: Worrell
Charles Danvers: Sylvester
Bill Downey: [Edward R.] Wright
James Miller: [James H.] Munyard
Nibble: Sanders
Catch: Butler
Robert: Lindon
Louisa Bloomfield: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary Chintz: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

22 February 1845
Saturday  Evening
17 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (23)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 21 February 1845; Next 24 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (15)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 21 February 1845; Next 24 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Corporal's Wedding; or, A Kiss of the Bride (26)

Performances:  First 20 January 1845; Previous 20 February 1845; Next 23 June 1845


Squire Partridge: Lambert
Sir Felix Marmalade: [James] Hudson
Major Griskin: [Charles] Selby
Captain Torpid: Worrell
Captain Downey: Freeborn
Ringwood: Carle
Corporal Cobb: [James H.] Munyard
James: [William] Cullenford
sergeant: Lawler
Lady Arethusa Griskin: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Nancy Cobb: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

24 February 1845
Monday  Evening
24 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (24)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 22 February 1845; Next 25 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; The title reads The "Mother and child are doing well"

Author: [John M. Morton]

Author Commentary:  "by author of Milliner's Holiday, Young England, and Corporal's Wedding" (bill)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Next 25 February 1845

Genre:  (Farce) entirely new farce; 1 act

First Night Cast:

Mr. Snugsby (a planter): Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N. (Snugsby's nephew): Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha (a negress): Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily (ward to Snugsby): Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

Scenery Description

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (16)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 22 February 1845; Next 25 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

25 February 1845
Tuesday  Evening
24 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (25)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 24 February 1845; Next 26 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (2)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 24 February 1845; Next 26 February 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (17)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 24 February 1845; Next 26 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

26 February 1845
Wednesday  Evening
24 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (26)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 25 February 1845; Next 27 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (3)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 25 February 1845; Next 27 February 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (18)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 25 February 1845; Next 27 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

27 February 1845
Thursday  Evening
24 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (27)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 26 February 1845; Next 28 February 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (4)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 26 February 1845; Next 28 February 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (19)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 26 February 1845; Next 28 February 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

28 February 1845
Friday  Evening
24 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (28)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 27 February 1845; Next 1 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (5)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 27 February 1845; Next 1 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (20)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 27 February 1845; Next 1 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

1 March 1845
Saturday  Evening
24 February 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (29)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 28 February 1845; Next 3 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (6)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 28 February 1845; Next 3 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (21)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 28 February 1845; Next 3 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3 March 1845
Monday  Evening
3 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (30)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 1 March 1845; Next 4 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (7)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 1 March 1845; Next 4 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (22)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 1 March 1845; Next 4 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

4 March 1845
Tuesday  Evening
3 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (31)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 3 March 1845; Next 5 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (8)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 3 March 1845; Next 5 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (23)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 3 March 1845; Next 5 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

5 March 1845
Wednesday  Evening
3 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (32)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 4 March 1845; Next 6 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (9)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 4 March 1845; Next 6 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (24)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 4 March 1845; Next 6 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

6 March 1845
Thursday  Evening
3 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (33)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 5 March 1845; Next 7 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (10)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 5 March 1845; Next 7 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (25)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 5 March 1845; Next 7 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

7 March 1845
Friday  Evening
3 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (34)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 6 March 1845; Next 8 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (11)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 6 March 1845; Next 8 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (26)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 6 March 1845; Next 8 March 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

8 March 1845
Saturday  Evening
3 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (35)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 7 March 1845; Next 10 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (12)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 7 March 1845; Next 10 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (27)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 7 March 1845; Next 16 June 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: S[amuel H.] Cowell
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

10 March 1845
Monday  Evening
10 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (36)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 8 March 1845; Next 11 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (13)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 8 March 1845; Next 11 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  Norma (30)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 18 January 1845; Next 11 March 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

11 March 1845
Tuesday  Evening
10 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (37)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 10 March 1845; Next 12 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (14)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 10 March 1845; Next 12 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  Norma (31)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 10 March 1845; Next 12 March 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

12 March 1845
Wednesday  Evening
10 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (38)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 11 March 1845; Next 13 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (15)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 11 March 1845; Next 14 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  Norma (32)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 11 March 1845; Next 14 March 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

13 March 1845
Thursday  Evening
13 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

Benefit: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (39)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 12 March 1845; Next 14 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Snapping Turtles [; or, Matrimonial Masquerading] (2)

Performances:  First 9 December 1844; Previous 9 December 1844


Mr. Timothy Tims: [John B.] Buckstone
Mrs. Matilda Tims: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Mr. Fipkins Yaw-Yaw: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Miss Arabella Die-away: [John B.] Buckstone
Mrs. O'Blarney: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Sober Sam: [John B.] Buckstone

3)  The Trumpeter's Daughter; or, Love and the Polka (2)

Performances:  First 9 December 1844; Previous 9 December 1844


Philipot: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Michael Angelo Muller: Lambert
Robin: Thomas
Achille Laplomb: Sanders
Madelon: Mme. [Céline] Céleste

Cast Changes:

BUT  Robin: Thomas (replaces [James H.] Munyard)

General, Commentary

14 March 1845
Friday  Evening
10 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (40)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 13 March 1845; Next 15 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (16)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 12 March 1845; Next 15 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  Norma (33)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 12 March 1845; Next 15 March 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

15 March 1845
Saturday  Evening
10 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (41)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 14 March 1845; Next 24 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (17)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 14 March 1845; Next 24 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3)  Norma (34)

Performances:  First 28 September 1844; Previous 14 March 1845; Next 21 July 1845


Pollio: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Norma: Paul J. Bedford
Adalgisa: [Edward R.] Wright
Oroveso: Miss Reynolds
Clotilda: Sanders
Flavius: Miss Brooks

