As part of Google Workspace at UMass Amherst, students use Gmail for their UMass Amherst email. Some faculty and staff also use Gmail.

Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook (formerly Office 365 email & calendaring) provides an integrated email, calendaring, and contacts experience to UMass Amherst faculty and staff.

Marketing Cloud
Flagship 360 Marketing Cloud is UMass Amherst's mass digital communications and marketing platform. Campus communicators use Marketing Cloud to create and send mass emails, alerts, newsletters, and more.
Modern Authentication and Email Quick Links
- Remove and Re-Add Your Outlook Email/Calendar Account in Supported Email Clients
- Set up your Email in Outlook on iPhone/iPad and Android
- Access Microsoft Outlook Email online at outlook.office.com
(Sign in with your netID@umass.edu and password) - Get the latest version of Outlook for Mac OS and Windows
(Included in Office 365) - Get Started with Outlook on Mac OS and Windows