Perry Research Group
Júlia Bonesso Sabadini

Júlia Bonesso Sabadini (she/her)



Biographical Statement

Júlia joined the Perry Lab as a visiting PhD student from the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil, where she was working with Prof. Watson Loh. She spent more than a year at UMass collaborating in person on a project to study the incorporation of proteins into complex coacervate-core micelles as compared with bulk materials. After leaving Amherst she returned to Brazil, but formally added Prof. Perry as a co-advisor.

Dr. Júlia Bonesso Sabadini successfully defended her PhD dissertation on Polyelectrolyte Micelles: Characterization, Properties, and Applications for Enzyme Encapsulation on June 6th, 2024. Dr. Bonesso Sabadini was the seventh PhD student to graduate from the Perry Lab! She will be moving on to a postdoctoral position with Prof. Alamgir Karim at the University of Houston.

Honors and Awards

2022 FAPESP Scholarship for International Study


  1. J. Bonesso Sabadini, C.L.P. Oliveira, W. Loh, "Do Ethoxylated Polymeric Coacervate Micelles Respond to Temperature Similarly to Ethoxylated Surfactant Aggregates?" Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, (2024) - ASAP. [PDF]
  2. A. Sathyavageeswaran, J. Bonesso Sabadini, S.L. Perry, "Self-Assembling Polypeptides in Complex Coacervation," Accounts of Chemical Research, (2024), 57(3), 386-398. [PDF]
  3. J. Bonesso Sabadini, C.L.P. Oliveira, W. Loh, "Assessing the Structure and Equilibrium Conditions of Complex Coacervate Core Micelles by Varying Their Shell Composition and Medium Ionic Strength," Langmuir, (2024) 40(4), 2015–2027. [PDF]
  4. C.G. Otoni, M.V.A. Queirós, J. Bonesso Sabadini, O.J. Rojas, W. Loh, "Charge Matters: Electrostatic Complexation As a Green Approach to Assemble Advanced Functional Materials," ACS Omega, (2020), 5(3), 1296-1304. [PDF]