17 March 1845
Monday  Evening
17 March 1845
The London Times

Lent: C. H. Adams Astronomy Lecture

18 March 1845
Tuesday  Evening
18 March 1845
The London Times

Lent: C. H. Adams Astronomy Lecture

19 March 1845
Wednesday  Evening
19 March 1845
The London Times

Lent: C. H. Adams Astronomy Lecture

20 March 1845
Thursday  Evening
20 March 1845
The London Times

Lent: C. H. Adams Astronomy Lecture

21 March 1845
Friday  Evening

Dark: Good Friday

22 March 1845
Saturday  Evening
18 March 1845
The London Times

Lent: C. H. Adams Astronomy Lecture

Illustration: Bedford, Paul J. (1792-1871): Actor  [1st Performance Mar 24, 1845]


Title:Bedford, Paul J. (1792-1871): Actor
Description:Bedford, Paul J. (1792-1871): When he entered into an engagement with Frederick Yates at the Adelphi in 1838, Bedford’s career blossomed.  He played Blueskin in Jack Sheppard and Jack Gong in Green Bushes.  In the burlesque, St. George and the Dragon, he appeared as the dragon "a national nuisance."
1st Performance:Mar 24, 1845
Source:The Illustrated London News, Feb 29, 1845, p. 204
Review:The Illustrated London News, Feb 29, 1845, p. 204



The ready pens of Messrs. Mark Lemon and Gilbert à Beckett, have furnished a very admirable burlesque to this theatre, "founded," as they assure us, "on a polite request from Madame Celeste," but taken from the old English chivalric legend of "St. George and the Dragon." Putting aside the clever notion worked out with great tact in the plot--that of making the dragon the impersonation of humbug--as well as the sparkling dialogue, which is crammed with jokes, puns, and allusions, the piece has been produced in the most gorgeous style: all the appliances are of first-rate excellence, and the extravaganza, good as it is in itself, has certainly received every adventitious aid from the spirited management.

St. George is performed by Miss Woolgar, a valuable actress in burlesque, where intelligence and perception of humour are required.  Mr. Wright is Almidor, a black monarch, paying court to the Princess Sabra (Miss Ellen Chaplin); Mr. Paul Bedford is "great" in all senses as the Dragon, and wears a dress, which is an ingenious compromise between a scaly monster's and a Newmarket "cut-away;" and Mr. Selby is a magnificent Ptolemy.

St. George undertakes the crusade against the Dragon, to win the hand of Sabra, and finally vanquishes him by the Press, which changes to the Spirit of Truth, ingeniously working out the notion above alluded to.

There are so many good things in this burlesque that it is very difficult to select some.  Possibly those which follow are amongst the best.

Cuimoth is dressing the hair of Kabyla, the enchantress:--

       Cui. (brushing KABYLA'S hair)
    Your hair, my lady's, getting rather dry,
    Some of the Russian balsam shall I try?
       Kab. Well, p'rhaps you may--yet no--upon the whole,
    Anything Russian's hurtful to the Pole;
    The very thought my nervous system shocks,
    O!  would that mine were like Chubb's--safety locks!
    Should I turn Grey, I'd bid the world good bye,
       Zon. If you turn grey, it would be time to dye.

A marriage contract:--

       Kab. Yon living charger I design for thee
    If you'll consent at once to marry me.
       St. Geo. I do consent so that you don't object
    To grant what modern husbands now expect.
       Kab. Of course, my love!  What may your wishes be?
       St. Geo. Oh!  a cigar in-doors, and a latch key!
       Kab. The former is a secondary matter,
    But there's a deal of mischief in the latter.
    Latch keys cause men without restraint to roam;
    For there's no knowing when they do get home.

The miseries of royalty:--

       Pto. Silence!  What!  can't my majesty walk out
    But after me you raise this horrid rout!
    Upon my daughter's nerves I'm sure it jars:
    The soldiers all seem bravos or hussars.
       Sab. You're right, papa; I dread the cannon's roar:
    ‘Tis the old dose, "the powder, as before,"
    A princess now, no matter if it suits her,
    Can't move, but some artillery man salutes her.

An insurance-office:--

       St. Geo. Is this the office?  yes, I'm pretty sure it is--
             [Seeing Dragon]
    Oh!  I beg pardon; do you buy securities?
       Dra. Why that depends on what they are, young man,
    I'm willing to do business if I can;
    For anything I'll give a price that's fair,
    From an old coat up to a Railway share!
       St. Geo. I've coal shares, sir, in the Talacre concern,
    Such coals you'll find, there regular bricks to burn.

The Portland Vase affair:--

       Pto. Off with the Dragon's head, its proper place
    Is the Museum, under a glass case.
       St. Geo. If as a curiosity they take it
    To the Museum, somebody may break it.

The piece entirely successful, and reflects great credit upon all parties concerned in its production.  The applause, when the curtain fell, was genuine and continuous; and Miss Woolgar, Mr. Wright, and Mr. Paul Bedford, were called for, and loudly welcomed by the audience.

Our illustration will be best accompanied by a quotation from the libretto:--

    St. Geo.The lady's hand sure prize enough will be--
                (about to take Sabra's hand)
    Hollo!  young man, you'll take that after me.


    St. Geo.

    I'll thank you to mention, if it's your intention,
       In that lady's affection my rival to be?
    For if it is sir, I'll only say this, sir,
       Consider you're horsewhipp'd this moment by me.


    ‘The lady has taste, sir, she'll ne'er be disgraced, sir,
       By wedding with one who's so horribly vain.
    So pray, sir, take warning, or else, some fine morning,
       ‘Twill be pistols for two, so don't do it again.


    Don't, &c.

Illustration: Saint George and the Dragon  [1st Performance Mar 24, 1845]


Title:Saint George and the Dragon
Description:Saint George and the Dragon by Gilbert A. à Beckett and Mark Lemon.  "Founded upon a polite request of Mme. Céleste." St. George was played by Sarah Woolgar, Almidor (a black monarch) Wright, Princess Sabra by Miss Ellen Chaplin and Ptolemy Charles Selby.
1st Performance:Mar 24, 1845
Source:The Illustrated London News, Feb 29, 1845, p. 204
Review:The Illustrated London News, Feb 29, 1845, p. 204



The ready pens of Messrs. Mark Lemon and Gilbert à Beckett, have furnished a very admirable burlesque to this theatre, "founded," as they assure us, "on a polite request from Madame Celeste," but taken from the old English chivalric legend of "St. George and the Dragon." Putting aside the clever notion worked out with great tact in the plot--that of making the dragon the impersonation of humbug--as well as the sparkling dialogue, which is crammed with jokes, puns, and allusions, the piece has been produced in the most gorgeous style: all the appliances are of first-rate excellence, and the extravaganza, good as it is in itself, has certainly received every adventitious aid from the spirited management.

