James M. Royer, Ph.D.
Born December 22, 1941 in Pocatello, Idaho. Married, one child.
- B.A.(Psychology), Chico State University, Chico, California, 1967.
- M.A.(Educational Psychology), University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1969.
- Ph.D.(Educational Psychology), University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1970.
- American Psychological Association (Fellow, Division 3 and Division 15 )
- American Educational Research Association
- Phi Delta Kappa
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- International Reading Association
- Cognitive Science Society
- National Council for Measurement in Education
- Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
- 1960-1963 United States Air Force
- 1964-1967 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Chico State University
- 1967-1969 National Defense Education Act (NDEA) Title IV Fellow
- 1969-1970 Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois
- 1970-1976 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts. Cross appointment in School of Education since 1973
- 1976-1982 Associate Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Massachusetts. Area Head, Educational Psychology Area, Department of Psychology
- 1977-1978 Visiting Research Professor, Center for the Study of Reading, University of Illinois
- 1979-1982 Associate Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts
- 1981-1982 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Arizona State University, Fall Semester
- 1982-present Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts
- 1983 Acting Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts
- 1985-present Director, Laboratory for the Assessment and Training of Academic Skills, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts
- 1985-1987 Division Head, Cognitive, Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Massachusetts
- 1993-2000 Associate Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts
- 1998-1999 Visiting Research Professor, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia
Additional Employment
- 1970-1977 Conducted annual evaluation of a remedial reading program conducted by Greenfield Public School System (Greenfield, MA) under ESEA Title 1.
- 1972-1973 Consultant to Stanford Research Institute on the evaluation of Project Follow Through.
- 1973-1974 Consultant to Stanford Research Institute on ESEA Title1 study.
- 1973-1974 Assistant Professor, Brooklyn Career Opportunity Program.
- 1974-1975 Conducted evaluation of Project Careers, a program conducted jointly by School of Engineering, University of Massachusetts, and Forest Park Junior High School, Springfield, MA.
- 1975 Conducted impact study of instituting a curriculum consultant position at Converse Street School, Longmeadow, MA.
- 1975-1976 Provided technical assistance to General Electric Corporation, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on project comparing training under computer-based instruction with conventional instruction.
- 1976 Developed evaluation design for a residential program for emotionally disturbed youth conducted by Capitol Region Educational Council, Bloomfield, Connecticut.
- 1978 Consultant to General Electric Corporation, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on a project comparing testing via computer with more conventional testing procedures.
- 1980 Consultant to the United States Air Force with regard to the establishment of a laboratory in human learning.
- 1983 Consultant to the Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts, on a project evaluating the effectiveness of electronic learning aids in underdeveloped nations.
- 1987-1988 Consultant to U.S. Agency for International Development and Institute for International Research on the Agency for International Development's Learning Technologies project.
- 1987 Consultant to National Evaluation Systems on the development of a reading test to be used in a basal reading series.
- 1991 Project Specialist, World Bank Chinese Provincial Universities Development Project. Delivered series of lectures and consulted on graduate and undergraduate programs at South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.
- 1991 Evaluation Consultant to NIMH funded Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, Springfield, Massachusetts.
- 1991 Consultant to Naval Personnel Research and Development Center, San Diego, California on the development of assessment procedures that measure higher order cognitive skills.
- 1993 Consultant to U.S. Agency for International Development's Improving Educational Quality Project
- 1995-1997 Consultant to Creative Associates International on Haitian Distance Education Pilot Project (Project ABEL)
- 1998-2001 Consultant to Educational Development Center on Education 2004 Haiti project.
