Version History of MDL Chime
by Eric Martz, March 2004 (revised July 2008).
This information is not readily available from MDL.

MDL created the Chime plug-in. They have kept the source code proprietary and shared it with nobody outside MDL. Therefore they completely control the pace of Chime development. No major new capabilities have been added since 1998. Versions since 1998 have largely involved maintenance to fix bugs and maintain compabibility with Internet Explorer.

Below is a partial chronology of MDL's releases of Chime versions, and their impact on the Martz MolviZ.Org Resources. See also Downloading & Installing Chime, History of Visualization of Biological Macromolecules.

Until 2001, Chemscape was MDL's name for a product line that included Chime, through Chime 2.6 SP2. Starting with Chime 2.6 SP3, MDL discontinued the name "Chemscape".

Changes in each version are listed in the "release notes" that accompany each version of Chime downloaded from MDL. These are available only when the respective version is installed -- they are not archived on MDL's website. Below I have mentioned only changes that had major impact on my work. Many changes of significance to MDL's customers are not mentioned.

Most recent first:

Feedback to Eric Martz.