Links to 1998 Pedagogy Projects (see below for more information regarding the projects)

Gruppe 1: "Deutsche Geschichte in Bildern (1945-1998)," Target Group, Beginners; by Wayne Craven, Bryan Dunn, Susan Eckhart, and Jennifer McCarthy

Gruppe 2: "Der Fall der Mauer--aus der Perspective verschiedener Gruppen," Target Group, European History Students; by Carolyn Blume, Thomas Drake, David Miller, and Ursula Rice

Gruppe 3: "Deutschland vor und nach der Wende" Target Group, Intermediate (3rd to 5th year German students); by Kimberly Foell, Amy Peterschmidt, Jennifer Roper, Sandra Spennato, Andreas Wiegand

Gruppe 4: "Deutsche Identität," Target Group, Intermediate (2-3 year High School, University); by Martha Small, Lilo Townsend, and Kriemhild Zerling

Gruppe 5: "Musik gegen Haß," Target Group, Beginners; by Evelyn Ayres, Bobby Cranston, Wendy Ellingsen, Ken Kratt, Mickey Miller, Brynell Spencer

Gruppe 6: "Ich bin aus Deutschland," Target Group, Intermediate (2nd year German students); by Ellen Cimino, Marjorie Enos, Heather Proffer

Links to Individual Projects

Evelyn Ayres: "Ein vereinigtes Deutschland/Nach dem Mauerfall/Die neue Mauer im Kopf" (for German 2-3, High School)

Jennifer McCarthy: "Germans and Foreigners: An Introduction to Germany's Diversity" (for Exploratory German Programs) 

Andreas Wiegand, "Great Germans Conference" (for German 3-4, High School)

Pedagogy Projects

All participants will devote part of each week to projects adapting current and authentic materials for classroom use, including the use of new technologies. The use of new technologies will be coordinated by Donna Van Handle, Professor of German at Mount Holyoke College, and will include participation in Prof. Van Handle's TELI: Technology-Enriched Language Instruction: LEARNING ABOUT THE INTERNET project, a description of which follows:

Target Group and Purpose:

The TELI (Internet) web site is designed as a course for the professional development of K-12 teachers of German, for graduate students of German who are studying to become teachers of German, and for German teaching assistants. It offers an introduction to the Internet, as well as suggestions for using Internet resources in teaching and for developing teaching units using Internet resources within the framework offered by the "Standards Project." This module thus seeks to combine theory and practice so that teachers can begin to use the standards to describe and design curricula for their own instructional situations.

Structure of the TELI (Internet) Web Site:

The Table of Contents of the TELI (Internet) module is the primary navigation tool through the web site: return there for all shifts in course. Otherwise, screens are linked with "live" (i.e., linked) navigational arrows at the end of each section of each unit, thus allowing you to navigate correctly within the web site.

The TELI (Internet) web site is divided into six units. Within each unit there are links to exercises and to "Reflections," the discussion forum for the course. The module is designed so that course participants will navigate through the web site as directed by the navigational arrows at the end of each section of each unit.

Finally, a bibliography of selected sources as well as a listing of relevant web sites are included, offering additional research and theoretical treatments and discussions of the topics presented in each of the units. Also, a tutorial entitled Learn HTML in 20 Minutes! is available for course participants to consult so that they may learn how to write their own web pages.

1998 Participants



Town & State

E-Mail Address

Evelyn Ayres

Biglerville High School
N Main St
Biglerville PA 17307
(717) 677-7191 x6215

Biglerville, PA

Carolyn Blume

Ardsley High School
Dept of Social Studies
300 Farm Rd
Ardsley NY 10502
(914) 693-6300

Ardsley, NY

Ellen Cimino

Dacula High School
Foreign Lang Dept
123 Broad St
Dacula GA 30019
(770) 963-6664

Dacula, GA

Robert Cranston

Haines City High School
Dept Foreign Lang
2800 Hornet Driove
Hianes City FL 33844
(941) 421-3281

Haines City, FL

Wayne Craven

Lassiter High School
Dept Foreign Lang
2601 Shallowford Rd
Marietta GA 30066
(770) 591-6819

Marietta, GA

Thomas Drake

The Hotchkiss School
Dept of History
Lakeville CT 06039-0800
(860) 435-2591

Lakeville, CT

Bryan Dunn

Lubbock High School
Dept Foreign Lang & Lang Arts
2004 - 19th
Lubbock TX 79401
(806) 766-1444

Lubbock, TX

Susan Eckhart

Cabot High School
Foreign Lang Dept
504 East Locust
Cabot AR 72023
(501) 843-3562

Cabot, AR

Wendy Ellingsen

Perris High School
175 E Nuevo Rd
Perris CA 92570
(909) 657-2171

Perris, CA

Marjorie Enos

Winnetonka High School
Foreign Lang Dept
5818 NE 48th St
Kansas City MO 64119
(816) 452-7900

Kansas City, MO

Kimberly Foell

Oshkosh North High School
Modern Lang Dept
1100 W Smith Ave
Oshkosh WI 54901
(920) 424-4020x689

Oshkosh, WI

Kenneth Kratt

Spring Valley High School
English/German Dept
200 Sabin St
Spring Valley WI 54767
(715) 778-5554

Spring Valley, WI

Jennifer McCarthy

Riverview Gardens Middle School
9700 Patricia Barkalow
St Louis MO 63137
(314) 869-7436

St. Louis, MO

David Miller

Parkway South High School
Foreign Lang
801 Hanna Rd
Manchester MO 63021
(314) 415-7746

Manchester, MO

Mickey Miller

South Intermediate High School
301 W New Orleans
Broken Arrow OK 74011
(918) 259-4330

Broken Arrow, OK

Amy Peterschmidt

Falmouth Academy
Foreign Lang Dept
7 Highfield Dr
Falmouth MA 02540
(508) 457-9696

Falmouth, MA

Heather Proffer

Silva Magnet High School
German / Spanish Dep
121 Valverde Ave
El Paso TX 79905
(915) 533-9654

El Paso, TX

Ursula Rice

Andress High School
Foreign Lang and Social Studies Dept
5400 Sun Valley Dr
El Paso TX 79924
(915) 751-8841

El Paso, TX

Jennifer Roper

Rocky Moutain High School
Dept World Languages
1300 W Swallow Rd
Fort Collins CO 80526
(970) 416-7189

Fort Collins, CO

Martha Small

South Newton Middle-Senoir High School
13102 S 50 East
Foreign Lang Dept
Kentland IN 47951
(219) 474-5167

Kentland, IN

Brynell Spencer

Hamburg Area High School
Foreign Lang Dept
1 Windsor St
Hamburg PA 19526

Hamburg, PA

Sandra Spennato

East Lake High School
Foreign Lang
1300 Silver Eagle Dr
Tarpon Springs FL 34689
(813) 942-5419

Tarpon Springs, FL

Lilo Townsend

Notre Dame High School
German Dept
73 Union St
Baqtavia NY 14020
(716) 343-2783

Batavia, NY

Andreas Wiegand

La Pietra Hawaii School for Girls
2933 Poni Moi Rd
Honolulu HI 96815
(808) 394-2920

Honolulu, HI

Kriemhild Zerling

USDA Graduate School
German Dept
South Agriculture Bldg
Room 1033
1400 Independence Ave SW
Washington DC 20250-9901

Washington, DC

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