- 1999-2001 Consultant to World Bank on Adult Literacy Project in Burkina Faso, West Africa
- 2002-Present Consultant to Education Development Center on LEAP project in Nigeria
- 2002-Present Consultant to Education Development Center on Hatian Dot Edu Distant Education Project
Editorial Activities
- 1995-2000 Contemporary Educational Psychology
- 1999-Present Book Series Editor: Current Perspectives on Cognition, Learning and Instruction. Information Age Publishing
Editorial Boards
- 1977-1990 Contemporary Educational Psychology
- 1978-1995 Journal of Educational Psychology
- 1979-1982 Journal of Reading
- 1980-1981 Reading Research Quarterly
- 1983-1985 Reading Research Quarterly
- 1988-present Educational Psychology Review
- 1992-1995 Contemporary Educational Psychology
- 1992-1995 Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- 2002-Present Journal of Educational Psychology
Manuscript Reviews
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis
- Cognitive Psychology
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Contemporary Educational Psychology
- Child Development
- Memory and Cognition
- Reading Research Quarterly
- Journal of Reading
- American Educational Research Journal
- Educational Psychologist
- Review of Educational Research
- Instructional Science
- Journal of Educational Measurement
- Educational Researcher
- Journal of Experimental Psychology:
- Learning, Memory and Cognition
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- Linguistics and Education
- Psychological Test Bulletin
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Undergraduate Courses:
- Introductory Psychology
- Learning and Thinking
- Educational Psychology
- Methods of Research in Psychology
- Psychology of Learning Disabilities
Graduate Courses
- Advanced Educational Psychology
- Psychology of Individual Differences
- Reading Comprehension: Theory and Measurement
- Applied and Basic Cognition and its Development
- The Development of Reading Competence
- Cognitive Approaches to Learning and Instruction
- The Cognitive Psychology of Learning Disabilities
Teaching Award
- Psychology Distinguished Teaching Award for 1974-1975. Presented by Council of Undergraduate Students in Psychology, University of Massachusetts.
- TeachNology Fellow 2001-2002. Award from the University of Massachusetts to add technology to my classroom teaching
Academic Outreach Awards
- 1999 Award for Outstanding Academic Outreach. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Massachusetts.
- Chancellors 2001 Award for Outstanding Academic Outreach at the University of Massachusetts.
Professional Offices
- 1983 Chair, Nominations Committee, American Educational Research Association
- 1984 Member, Division 15 Nominations Committee, American Psychological Association
- 1987 Chair, Division C Awards Committee, American Educational Research Association
- 1988 Member, Advisory panel for the United States Agency for International Development Learning Technologies Project
- 1993 Nominations Committee: Division 15 of the American Psychological Association
- 1995 Fellows Committee, Division 15, American Psychological Association
- 1997 Early Contribution Award Committee, Division 15, American Psychological Association
- 1998-1999 Treasurer, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading.
- 2001-2003 Chair, Early Contributions Award Committee, Division 15, American Psychological Association
- 2003-2004 President, Division 15, American Psychological Association
Grants and Contracts
- "Non-specific Transfer in Prose Learning," Faculty Research Grant, Graduate School, University of Massachusetts. 12/1/1974-11/30/75 (Total Costs: $2000)
- "A New Measure of Reading Comprehension," Faculty Research Grant, Graduate School, University of Massachusetts. 4/1/81-6/1/82 (Total Costs: $1700)
- "Assessment of Learning from Instructional Text," Air Force Human Resources Laboratory. 7/15/85-10/1/86 (Total Costs: $59,274).
- "A Language Analysis Micro-computer Facility," Biomedical Research Support Grant, Graduate School, University of Massachusetts. 12/1-/86-4/5/86 (Total Costs: $9990).
- "The Sentence Verification Technique as a Bilingual Assessment Procedure," Faculty Research Grant, Graduate School, University of Massachusetts. 12/4/86-6/1/87 (Total Costs: $2667).
- "The Development of a Computer Based Reading Diagnostic System," Faculty Research Grant, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts. 12/1/86-11/30/87 (Total Costs: $1950).
- "Using the Sentence Verification Technique To Assess Storage and Retrieval Processes," Air Force Office of Scientific Research. 6/1/87-5/31/88 (Total Costs: $19,193).
- "Training in Applied and Basic Cognition," National Institute of Mental Health. 7/1/87-6/31/92 (Total Costs: $565,983).
- "Research on Bilingual Assessment," Massachusetts Department of Education and Holyoke Public School System. 10/1/87-6/30/89 (Total Costs: $18,370).
- "The Development of a Computer-Based Reading Diagnostic System," Biomedical Research Support Grant, Graduate School, University of Massachusetts. 7/1/88-8/31/89 (Total Costs: $4,609)
- "Assessing Reading Skills in Belize," Agency for International Development through a subcontract with the Institute for International Research. 2/1/90-6/30/90 (Total costs: $11,364).