St. George is performed by Miss Woolgar, a valuable actress in burlesque, where intelligence and perception of humour are required.  Mr. Wright is Almidor, a black monarch, paying court to the Princess Sabra (Miss Ellen Chaplin); Mr. Paul Bedford is "great" in all senses as the Dragon, and wears a dress, which is an ingenious compromise between a scaly monster's and a Newmarket "cut-away;" and Mr. Selby is a magnificent Ptolemy.

St. George undertakes the crusade against the Dragon, to win the hand of Sabra, and finally vanquishes him by the Press, which changes to the Spirit of Truth, ingeniously working out the notion above alluded to.

There are so many good things in this burlesque that it is very difficult to select some.  Possibly those which follow are amongst the best.

Cuimoth is dressing the hair of Kabyla, the enchantress:--

       Cui. (brushing KABYLA'S hair)
    Your hair, my lady's, getting rather dry,
    Some of the Russian balsam shall I try?
       Kab. Well, p'rhaps you may--yet no--upon the whole,
    Anything Russian's hurtful to the Pole;
    The very thought my nervous system shocks,
    O!  would that mine were like Chubb's--safety locks!
    Should I turn Grey, I'd bid the world good bye,
       Zon. If you turn grey, it would be time to dye.

A marriage contract:--

       Kab. Yon living charger I design for thee
    If you'll consent at once to marry me.
       St. Geo. I do consent so that you don't object
    To grant what modern husbands now expect.
       Kab. Of course, my love!  What may your wishes be?
       St. Geo. Oh!  a cigar in-doors, and a latch key!
       Kab. The former is a secondary matter,
    But there's a deal of mischief in the latter.
    Latch keys cause men without restraint to roam;
    For there's no knowing when they do get home.

The miseries of royalty:--

       Pto. Silence!  What!  can't my majesty walk out
    But after me you raise this horrid rout!
    Upon my daughter's nerves I'm sure it jars:
    The soldiers all seem bravos or hussars.
       Sab. You're right, papa; I dread the cannon's roar:
    ‘Tis the old dose, "the powder, as before,"
    A princess now, no matter if it suits her,
    Can't move, but some artillery man salutes her.

An insurance-office:--

       St. Geo. Is this the office?  yes, I'm pretty sure it is--
             [Seeing Dragon]
    Oh!  I beg pardon; do you buy securities?
       Dra. Why that depends on what they are, young man,
    I'm willing to do business if I can;
    For anything I'll give a price that's fair,
    From an old coat up to a Railway share!
       St. Geo. I've coal shares, sir, in the Talacre concern,
    Such coals you'll find, there regular bricks to burn.

The Portland Vase affair:--

       Pto. Off with the Dragon's head, its proper place
    Is the Museum, under a glass case.
       St. Geo. If as a curiosity they take it
    To the Museum, somebody may break it.

The piece entirely successful, and reflects great credit upon all parties concerned in its production.  The applause, when the curtain fell, was genuine and continuous; and Miss Woolgar, Mr. Wright, and Mr. Paul Bedford, were called for, and loudly welcomed by the audience.

Our illustration will be best accompanied by a quotation from the libretto:--

    St. Geo.The lady's hand sure prize enough will be--
                (about to take Sabra's hand)
    Hollo!  young man, you'll take that after me.


    St. Geo.

    I'll thank you to mention, if it's your intention,
       In that lady's affection my rival to be?
    For if it is sir, I'll only say this, sir,
       Consider you're horsewhipp'd this moment by me.


    ‘The lady has taste, sir, she'll ne'er be disgraced, sir,
       By wedding with one who's so horribly vain.
    So pray, sir, take warning, or else, some fine morning,
       ‘Twill be pistols for two, so don't do it again.


    Don't, &c.

24 March 1845
Monday  Evening
24 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (42)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 15 March 1845; Next 25 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; by authors of Open Sesame; or, A Night with the Forty Thieves

Author: Gilbert A. à Beckett; Author: Mark Lemon; Composer: J[ames] H. Tully

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Next 25 March 1845

Genre:  (Burlesque) grand empirical exposition founded on a polite request of Mme. [Céline] Céleste to the authors

First Night Cast:

(indifferent characters)
      Kabyla (weird old maiden lady of the woods): Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
      Zontoma (toady with a precious lot of jewels in her head): Miss Brooks
      Cuinoth (a demon dresser of inhuman hair): Sanders
      the dragon (a national nuisance): Paul J. Bedford
      Truth (well-known): Miss Fleming
      Dragonnitty (a thumbed page): "Master Tom"
(indifferent characters: ladies who never have a good word for anybody, as they don't speak at all)
      Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
      Magor: Miss Reynolds
(different characters)
      Saint George (Champion of England): Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
      St. Denis of France: Freeborn
      St. James of Spain: Stone
      St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
      St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
      St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
      St. David of Wales: Butler
(different characters: bottle holders to the seven champions)
      John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
      St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
      Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
      Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
      Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
      Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
      Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
      Ptolomy (King of Egypt): [Charles] Selby
      Princess Sabra (young lady, violently struck by the Champion of England): Miss E[llen] Chaplin
      ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
      Almidor (one moor, Emperor of Morocco): [Edward R.] Wright
(Egyptians: ministers in office but quite "out of place")
      Prime Minister: Thomas
      Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
      Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
      Private Secretary: Sylvester

Cast Commentary


Scenery Description

Title: General Commentary

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (18)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 15 March 1845; Next 25 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

25 March 1845
Tuesday  Evening
24 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (43)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 24 March 1845; Next 26 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (2)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 24 March 1845; Next 26 March 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (19)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 24 March 1845; Next 26 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

