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Contact Us:
Mary Neov
Vice President:
Vannak Pen
Sokleang Keo
Deepti Sreepathi
Activities Coordinator:
Jennifer Nguyen
Dan Huynh
5 College Rep:
Keotheda Sak
Public Relations:
Sophany Chau
Web Master:
Don Van Huynh
About Us
We are a fun group of students, who want to engage our community of a sense of awareness of the Cambodian culture. There is so much to learn and we incorporate everything into a learning aspect through games, talks, informational sessions, get-togethers, and anything of the like. We appreciate all your suggestions to make this group an exhilarating learning experience so please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'd love to hear from you. Come see us in action sometime!
Becoming a Member:
This is a great opportunity for you to meet new people and expand your knowledge about the exotic country that is known as Cambodia. You'll experience all the wonderful events CSA has to offer throughout the year. For more information, please contact a board member or contact our organization's e-mail. Contact information can be found on the board members page!