- "Assessing the Impact of Computer Assisted Instruction in Grenada," Agency for International Development through a subcontract with the Institute for International Research. 2/1/91-6/30/91 (Total costs: $12,236).
- "Developing Techniques for the Assessment of Higher Order Cognitive Skills," Naval Personnel Research and Development Center. 5/15/91-12/31/91 (Total costs: $16,600).
- "Assessing the Impact of the Grenada CAI System," Agency for International Development through a subcontract with the Institute for International Research. 2/1/92-9/30/92 (Total costs: $15,124).
- "Are Arithmetic Skills Modularized?" Faculty Research Grant, University of Massachusetts Graduate School. 2/1/94-1/31/95 (Total Costs: $3500).
- "Emergency Medicine Evaluation," Bay State Medical Center. 3/1/95-8/31/95 (Total Costs: $16,812)
- "Haitian ED2004 Distance Education Project." U.S. Agency for International Development through a subcontract with the Academy for Educational Development. 6/1/00-9/30/00 (Total costs: $27,512).
- "Haitian ED2004 Distance Education Project." U.S. Agency for International Development through a subcontract with the Academy for Educational Development. 1/1/01-9/30/01 (Total costs: $38,362).
- "Enhancing High School Women's Mathematical Competence." (Co-PI with Carole Beal and Beverly Woolf.) National Science Foundation. 11/1/01-10/31/2004. (Total costs: $900,284).
- "Gender Differences in College Admission Math Performance." College Board. 11/20/01-6/30/02. (Total Costs" $11,000)
- "Research and Evaluation on the Dot-EDU Haitian Education Project. 11/03-9/30/03 (Total Costs: $38,855).
- Royer, J.M., & Allan, R.G. (1978). Psychology of learning: Educational applications. New York: John Wiley. Spanish version: Royer, J.M., & Allan, R.G. (1980). Psicologia del Apredizaje: Aplicaciones en la Educacion. Mexico: Editorial Limusa.
- Royer, J.M., & Feldman, R.S. (1984). Educational psychology: Applications and theory. New York: A.Knopf.
- Royer, J. M. (Ed.) (2003). Mathematical Cognition. Greenwich, CT.: Infoage Publishing.
Articles and Book Chapters:
- Royer, J.M. (1969). Associative recall as a function of stimulus recognition. American Journal of Psychology, 82, 96-103.
- Watts, G.H., & Royer, J.M. (1969). Stimulus context and retroactive inhibition in free recall. Psychonomic Science, 17, 253-254.
- Anderson, R.C., Royer, J.M., Kulhavy, R.W., Thornburg, S.D., & Klemt, L.D. (1971). Thematic prompting in paired-associate learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 62, 315-321.
- Royer, J.M., & Kulhavy, R.W. (1971). Encoding behavior and thematically prompted paired-associates. Proceedings, 79th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, 545-546.
- Royer, J.M. (1973). Memory effects for test-like events during foreign language vocabulary acquisition. Psychological Reports, 32, 195-198.
- Royer, J.M., & Kulhavy, R.W. (1973). Encoding behavior while learning thematically prompted paired-associates. Journal of Educational Psychology, 64, 39-45.
- Perlmutter, J., & Royer, J.M. (1973). Organization of prose materials: Stimulus, storage, and retrieval. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 27, 200-209.
- Royer, J.M. (1973). Within-list RI in free recall as a function of list organization. American Journal of Psychology, 86, 89-101.
- Nelson, T.O., Wolff, J.L., & Royer, J.M. (1973). More about dimensional similarity in concept attainment. American Journal of Psychology, 86, 237-249.
- Pezdek, K., & Royer, J.M. (1974). The role of comprehension in learning concrete and abstract sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 13, 551-558.
- Royer, J.M., & Cable, G.W. (1975). Facilitated learning in connected discourse. Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 116-123.
- Royer, J.M., & Cable, G.W. (1976). Illustrations, analogies, and facilitative transfer in prose learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, 205-209.
- Royer, J.M., & Schumer, H. (1976). Reading achievement gains as a function of teacher predictions. Journal of Educational Research, 69, 232-235.