26 March 1845
Wednesday  Evening
24 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (44)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 25 March 1845; Next 27 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (3)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 25 March 1845; Next 27 March 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (20)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 25 March 1845; Next 27 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

27 March 1845
Thursday  Evening
24 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (45)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 26 March 1845; Next 28 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (4)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 26 March 1845; Next 28 March 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (21)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 26 March 1845; Next 28 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

28 March 1845
Friday  Evening
24 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (46)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 27 March 1845; Next 29 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (5)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 27 March 1845; Next 29 March 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (22)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 27 March 1845; Next 29 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

29 March 1845
Saturday  Evening
24 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (47)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 28 March 1845; Next 31 March 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (6)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 28 March 1845; Next 31 March 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (23)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 28 March 1845; Next 31 March 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

31 March 1845
Monday  Evening
31 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (48)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 29 March 1845; Next 1 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (7)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 29 March 1845; Next 1 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (24)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 29 March 1845; Next 1 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

1 April 1845
Tuesday  Evening
31 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (49)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 31 March 1845; Next 2 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (8)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 31 March 1845; Next 2 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (25)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 31 March 1845; Next 2 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

2 April 1845
Wednesday  Evening
31 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (50)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 1 April 1845; Next 3 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (9)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 1 April 1845; Next 3 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (26)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 1 April 1845; Next 3 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

3 April 1845
Thursday  Evening
31 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (51)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 2 April 1845; Next 4 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (10)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 2 April 1845; Next 4 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (27)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 2 April 1845; Next 4 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

4 April 1845
Friday  Evening
31 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (52)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 3 April 1845; Next 5 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (11)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 3 April 1845; Next 5 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (28)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 3 April 1845; Next 5 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

5 April 1845
Saturday  Evening
31 March 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (53)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 4 April 1845; Next 7 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (12)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 4 April 1845; Next 7 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (29)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 4 April 1845; Next 7 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

7 April 1845
Monday  Evening
7 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (54)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 5 April 1845; Next 8 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (13)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 5 April 1845; Next 8 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (30)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 5 April 1845; Next 8 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

8 April 1845
Tuesday  Evening
7 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (55)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 7 April 1845; Next 9 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (14)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 7 April 1845; Next 9 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (31)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 7 April 1845; Next 9 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

9 April 1845
Wednesday  Evening
7 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (56)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 8 April 1845; Next 10 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (15)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 8 April 1845; Next 10 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (32)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 8 April 1845; Next 10 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

10 April 1845
Thursday  Evening
7 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (57)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 9 April 1845; Next 11 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (16)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 9 April 1845; Next 11 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (33)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 9 April 1845; Next 11 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

11 April 1845
Friday  Evening
7 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (58)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 10 April 1845; Next 12 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (17)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 10 April 1845; Next 12 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (34)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 10 April 1845; Next 12 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

12 April 1845
Saturday  Evening
7 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (59)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 11 April 1845; Next 14 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (18)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 11 April 1845; Next 14 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (35)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 11 April 1845; Next 14 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

14 April 1845
Monday  Evening
14 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (60)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 12 April 1845; Next 15 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (19)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 12 April 1845; Next 15 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (36)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 12 April 1845; Next 15 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

15 April 1845
Tuesday  Evening
14 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (61)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 14 April 1845; Next 16 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (20)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 14 April 1845; Next 16 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (37)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 14 April 1845; Next 16 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

16 April 1845
Wednesday  Evening
14 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (62)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 15 April 1845; Next 17 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (21)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 15 April 1845; Next 17 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (38)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 15 April 1845; Next 17 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

17 April 1845
Thursday  Evening
14 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (63)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 16 April 1845; Next 18 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (22)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 16 April 1845; Next 18 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (39)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 16 April 1845; Next 18 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

18 April 1845
Friday  Evening
14 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (64)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 17 April 1845; Next 19 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (23)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 17 April 1845; Next 19 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (40)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 17 April 1845; Next 19 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

19 April 1845
Saturday  Evening
14 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (65)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 18 April 1845; Next 21 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (24)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 18 April 1845; Next 21 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (41)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 18 April 1845; Next 21 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue

21 April 1845
Monday  Evening
21 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (66)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 19 April 1845; Next 22 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (25)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 19 April 1845; Next 22 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (42)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 19 April 1845; Next 22 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

Cast Changes:

BUT  Emily: Miss Emma Harding (replaces Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue)

22 April 1845
Tuesday  Evening
21 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (67)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 21 April 1845; Next 23 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (26)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 21 April 1845; Next 23 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (43)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 21 April 1845; Next 23 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

23 April 1845
Wednesday  Evening
21 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (68)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 22 April 1845; Next 24 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (27)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 22 April 1845; Next 24 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (44)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 22 April 1845; Next 24 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

24 April 1845
Thursday  Evening
21 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (69)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 23 April 1845; Next 25 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (28)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 23 April 1845; Next 25 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (45)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 23 April 1845; Next 25 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

25 April 1845
Friday  Evening
21 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (70)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 24 April 1845; Next 26 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (29)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 24 April 1845; Next 26 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (46)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 24 April 1845; Next 26 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

26 April 1845
Saturday  Evening
21 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (71)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 25 April 1845; Next 28 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (30)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 25 April 1845; Next 28 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (47)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 25 April 1845; Next 28 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

28 April 1845
Monday  Evening
28 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (72)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 26 April 1845; Next 29 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (31)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 26 April 1845; Next 29 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (48)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 26 April 1845; Next 29 April 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

29 April 1845
Tuesday  Evening
28 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (73)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 28 April 1845; Next 30 April 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  Saint George and the Dragon (32)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 28 April 1845; Next 30 April 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (49)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 28 April 1845; Next 16 June 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

30 April 1845
Wednesday  Evening
30 April 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

Benefit: Mme. Céleste

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (74)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 29 April 1845; Next 1 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (1)

Title Comment:  1st time here

Author: [Benjamin N. Webster]

