The LSR II at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst is configured with 488 nm and 633 nm fixed alignment lasers. The primary blue 488 nm laser detects 5 fluorochromes while the red 633 nm laser detects 3 fluorochromes

Optical configuration

488 nm LASER

Detector A B C D E F G
Fluorochrome PE-Cy7 PerCP-Cy5.5 PE-Texas Red PE, PI FITC, GFP SSC  
Long pass filter 735 685 595 550 505 x x
Band pass filter 780/60 695/40 610/20 575/26 530/30 488/10 x

633 nm LASER

Detector A B C
Fluorochrome APC-Cy7 Alexa 700 APC
Long pass filter 735 690 x
Band pass filter 780/60 710/50 660/20

Baseline PMT

Parameter Voltage
FITC 600
PE 550
PE-Texas Red 550
PerCP-Cy5.5 800
PE-Cy7 750
APC 550
Alexa 700 500
APC-Cy7 700