- Royer, J.M. (1976). Learning: A look at this year's literature. The Researcher, 15, 20-32.
- Royer, J.M. (1977). Remembering: Constructive or reconstructive? In R.C.Anderson, R.J.Spiro, & W.E.Montague (Eds.), Schooling and the acquisition of knowledge. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Royer, J.M., Sefkow, S.R., & Kroft, R.B. (1977). Contributions of existing knowledge structure to retroactive inhibition in prose learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2, 31-36.
- Royer, J.M., & Perkins, M.R. (1977). Facilitative transfer in prose learning over an extended time period. Journal of Reading Behavior, 9, 185-188.
- Royer, J.M., Hambleton, R.K., & Cadorette, L. (1978). Individual differences in memory: Theory, data, and educational implications. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 3, 182-203.
- Royer, J.M., Perkins, M.R., & Konold, C.E. (1978). Evidence for a selective storage mechanism in prose learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 457-462.
- Royer, J.M. (1979). Theories of the transfer of learning. Educational Psychologist, 14, 53-69.
- Royer, J.M., Hastings, C.N., & Hook, C. (1979). A sentence verification technique for measuring reading comprehension. Journal of Reading Behavior, 11, 355-363.
- Royer, J.M., & Cunningham, D.J. (1981). On the theory and measurement of reading comprehension. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 6, 187-216.
- Royer, J.M., & Lynch, D.J. (1982). The misuses and appropriate uses of norm-referenced tests of reading comprehension. Reading Psychology, 3, 131-142.
- Royer, J.M. (1982). Critique of: Children's use of speech recoding to obtain meaning from sentences. Working papers and their critiques: Graduate research in the college of education. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 1982.
- Royer, J.M. (Ed.). (1983). The development of reading competence: Psychological and educational foundations. Contemporary Educational Psychology (Special Issue), 8, 205-344.
- Royer, J.M. (1983). Reading: The natural interface between developmental and educational psychology. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 8, 205-209.
- Royer, J.M., Bates, J.A., & Konold, C.E. (1984). Learning from text: Methods of affecting reading intent. In J.C.Alderson and A.H.Urquhart (Eds.), Reading in a foreign language. London: Longman.
- Royer, J.M., Lynch, D.J., Hambleton, R.K., & Bulgarelli, C. (1984). Using the sentence verification technique to assess the comprehension of technical text as a function of level of expertise. American Educational Research Journal, 21, 839-869.
- Royer, J.M. (1985). Reading from the perspective of a biological metaphor. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 10, 150-200.
- Lynch, D. J., Royer, J. M. (1986). The right and wrong ways to use standardized reading comprehension tests. Kansas Journal of Reading, 18-20.
- Rasool, J.M., & Royer, J.M. (1986). Assessment of reading comprehension using the sentence verification technique: Evidence from narrative and descriptive texts. Journal of Educational Research, 79, 180-184.
- Royer, J.M. (1986). Designing instruction to produce understanding: An approach based on cognitive theory. In G.Phye & T.Andre (Eds.), Cognitive instructional psychology. New York: Academic Press, pp. 83-113.
- Royer, J.M., Kulhavy, R.W., Lee, J.B., & Peterson, S.E. (1986). The sentence verification technique as a measure of listening and reading comprehension. Educational and Psychological Research, 6, 299-314.
- Royer, J. M., Greene, B. A., & Sinatra, G. M. (1987). The Sentence Verification Technique: A practical procedure teachers can use to develop their own reading and listening comprehension tests. Journal of Reading, 30, 414-423.
- Royer, J. M., Abranovic, W. A., & Sinatra, G. (1987). Using entering reading performance as a predictor of course performance in college classes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 19-26.
- Royer, J. M. (1987). Dimensions of transfer space. In V. E. Holt (Ed.), Issues in psychological research and application in transfer of training (pp. 17-24). Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences.
- Marchant, H. G., Royer, J. M., & Greene, B. A. (1988). Superior reliability and validity for a new form of the Sentence Verification Technique for measuring comprehension. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48, 827-834.
- Kardash, C. A., Royer, J. M., & Greene, B. A. (1988). Locus of schema effects on prose: Encoding or retrieval? Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 324-329.