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Next 1 May 1845

Genre:  (Farce) popular burletta

First Night Cast:

Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster (his original character)
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal (1st time here)
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste (her original character)
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted


Entertainment Commentary


Scenery Description

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (33)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 29 April 1845; Next 1 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

1 May 1845
Thursday  Evening
1 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (75)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 30 April 1845; Next 2 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (2)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 30 April 1845; Next 2 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (34)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 30 April 1845; Next 2 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

2 May 1845
Friday  Evening
1 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (76)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 1 May 1845; Next 3 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (3)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 1 May 1845; Next 3 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (35)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 1 May 1845; Next 3 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

3 May 1845
Saturday  Evening
1 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (77)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 2 May 1845; Next 5 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (4)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 2 May 1845; Next 5 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (36)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 2 May 1845; Next 5 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

5 May 1845
Monday  Evening
5 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (78)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 3 May 1845; Next 6 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (5)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 3 May 1845; Next 6 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (37)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 3 May 1845; Next 6 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

6 May 1845
Tuesday  Evening
5 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (79)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 5 May 1845; Next 7 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (6)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 5 May 1845; Next 7 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (38)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 5 May 1845; Next 7 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

7 May 1845
Wednesday  Evening
5 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (80)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 6 May 1845; Next 9 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (7)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 6 May 1845; Next 8 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (39)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 6 May 1845; Next 9 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

Illustration: Poole, John (1786-1872): Playwright, actor  [1st Performance May 8, 1845]


Title:Poole, John (1786-1872): Playwright, actor
Description:Poole, John (1786-1872): One of the best of the early nineteenth-century playwrights.  Three of his farces were played at the Adelphi and one comedy.  This play was Poole’s masterwork, Paul Pry, which was performed in fourteen seasons.  The title role had been played by John Liston in 1825.  In May 1845, Edward Wright played it at his benefit.
1st Performance:May 8, 1845
Source:Benefit performance for Edward Wright playing the title character for the first time.  The Illustrated London News judged him to be "second only to the great original [John] Liston."  The Illustrated London News., May 17, 1845, p. 320
Review:Benefit performance for Edward Wright playing the title character for the first time.  The Illustrated London News judged him to be "second only to the great original [John] Liston."  The Illustrated London News., May 17, 1845, p. 320



Mr. Poole's very neatly-written play of "Paul Pry," revived at this theatre, for the benefit of Mr. Wright, has been repeated during the week with increased effect.  Mr. Wright's personation of the village Marplot, is second only to the great original, Liston; whose ubiquitous umbrella, and "I hope I don't intrude," are here transmitted to us with almost unimpaired lustre.

8 May 1845
Thursday  Evening
8 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

Benefit: [Edward R.] Wright

1)  Paul Pry (1)

Title Comment:  1st and only time here of the Haymarket Paul Pry

Author: John Poole

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Next 12 May 1845

Genre:  (Comedy) comedy; 3 acts

First Night Cast:

Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright (first time in role)
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar


2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (8)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 7 May 1845; Next 9 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Binks the Bagman (5)

Performances:  First 2 October 1844; Previous 5 October 1844; Next 11 August 1845


Binks: [Edward R.] Wright
Kit Crimmins: [James P.] Wilkinson
Jack Robinson: Paul J. Bedford
Thomas: Sanders
Boots: Butler
Mrs. Crimmins: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mrs. Robinson: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mary: Miss Brooks
The Bear: [William] Mitchenson

9 May 1845
Friday  Evening
5 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (81)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 7 May 1845; Next 10 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (9)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 8 May 1845; Next 10 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (40)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 7 May 1845; Next 10 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

10 May 1845
Saturday  Evening
5 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago (82)

Performances:  First 27 January 1845; Previous 9 May 1845


Connor O'Kennedy: [Charles] Selby
George: [James] Hudson
Wild Murtogh: O. Smith
Paddy Kelly: Sanders
Ned Keogh: Lindon
Darby Donovan: Thomas
Tim O'Toole: Horton
male and female peasants, tenantry, soldiers: [Unlisted]
Geraldine: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Nelly O'Neil: Mrs. [Edward] Fitzwilliam
Captain Dartois: Worrell
Muster Grinnidge: [Edward R.] Wright
Jack Gong: Paul J. Bedford
Little Bear: [William] Mitchenson
Rattlesnake: C[hristopher] J. Smith
officers, men: [Unlisted]
Miami: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Tigertail: Mrs. Worrell
Dennis: [William] Cullenford
Tom Williams: Lawler
Larry: Waye
servant to George: Sylvester
servant to Mme. St. Aubert: Glennaire
Mme. St. Aubert: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Evelleen: Miss Robins
Mrs. Gong: Mrs. Worrell
Meg: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Louise: Miss Bell

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (10)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 9 May 1845; Next 12 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (41)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 9 May 1845; Next 12 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

12 May 1845
Monday  Evening
12 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (2)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 8 May 1845; Next 13 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (11)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 10 May 1845; Next 13 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (42)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 10 May 1845; Next 13 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

13 May 1845
Tuesday  Evening
12 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (3)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 12 May 1845; Next 14 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (12)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 12 May 1845; Next 14 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (43)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 12 May 1845; Next 14 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

14 May 1845
Wednesday  Evening
12 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (4)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 13 May 1845; Next 15 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (13)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 13 May 1845; Next 15 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (44)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 13 May 1845; Next 15 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

15 May 1845
Thursday  Evening
12 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (5)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 14 May 1845; Next 16 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (14)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 14 May 1845; Next 16 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (45)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 14 May 1845; Next 16 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

16 May 1845
Friday  Evening
12 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (6)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 15 May 1845; Next 17 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (15)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 15 May 1845; Next 17 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (46)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 15 May 1845; Next 17 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

17 May 1845
Saturday  Evening
12 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (7)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 16 May 1845; Next 19 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (16)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 16 May 1845; Next 19 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (47)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 16 May 1845; Next 26 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

19 May 1845
Monday  Evening
19 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (8)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 17 May 1845; Next 20 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (48)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 23 December 1844; Next 20 May 1845


