Things To Think About For Next Class (October 16, 2000).

It turns out that Kirk Emerson is eager to come to our class to speak and I think this is an opportunity we should not miss. She is the director of the U.S. Institute of Environmental Conflict Resolution at the University of Arizona and I think her experiences will be of interest to many of you and relevant to the issues we are exploring in class. I don't know how long she will be with us, so I'd like to plan to begin a discussion of the Fisher book as well. We will probably need to be flexible here, but here's what I'd like you to be prepared to discuss in relation to Beyond Machiavelli:

1.What is the basic problem Fisher is trying to address?

2.What are some of his underlying assumptions?

3.What is his overall approach to conflict management?

4.What are the basic elements of his approach?

5. Are the examples he uses to illustrate the value of his approach clear and useful?

a. Pick one example of a case he uses and be prepared to discuss whether and how it illustrated his point and you found persuasive or not.

6. Is his conclusion adequate? What questions remain unanswered?

7.What further information do you need to evaluate his approach?

If we do not get to all of this on Monday, we will talk about how we wish to continue this discussion the following week.


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updated October 13, 2000 by akl