
The following provides a detailed definition of a subrecipient in accordance with the Uniform Guidance Doc:

A Subrecipient is distinguished from both a vendor and a consultant in that a Subrecipient: Is responsible for a significant role under a sponsored project and engages in a reciprocal relationship with the prime recipient.    A subrecipient:

  • Performs a substantive portion of the proposed Statement of Work incorporated into the Prime Contract;
  • Has responsibility for internal programmatic decision-making and design;
  • Is responsible for assisting the Prime Recipient in meeting the goals of the project
  • Has is performance measured in relation to the larger project goals of the proposal and objectives of the program being funded;.
  • Contributes to a broader purpose in relation to the funded scope of work, rather than a narrower role of providing goods or services for the direct benefit of the Prime Recipient
  • Is responsible for adhering to applicable Federal programmatic compliance requirements;
  • Retains intellectual property and copyright to the work produced by the Subrecipient’s personnel; may co-author an article in a professional research journal.
  • Subrecipient’s PI is considered a Co-PI of the project.
  • Cost share requirements can be passed down to subrecipient

Note: the University does not issue Subcontracts to individual persons; only to a company or organization.