- Royer, J. M., Tirre, W. C., Sinatra, G. M., & Greene, B. A. (1989). The assessment of on-line comprehension of computer-presented text. Journal of Educational Research, 82, 348-355.
- Walczyk, J. J., & Royer, J. M. (1989). A program for constructing SVT tests: An alternative way of assessing text comprehension. Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation, 21, 369-370.
- Royer, J. M., Marchant, H. G., Sinatra, G. M., & Lovejoy, D. A. (1990). The prediction of college course performance from reading comprehension performance: Evidence for general and specific factors. American Educational Research Journal, 27, 158-179.
- Greene, B. A., Royer, J. M., & Anzalone, S. J. (1990). A new technique for measuring listening and reading literacy in developing countries. International Review of Education, 36, 57-68.
- Royer, J. M., Sinatra, G. M., & Schumer, H. (1990). Patterns of individual differences in the development of listening and reading comprehension. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 15, 183-196.
- Royer, J. M. (1990). The Sentence Verification Technique: A new direction in the assessment of reading comprehension. In S. Legg and J. Algina (Eds.), Cognitive assessment of language and math outcomes. Norword, NJ: Ablex. (pgs. 144-191).
- Mestre, J. P., & Royer, J. M. (1991). Cultural and linguistic influences on Latino testing. In G. Keller, J. Deneen, & R.Magallan (Eds.), Assessment and access: Hispanics in higher education. Albany, N. Y.: State University of New York Press. (pp. 39-66)
- Royer, J. M., & Carlo, M. S. (1991). Transfer of comprehension skills from native to second language. Journal of Reading, 34, 450-455.
- Royer, J. M., & Carlo, M. S. (1991). Assessing the language acquisition progress of Limited-English-Proficient Students: Problems and a new alternative. Applied Measurement in Education, 4, 85-113.
- Royer, J. M., Carlo, M. S., Carlisle, J. F., & Furman, G. A. (1991). A new procedure for assessing progress in transitional bilingual education programs. Bilingual Review, 16, 3-14.
- Royer, J. M. (1992). Buckyballs, hairyballs, educational semiotics and other interesting topics. Educational Psychology Review, 4, 253-259.
- Royer, J. M., Carlo, M. S., & Cisero, C. A. (1992). School-based uses for the Sentence Verification Technique for measuring listening and reading comprehension. Psychological Test Bulletin, 5, 5-19.
- Walczyk, J. J., & Royer, J. M. (1992). Does activation of a script facilitate lexical access? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 17, 301-311.
- Royer, J. M., Cisero, C. A., & Carlo, M. S. (1993). Techniques and procedures for measuring cognitive skills. Review of Educational Research, 63, 201-243.
- Sinatra, G. M., & Royer, J. M. (1993). The development of cognitive component processing skills that support skilled reading. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 509-519.
- Royer, J. M., & Carlo, M. S. (1993). Assessing language comprehension skills in cross cultural settings. In J. Altarriba (Ed.), Culture and cognition. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. (pp. 157-176)
- Royer, J. M., Greene, B. A., & Anzalone, S. J. (1994). Can U.S. developed CAI work effectively in a developing country? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 10, 41-61.
- Greene, B. A., & Royer, J. M. (1994). A developmental review of response time data that support a cognitive component model of reading. Educational Psychology Review, 6, 141-172.
- Royer, J. M. (Special Editor). (1994), Cognitive theory based approaches to reading diagnostics. Educational Psychology Review, 6, 79-189.
- Royer, J. M., & Sinatra, G. M. (1994). A cognitive theoretical approach to reading diagnostics. Educational Psychology Review, 6, 81-114.
- Cisero, C. A., & Royer, J. M. (1995). The development and cross-language transfer of phonological awareness. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20, 275-303.
- Royer, J. M., Carlo, M. S., Dufrense, R., & Mestre, J. (1996). The assessment of levels of domain expertise while reading. Cognition and Instruction, 14, 373-408.
- Royer, J. M. (1996). CognitiveRoyer, J. M. (1996). Cognitive Assessment of Reading Competencies: Diagnosis and Prescription In G. D. Phye (Ed.), Handbook of academic learning. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. (pp. 199-234).
