History of Visualization of Biological Macromolecules

On-line Museum


This site is an on-line archive dedicated the various tools and techniques that have been used by molecular scientists to visualize and study the structure of biological macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids). We are actively seeking documents (text, images, films) to add to our current collection. If you have such documents and would like to share them with us, please contact Eric Francoeur. You can also visit our newly created Discussion Forum.

Image of Kluge display
Early molecular graphics at MIT

Account of the development of the first interactive molecular graphics system by Cyrus Levinthal and his colleagues at MIT in 1964-67

Early molecular graphics movie gallery

Get some popcorn and watch these star structures spin

A. A. Barker's model of myoglobin

Under supervision from John Kendrew, A. A. Barker produced small scale models of the structure of myoglobin


Created by C. K. Johnson. A favorite of protein crystallographers to produce stereoscopic drawings of structures

1966 Molecular Model Catalogue

From the Ealing Corporation, featuring the CPK, Courtauld and Kendrew models

(Back to History of Visualization of Biological Macromolecules)

Comments and suggestions

Page created by Eric Francoeur (eric.francoeur.net)

Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science