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (17)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 17 May 1845; Next 20 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

20 May 1845
Tuesday  Evening
19 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (9)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 19 May 1845; Next 21 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (49)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 19 May 1845; Next 21 May 1845


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (18)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 19 May 1845; Next 21 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

21 May 1845
Wednesday  Evening
19 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (10)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 20 May 1845; Next 23 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (50)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 20 May 1845; Next 23 May 1845


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (19)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 20 May 1845; Next 23 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

22 May 1845
Thursday  Evening
22 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

Benefit: Mrs. Frederick H. Yates

Preliminaries Commentary

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (1)

Title Comment:  listed by Nicoll as P. J.; or, A Sailor's Wife; though bill specifies 3 parts, only two parts are described in bill

Author: [John B. Buckstone]; Composer: George H. Rodwell

Author Commentary:  by the author of The Wreck Ashore

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Next 2 June 1845

Genre:  (Drama) domestic and nautical drama; 3 parts

First Night Cast:

Mark Williams (missionary at Obeydah): [William] Cullenford
Domingo (cook at an inn at Buenos Ayres): Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton (of H.M.Ship Adrastus): T[homas] P. Cooke (his original character)
Sam Griffin (merchant seaman): Paul J. Bedford
Flipper (Griffin's companion): Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza (Buenos Ayrian trader): O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco (her friend): [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold (from Haymarket, 1st & only time here)
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny (runaway barber): [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Miss Brooks
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

Scenery Description

Title: General Commentary

2)  The Child of the Wreck (1)

Author: James R. Planché

Performances:  First 22 May 1845

Genre:  (Melodrama) interesting drama

First Night Cast:

Maurice (a dumb boy): Mme. [Céline] Céleste (her original character)
Frantz: [Benjamin N.] Webster (his original character)
Griendall: Lambert
Albert: Brindal (his original character)
Mr. Hartman: [Charles] Selby
Mme. Tremens: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Sophia: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor


Entertainment Commentary

3)  A Kiss in the Dark (1)

Title Comment:  Nicoll says it was licensed as Hubby's jealousy

Author: [John B. Buckstone]; Composer: T[homas?] S. Cooke

Performances:  First 22 May 1845

Genre:  (Farce) popular farce

First Night Cast:

Mr. Selim Pettibone: [John B.] Buckstone
Frank Fathom: Worrell
Mrs. Pettibone: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mary: Miss Ellen Chaplin
The Unknown Female: Miss Berenger

General, Entertainment

General, Entertainment Commentary

23 May 1845
Friday  Evening
19 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (11)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 21 May 1845; Next 24 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (51)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 21 May 1845; Next 24 May 1845


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (20)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 21 May 1845; Next 24 May 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

24 May 1845
Saturday  Evening
19 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (12)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 23 May 1845; Next 26 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Mysterious Stranger (52)

Performances:  First 29 October 1844; Previous 23 May 1845; Next 19 August 1845


Count Henry de Beausoleil: [James] Hudson
Count Vanille: [Charles] Selby
Captain Gasconade: Worrell
Mysterious Stranger: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Duplumet: [William] Cullenford
Crequet: [Edward R.] Wright
Francois: Glennaire
Pierre: Thomas
Chechore: O. Smith
Loupy: Sanders
La Fleur: Green
corporal: Waye
chaumiere: Gordon
Mademoiselle de Nantelle: Miss Emma Harding
Mme. de Sericourt: Miss Brooks
Mme. de Luceval: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Mme. de Savigne: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Mme. de Lenneville: Mrs. Lambert
Madeline: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, gentlemen, guests, dancers, thieves:
      Mrs. Vernon
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Maurice
      Miss Simpson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Johnson
      Miss Angelina
      Miss Bell
      Miss Emma Harding
      Mrs. Thomas
      Mrs. Lambert
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Jones
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Lonsdale
      Miss Emsley
      Miss Berenger
      [William] Mitchenson
      C. F. Smith

3)  The Pretty Girls of Stilberg (21)

Performances:  First 30 April 1845; Previous 23 May 1845; Next 6 August 1845


Ernest: [Benjamin N.] Webster
Bob: [Edward R.] Wright
Popplewig: [James H.] Munyard
Jules: Brindal
Alfred: Worrell
Margot: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
Christina: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
commander-in-chief: Mme. [Céline] Céleste
female warriors: Unlisted

26 May 1845
Monday  Evening
26 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (13)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 24 May 1845; Next 27 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever; Nicoll gives 16/5/1845 as 1st perf

Author: Charles Selby

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Next 27 May 1845

Genre:  (Farce) entirely new and original farce

First Night Cast:

Mr. Brown Sherry (wine merchant): [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear (attorney): [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan (a light dragoon): [James] Hudson
Fizgig (clerk): [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly (young widow): Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry (a married lady): Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks (beautiful young lady): Miss Ellen Chaplin


Song Commentary

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (48)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 17 May 1845; Next 27 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

27 May 1845
Tuesday  Evening
26 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (14)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 26 May 1845; Next 28 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (2)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 26 May 1845; Next 28 May 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (49)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 26 May 1845; Next 28 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

28 May 1845
Wednesday  Evening
26 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (15)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 27 May 1845; Next 29 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (3)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 27 May 1845; Next 29 May 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (50)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 27 May 1845; Next 29 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

29 May 1845
Thursday  Evening
26 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (16)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 28 May 1845; Next 30 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (4)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 28 May 1845; Next 30 May 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (51)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 28 May 1845; Next 30 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

30 May 1845
Friday  Evening
26 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (17)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 29 May 1845; Next 31 May 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (5)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 29 May 1845; Next 31 May 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (52)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 29 May 1845; Next 31 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

31 May 1845
Saturday  Evening
26 May 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Paul Pry (18)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 30 May 1845; Next 2 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (6)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 30 May 1845; Next 2 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Saint George and the Dragon (53)

