New England Greenway:
Greenway Definition


 Julius Gy. Fabos defines greenways as "corridors of various widths,
linked together in a network in much the same way as our networks of
highways and railroads have been linked.

The major difference is that nature's super infrastructure - the greenway
corridor networks - is pre-existent. The river valleys have been carved
out over many thousands of years. Our linear coastal system with
thousands of miles of barrier beaches, rugged cliffs, or extensive coastal
wetland and floodplain systems have been formed by nature.

This 'giant circulating system' identified by the US President's Commission (1987) is our greenway corridor network which needs to be treated with special care." (Greenways: The Beginning of an International Movement - Julius Gy. Fabos and Jack Ahern, 1995)

The intellectual framework for this project categorized greenways as:

  1. Recreational Greenways - featuring paths and trails of various kinds, often of relatively long distances, based on natural corridors as well as canals, abandoned railbeds, and other public rights-of-ways. Trails and routes often have scenic quality as they pass through diverse and visually significant landscapes. Many successful recreational greenways and green spaces occur where networks of trails link with water-based recreational sites and areas.
  2. Ecological Greenways - significant natural corridors and open spaces - usually along rivers and streams and ridgelines, to provide for wildlife migration and biodiversity, nature study, and appropriate nature studies.
  3. Cultural and Historic Greenways - places or trails with historic heritage and cultural values to attract tourists and to provide educational, scenic, recreational, and economic benefit. They are ususually along a road or highway, the most representative of them making an effort to provide pedestrian access along the route or at least places to alight from the car. They can also provide high quality housing environments at the edges of greenway (green space) for permanent and seasonal housing;  accommodate water resources and flood prevention and sensitively located alternative infrastructure for communing (e.g. bike paths within urban areas, recycling of waste and storm water).