Saving your First MolSlide using

in the Protein Explorer Workshop
    Make a Personal MolSlides Folder
  1. Open My Computer, go to My Documents.
  2. Create a new directory (folder) with your name. This is your personal MolSlides Folder.

    Download PE
  3. Go to
  4. Click on Download (on the FrontDoor)
  5. Save the file PE-278-NoDemo-NoAtlas-Unzipper.exe.
  6. Double-click it to unzip.

    Start Downloaded PE
  7. Open My Computer, find Protein_Explorer_2.78_Beta
  8. Drag PE Startup and drop it on Firefox.
  9. Bookmarks, Bookmark this page. (From now on, start PE with the bookmark.)

    Save Your Molecule (PDB file) into MolSlides Folder
  10. Display molecule of interest in DOWNLOADED PE (enter PDB ID code at FrontDoor).
  11. Click on MDL (opens Chime's menu): File, Save Molecule As.
  12. Give file a name like 1d66.pdb, not like pdb1d66.ent. (Filename must end with ".pdb".)
  13. Save the PDB file into your personal MolSlides Folder.

    Load the Saved PDB File via Empty PE
  14. At the PE FrontDoor, start Empty Explorer.
  15. At PE's Load Molecule control panel, Browse to your PDB file in your personal MolSlides Folder.
  16. Load the PDB file.

    Add a MolSlide(s)
  17. Use PE to get a molecular view that you want to save.
  18. Click Save This View.. (below the message box).
  19. Click Add a MolSlide.
  20. Optionally, use the MolSlide Manager to add text, etc.

    Save Your MolSlide(s)
  21. Click Export to Save.
  22. Use Chime.
  23. Save via Bioinformatics.Org.
  24. Save your MolSlides early and often! Once you close your PE window, unsaved MolSlides are lost.

    Test Your MolSlide(s)
  25. Open a new browser window. Drag your molslide_set_01.htm and drop into the browser.
  26. If the slides don't display properly, see Troubleshooting at the bottom of the MolSlides.

    Import Your MolSlide(s)
    After you close PE, when you start a new PE session later, you can import saved MolSlides. After importing, you can edit the slides, add new slides, re-order the slides, apply a slide to PE, etc.
  27. Start a new session of DOWNLOADED PE.
  28. Start Empty Explorer from DOWNLOADED PE's FrontDoor, then Browse and load a PDB file from your MolSlides Folder. Load one of the SAVED molecules in your MOlSlides Folder.
  29. In PE, click on Import Views.. (below the message box).
  30. Use the Browse button to load your saved MolSlides. Follow the instructions.
  31. The MolSlide Manager will open showing your imported MolSlides.
For further information, please see MolSlides.Org.