Performances:  First 24 March 1845; Previous 30 May 1845


Kabyla: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Zontoma: Miss Brooks
Cuinoth: Sanders
the dragon: Paul J. Bedford
Truth: Miss Fleming
Dragonnitty: "Master Tom"
Helvesa: Mrs. Thomas
Magor: Miss Reynolds
Saint George: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
St. Denis of France: Freeborn
St. James of Spain: Stone
St. Anthony of Italy: Glennaire
St. Andrew of Scotland: Gordon
St. Patrick of Ireland: Waye
St. David of Wales: Butler
John Thompson, Esquire: [John] Dunn
St. Smith de Jonesville, Esquire: George
Mose Brownalgo, Esquire: Green
Hurdi Gurdio, Esquire: Brindal
Sawney Mackintosh, Esquire: "Wetton"
Paddy Whack, Esquire: "Thorn"
Llewellyn ap Shenkin Winkin, Esquire: "Leak"
Ptolomy: [Charles] Selby
Princess Sabra: Miss Ellen Chaplin
ladies, attendants, slaves, unmentionables too numerous to mention: [Unlisted]
Almidor: [Edward R.] Wright
Prime Minister: Thomas
Privy Purse: [William] Cullenford
Chancellor of the Exchequer: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Private Secretary: Sylvester

2 June 1845
Monday  Evening
2 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (2)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 22 May 1845; Next 3 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

Cast Changes:

BUT  Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws (replaces Miss Brooks)

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (7)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 31 May 1845; Next 3 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (19)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 31 May 1845; Next 3 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

3 June 1845
Tuesday  Evening
2 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (3)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 2 June 1845; Next 4 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (8)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 2 June 1845; Next 4 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (20)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 2 June 1845; Next 4 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

4 June 1845
Wednesday  Evening
2 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (4)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 3 June 1845; Next 5 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (9)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 3 June 1845; Next 5 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (21)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 3 June 1845; Next 5 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

5 June 1845
Thursday  Evening
2 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (5)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 4 June 1845; Next 6 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (10)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 4 June 1845; Next 6 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (22)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 4 June 1845; Next 6 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

6 June 1845
Friday  Evening
2 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (6)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 5 June 1845; Next 7 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (11)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 5 June 1845; Next 7 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (23)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 5 June 1845; Next 7 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

7 June 1845
Saturday  Evening
2 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (7)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 6 June 1845; Next 9 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (12)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 6 June 1845; Next 9 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (24)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 6 June 1845; Next 9 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

9 June 1845
Monday  Evening
9 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (8)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 7 June 1845; Next 10 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (13)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 7 June 1845; Next 10 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (25)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 7 June 1845; Next 10 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

10 June 1845
Tuesday  Evening
9 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (9)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 9 June 1845; Next 11 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (14)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 9 June 1845; Next 11 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (26)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 9 June 1845; Next 11 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

11 June 1845
Wednesday  Evening
9 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (10)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 10 June 1845; Next 12 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (15)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 10 June 1845; Next 12 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (27)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 10 June 1845; Next 12 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

12 June 1845
Thursday  Evening
9 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (11)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 11 June 1845; Next 13 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (16)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 11 June 1845; Next 13 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (28)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 11 June 1845; Next 13 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

13 June 1845
Friday  Evening
9 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (12)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 12 June 1845; Next 14 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (17)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 12 June 1845; Next 14 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (29)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 12 June 1845; Next 14 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

14 June 1845
Saturday  Evening
9 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  Poor Jack; or, The Wife of a Sailor (13)

Performances:  First 22 May 1845; Previous 13 June 1845


Mark Williams: [William] Cullenford
Domingo: Lindon
fisherman: Glennaire
Jack Somerton: T[homas] P. Cooke
Sam Griffin: Paul J. Bedford
Flipper: Sanders
Mrs. Mendoza: O. Smith
Mrs. Orinoco: [James H.] Munyard
Eleanor: Mrs. Edwin Yarnold
Mr. Godfrey: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Captain Cyril: Worrell
Tim Twopenny: [Edward R.] Wright
Thompson: Aldridge
Grab: Horton
Mrs. Godfrey: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Mrs. Bower: Mrs. Emsley
Honourable Frederick Flummery: [Charles] Selby
Mrs. Col. Fantod: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Frill: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Beckey: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

2)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (18)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 13 June 1845; Next 16 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

3)  Paul Pry (30)

Performances:  First 8 May 1845; Previous 13 June 1845


Frank Hardy: Brindal
Witherton: [Charles] Selby
Colonel Hardy: Lambert
Somers: Worrell
Mr. Stanley: Thomas
Harry Stanley: [James] Hudson
Paul Pry: [Edward R.] Wright
Doubledot: [William] Cullenford
Simon: [James H.] Munyard
servant: Sylvester
Grasp: O. Smith
Eliza: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
M[arian] A.: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Subtle: Mrs. [Frederick H.] Yates
Phoebe: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar

16 June 1845
Monday  Evening
16 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (28)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 8 March 1845; Next 17 June 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: [James P.] Wilkinson
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss Emma Harding

Cast Changes:

BUT  Baroness Beaupre: Miss Emma Harding (replaces Miss [Julia H.] Fortescue)
  Chevalier Jolivers: [James P.] Wilkinson (replaces [Samuel H.] Cowell)

2)  Powder and Ball; or, St. Tibb's Eve (1)

Title Comment:  1st time ever

Author: Charles Selby

Performances:  First 16 June 1845; Next 17 June 1845

Genre:  (Farce) original terpsichorean burletta; 1 act

First Night Cast:

Mr. Montgomerie Tibbs (eminent grocer, attached to the city): Lambert
Captain Kidglove (guardsman, attached to fashion and Miss A. Tibbs): [Charles] Selby
Lord Snolts (affable nobleman, attached to Miss C. Tibbs): Worrell
Captain Lavender (Royal Marine, attached to the polka): Freeborn
Ensign Fitz-Jones (younger brother, unattached): Lindon
Jacob Gerkin (town-made footman, attached to Mrs. Tibb's own maid): [Edward R.] Wright
Spriggins (Brummel in livery, attached to Jemima Jenkinson): [James H.] Munyard
Fitzmortimer Jenks (unpolished footman attached to old fashioned prejudices): C[hristopher] J. Smith
Stobber (itinerant musician attached to rosin and Metropolitan idioms): Sanders
Pomade (French coiffeur): Waye
assistant coiffeurs:
      [William] Mitchenson
servant to Captain Kidglove: Green
gentlemen (guests at the ball):
      C[hristopher] J. Smith
Mrs. Montgomerie Tibbs: Mrs. Frank Matthews
(Mrs. Tibbs' daughters)
      Celesti: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Anastasia: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Sally Knobbs: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Jemima Jenkinson: Miss Brooks
ladies (guests at the ball):
      Miss Lonsdale
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Bell
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Jones
      Miss Johnson
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Wilson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Harrison
      Mrs. Emsley
      Mrs. Thomas
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Aldridge




3)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (19)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 14 June 1845; Next 17 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

4)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (50)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 29 April 1845; Next 17 June 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

17 June 1845
Tuesday  Evening
16 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (29)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 16 June 1845; Next 18 June 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: [James P.] Wilkinson
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss Emma Harding

2)  Powder and Ball; or, St. Tibb's Eve (2)

Performances:  First 16 June 1845; Previous 16 June 1845; Next 18 June 1845


Mr. Montgomerie Tibbs: Lambert
Captain Kidglove: [Charles] Selby
Lord Snolts: Worrell
Captain Lavender: Freeborn
Ensign Fitz-Jones: Lindon
Jacob Gerkin: [Edward R.] Wright
Spriggins: [James H.] Munyard
Fitzmortimer Jenks: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Stobber: Sanders
Pomade: Waye
assistant coiffeurs:
      [William] Mitchenson
servant to Captain Kidglove: Green
      C[hristopher] J. Smith
Mrs. Montgomerie Tibbs: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Celesti: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Anastasia: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Sally Knobbs: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Jemima Jenkinson: Miss Brooks
      Miss Lonsdale
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Bell
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Jones
      Miss Johnson
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Wilson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Harrison
      Mrs. Emsley
      Mrs. Thomas
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Aldridge

3)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (20)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 16 June 1845; Next 18 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

4)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (51)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 16 June 1845; Next 18 June 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

18 June 1845
Wednesday  Evening
16 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (30)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 17 June 1845; Next 19 June 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: [James P.] Wilkinson
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss Emma Harding

2)  Powder and Ball; or, St. Tibb's Eve (3)

Performances:  First 16 June 1845; Previous 17 June 1845; Next 19 June 1845


Mr. Montgomerie Tibbs: Lambert
Captain Kidglove: [Charles] Selby
Lord Snolts: Worrell
Captain Lavender: Freeborn
Ensign Fitz-Jones: Lindon
Jacob Gerkin: [Edward R.] Wright
Spriggins: [James H.] Munyard
Fitzmortimer Jenks: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Stobber: Sanders
Pomade: Waye
assistant coiffeurs:
      [William] Mitchenson
servant to Captain Kidglove: Green
      C[hristopher] J. Smith
Mrs. Montgomerie Tibbs: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Celesti: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Anastasia: Miss Ellen Chaplin
Sally Knobbs: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Jemima Jenkinson: Miss Brooks
      Miss Lonsdale
      Mrs. Worrell
      Miss Fleming
      Miss Bell
      Miss Simpson
      Miss Jones
      Miss Johnson
      Mrs. Glennaire
      Miss Wilson
      Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
      Miss Berenger
      Miss Harrison
      Mrs. Emsley
      Mrs. Thomas
      Miss Reynolds
      Miss Vernon
      Miss Aldridge

3)  The Irish Dragoon; or, Wards in Chancery (21)

Performances:  First 26 May 1845; Previous 17 June 1845; Next 19 June 1845


Mr. Brown Sherry: [Charles] Selby
Mr. Mellowpear: [James P.] Wilkinson
Paddy Murphy O'Brallaghan: [James] Hudson
Fizgig: [James H.] Munyard
Twitcher: Lindon
Mrs. Bloomly: Miss Emma Harding
Mrs. Sherry: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Miss Matilda Jenks: Miss Ellen Chaplin

4)  The Mother and Child Are Doing Well (52)

Performances:  First 24 February 1845; Previous 17 June 1845; Next 19 June 1845


Mr. Snugsby: Lambert
Lieutenant O'Scupper, R. N.: Paul J. Bedford
Mr. Felix Fluffy: [Edward R.] Wright
Maxwell: Worrell
Mungo: Lindon
Dinaha: Thomas
Miss Penelope Snugsby: Mrs. E[dmund] Laws
Emily: Miss Emma Harding

19 June 1845
Thursday  Evening
19 June 1845
Folger Shakespeare Library

1)  The Soldier of Fortune; or, The Irish Settler (31)

Performances:  First 6 February 1845; Previous 18 June 1845; Next 20 June 1845


Duke of Anjou: Miss [Sarah J.] Woolgar
Baron Beaupre: Lambert
Count Albert: [Charles] Selby
Chevalier Jolivers: [James P.] Wilkinson
Captain O'Rorke: [James] Hudson
Baroness Beaupre: Miss Emma Harding

2)  Powder and Ball; or, St. Tibb's Eve (4)

Performances:  First 16 June 1845; Previous 18 June 1845; Next 20 June 1845


Mr. Montgomerie Tibbs: Lambert
Captain Kidglove: [Charles] Selby
Lord Snolts: Worrell
Captain Lavender: Freeborn
Ensign Fitz-Jones: Lindon
Jacob Gerkin: [Edward R.] Wright
Spriggins: [James H.] Munyard
Fitzmortimer Jenks: C[hristopher] J. Smith
Stobber: Sanders
Pomade: Waye
assistant coiffeurs:
      [William] Mitchenson
servant to Captain Kidglove: Green
      C[hristopher] J. Smith
Mrs. Montgomerie Tibbs: Mrs. Frank Matthews
Celesti: Miss M[arian] A. Taylor
Anastasia: Miss Ellen Chaplin