- Cisero, C. A., Royer, J. M., Marchant, H. G., & Jackson, S. J. (1997). Can the Computer-based Academic Asessment System be used to diagnose reading disability in college students? Journal of Educational Psychology, 89, 599-620.
- Royer, J. M., & Tronsky, L. N. Royer, J. M., & Tronsky, L. N. (1998). Addition practice with math disabled students improves subtraction and multiplication performance. In T. E. Scruggs and M. A. Mastropieri (Eds.), Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Vol 12). (p.185-217).
- Royer, J. M., Tronsky, L. N., Chan, Y., Jackson, S. J., & Marchant, H. G. (in press). Math fact retrieval as the cognitive mechanism underlying gender differences in math achievement test performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
- Royer, J. M., Tronsky, L. N., Marchant, H. G., & Jackson, S. J. (in press). Replies to the commentaries on the math-fact retrieval hypothesis. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
- Carlo, M. S., & Royer, J. M. (1999). A cognitive components perspective of language transfer. In D. A. Wagner, B. V. Street, & R. L. Venezky (Eds.), Literacy: An International Handbook. Boulder, Co: Westview Press. (pp. 148-154).
- Royer, J. M., Tronsky, L. N., Chan, Y., Jackson, S. J., & Marchant, H. G. (1999). Math fact retrieval as the cognitive mechanism underlying gender differences in math test performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 24, 181-266.
- Royer, J. M., Tronsky, L. N., Marchant, H., & Jackson, S. J. (1999). Reply to the commentaries on the math-fact retrieval hypothesis. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 24, 286-300.
- Royer, J. M. (2001). The keys to reducing reading problems. Education Connection, Spring2001, 28-33.
- Royer, J. M. (2001). Transporting modern reading science to a developing country. NationalConsortium for Instruction and Cognition Bulletin, Spring, 2001, 2-3.
- Royer, J. M. (2001). A team approach to developing listening and reading comprehension tests based on the sentence verification technique (SVT). Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 45, 30-43.
- Pitoniak, M. J., & Royer, J. M. (2001). Testing accommodations for examinees with disabilities: A review of psychometric, legal and social policy issues. Review of Educational Research, 71, 53-104.
- Royer, J. M., Rath, K. A., & Tronsky, L. N. (2001). Automaticity training as a reading intervention for adolescents with attentional disorders. Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disorders. (Vol 15), 3-16. New York: JAI Press.
- Rath, K. A., & Royer, J. M. (2002). The nature and effectiveness of learning disability services for college students. Educational Psychology Review, 14, 353-382.
- Royer, J. M., & Wing, R. E. (2002). Making sense of sex differences in reading and math assessment: The practice and engagement hypothesis. Issues in Education, 8, 77-85.
- Tronsky, L. N., & Royer, J. M. (2002) Relationships among basic computational automaticity, working memory, and complex mathematical problem solving: What we know and what we need to know. In J. M., Royer (Ed.), Mathematical cognition. Greenwich, CT: Infoage Publishing.
- Royer, J. M., & Garofili, L. (in press). Explaining gender differences in mathematics performance. In J. Kaufman & A. Gallagher (Eds.), Gender diffferences in mathematical cognition. London: Cambridge University Press.
- Royer, J. M. (in press). Uses for the Sentence Verification Technique for Measuring Language Comprehension. Progress in Education.
- Royer, J. M., Abadzi, H., Kinda, J. (in press). The Impact of Phonological Awareness and Rapid Reading Training on the Reading Skills of Adolescent and Adult Neoliterates. International Review of Education.
Book Reviews
- Royer, J.M. (1984). Review of J.S.Chall's "Learning to read: The great debate" (updated edition). In Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography, 58, 250.
- Royer, J. M. (1989). Do we understand reader's understanding? Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews, 34, 237-238.
- Royer, J. M. (1989). Controlled and automated processes in reading. Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews, 34, 934-935.
- Royer, J. M. (1989). The readability dilemma. Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews, 35, 41-42.
- Royer, J. M. (2001). Learning science as a guide to educational practice. Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 46, 570-572.
- Royer, J. M. (2003). Almost everything you would want to know about self-regulation. Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 48, 56-58.