We intend to make this site a comprehensive list of immunology class
web pages. If you know a web site with resources for an immunology
class not linked here, please send the URL to
Eric Martz.
Other web directories of immunology courses (likely to be more up to date):
Alphabetical by last name of professor - - - -
- Goldman, Armond S., and Bellur S. Prabhakar.
Immunology Overview
at Samuel Baron's
Medical Microbiology
- Horn, Peggy.
Immunology/Serology at U Canberra AU. Innovative student discussions
with faculty comments.
- Hurlbert,
Ronald E., Washington State U, Pullman WA US. Complete,
illustrated mini-text on
Adaptive Immunity. It is one chapter in an
introductory microbiology course, Section 3 of which has several
other chapters covering microbial pathogenesis and natural immunity.
- Knipe, David, Abul Abbas, and Roberta Koffman.
Immunology lab exercises at Harvard Medical School, Boston MA US.
Excellent photos and Q&A.
- Martz,
Eric, U Mass Amherst MA US. Supplementary materials including
class-projectable or student downloadable RasMol scripts (like movies)
illustrating structure of antigen:antibody and peptide:MHC, class email
list history, flow cytometry data obtained by students in class lab
(subpopulation analysis of mouse spleen and thymus) and free software.
Price, Joseph A., Oklahoma State U, Tulsa OK. Syllabus.
Last updated 98/04/09.