Information for Five College Students


Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke and Smith College students must contact the registrar's office at their home school for information on how to participate in the Five College Interchange. Students can enroll in a maximum of 8 credits at UMass per semester.

After Registration

As a Five College student coming to UMass, you are automatically issued a NetID upon successful processing of your registration paperwork by both universities. No other account application process is required. Your logon credentials will be sent to your home college email account as provided on the interchange form. You must activate your account, which will then provide you access to SPIRE, email, Moodle, etc, at UMass.

UMass Calendar

For current information on delayed College openings, early closings, or cancellations, visit the Emergency Closing Website or call the Hotline at 413-545-3630.

You should check the UMass Academic Calendar, so that you are aware of any holidays or other schedule differences between the UMass calendar and your home campus calendar.


As a Five College student, you will have access to certain features of SPIRE. You will logon using your NetID and associated password. You will be limited to changing your personal information, including emergency contacts, and viewing grades. You will not be able to add or drop courses or request a transcript.

Also note that the NetID email mentioned above also will include your 8 digit SPIRE ID. This is a useful number for you to know; it is helpful if you have a registration problem that needs the Registrar's Office to fix.


Many courses at UMass use Moodle to submit assignments and participate in discussions. You will use your UMass NetID and password to log in to Moodle. Please note that your NetID logon credentials are automatically sent to your home college email account upon successful processing of your registration paperwork by both universities. As such, it is possible that the issuing of your NetID may be delayed until the end of add/drop. If you do not have your NetID and password yet, contact the registrar at your home institution to verify that your paperwork has been fully processed, then verify this with the UMass registrar in the Whitmore Administration building as well. If both registrars assure you that your paperwork has been completed, you can visit UMass IT in A109 LGRC lowrise and they will assist you with getting access to your account, provided that it has been set up already.

Lab Fees

Most Labs have an associated $95.00 Lab fee. UMass will bill Five College students directly.